I hear about web sites and have a hard time keeping track; so here is a list of some that may be of intersts. Mistakes are my own or that I didn’t hear the name properly. If so, sorry about that.
Acent.com = bidding site to buy things and get charged 60 cents for each bid.
Apply mate is a web site that helps you to keep track of all your applications in your job search. And also gives alert when a job closes. Told its free.
Antipowerpointpartyc.om against power point.
AV market place = can download free virus software for six months for Facebook users.
Awardwallet.com let you know if your points will expire
Bhebabycenter.com = web site for baby names.
Backbid = other hotels gives better conditions for reservations. but you are committed.
Bbc = has tree decorating
Begbugregistery.com = lists hotels etc. that has reported bugs.
Bestofthewebtoday = blog shares web sites
Boingboing web site
Blackdriday.net says will begin web deals as those are in the stores
Blog exposure sites: facebook, linked in, google place, YouTube, linked in, instagram, foursquare bloogerrk, wordpress, flicker, yelp, querra
Brightscope.com = site that has access to investment/ retirement information.
Budgethero.org = web site to fix budget
Buildtheenterprise.com = site to facilitate actually building an actual enterprise by private citizens and businesses.
Calvin and Hobbs search engine = comic strip that has different term is in.
Card cubby.com can consolidates all loyalty discounts into one source
Cyberblackdriday.com tells of online deals
Cowappreciationgday.com = can download cow appreciation kit. can give you free chick feley
Control F = used on web page will let you look up a phrase or word.
Crfb.org/stabilizethedebt = web site that people can give suggestions on how to balance the budget.
Daily caller = news behind general motors bail out.
Dealsmoto = pace to buy used hardware computerelfyourself = put your face on an elf body
Deadspin.com = sports
Decide.com = lets you know when the next model of something will be available and when its good to buy something.
Dopl.gov = place to see if someone is licensed, monitor the job as it goes, get three references.
Dumlittleman.com = tells you to write goals to achieve goals.
Drivers-ratings.com web sit that reports when others do something to respond to like bad driving etc.
Dvmquestions.com = answers driving questions
etsi= online site mall that items are hand made
Facebook the musical = Available on You-Tube
Foap: When you take a picture, they put in stock photography catalog you get $5 bucks
Food beast = web site on foods.
Fix things: Web site to fix things = 1. the bikecycletooer.com 2. Lifehacker.com 3. Ifixit.com 4. Vehcilefixer.com
Fiverr= web site = largest market place for small services.
Fixuc.org = if investors pay students college. Students will pay back with % of salary.
Freeshipping.org=site gives list of who offers free shipping for Dec 17.
freedomworks.com = theactivisttoolkit
Ftc.gov/credit = federal Trace commision consumer protectiong. info about credit and loans (educational?)
Gamestock = game maker had game Human evolution;
Gawker = web site tells about media?
Green toe: you name your price on object greentoe will look for retailer who is willing to sell it.
Gsaauctions.gov = buy things sold by government.
Guestmom = best price gives you a region of where a hotel can be.
Helpme.com is an expert in various areas: answer questions on line.
HearingLub.org = Transfer sounds to a hearing aide.
imapweather.com = storm chasers.
justanswer.com = advice from professionals
Laughing squid .com =
Lifehacker.com to download an annoyingneighbor pdf form. Life hacker or tumbler good source for gems.
mashables.com says to get news 1. twitter, might discuss technology
Mento’s Web site = Site that analyzes your web site to see how many references you have about yourself on the site (steve chantly)
Mint.com finances?
Modernlantern.com = lamp that has a battery. cordless lamp.
Myeventsmart.com = can advertise events. set up filter for Facebook viewing.
myholysmoke.com = site that does cremation for outdoors ern/ ashes = turns ashes into ammunition.
Myinchoftheearth=can virtualy ownerhsip toward preserving national parks.
Myzozze.com = find a movie you like by what music you like.
Mymicrobes.com = find compatibility from common shared microbes as you
myrewardstree.com set goals and track all the rewards and gift cards
www.nextdoor.com = site where neighbors in neighborhood can stay in contact with one another. school updates etc.
Nerdfitness.com made video of exercise at different places around the world
Nolives= digital performance arts event. It will stream the event. Check outline Utah museum of fine arts.
Onesecondeveryday= app that recorded a 30 yr’s each day of 30th year.
Northpole.com = elf pal academy games on line
Petfinder.com = gives list of pet centers
Pink slim =lean finally textured beef, used in multiple products and often in school lunches.
Polly troops = saves all the tweets the politicians deleted or edited.
Procon.org = non partison sifte that lists the pros and cons on controversal issues
Roboform= provides one master password. No longer free.
Rottentomatoes.com = web site for movie reviews
Safercar.gov = Site about cars might have bag air replacements.
Salemart.com = if out shopping on line. You see what you like. you mark it and you put in what you’re willing to buy it for such and such the site will contact you.
Senior react= site to see how people react
Shop kick= earn gift cards by scanning items in competitors stores.
Skyutahmap.com = trail map, road conditions, life traffic conditions. & Google translate
Smarter.com = will test people’s technology level
Spear Fishing = click a link from an email they will monitor your PC for password and account info.
Spotafy = music web site > can ask for an invite, has advertisements
Socialmention.com = site that checks internet for any references to you
Social proof: the validation people get in making a purchase of technolgy at the same time (middle of the night) as others becasue so many other people are mking the same purchase
Starfall.com = story you build the snow man to horn your reading skills.
Stopbullyingcomics.com= videos on how to stop bullying.
styleblaster.com = site that you see people on street and you can vote on their style.
Takethislollypop.com = evaluates how vulnerable your are.
Theartofmanliness = web site
Theeconomist.com =
The onion = fake press news
Thinkgeek.com = buy nerd stuff
Toymaker.com = can print out games
TravelingPic.com = Pictures where people travels.
Trekkiedating.com/ = site for star trek fans to find each other.
Tweetaflight= will send deals of flights
Theallsunlightdiet = documentary.
Unbetweetable = let you see tweets that have been deleted. reported by gismotto.com
Utahdatapoint = states on government?
Vote.utah.gov = will let you register to vote and email you deadlines
wag.com = amazon site that sells animal products.
watch video: Net flex alternative > Red Box, public library, hulu or hulu plus, Amazon movie,
whereismymilkfrom.com = look at numbers on carton
Wisebread.com = advice.
Zilla mail = safe place for kids to have their own email.