Contact Me

I encourage communication with visitors to my web site. There may be different reasons you may wish to correspond with me about. Here are some possibilities:

Beta Reader:

Want to read a book early? Sometimes I am looking for beta readers to finish up the books that are in production. I’ve written a number of books and I’m converting them into eBooks. I have an opportunity to update the manuscripts during that process. If you would like to be considered to a beta reader please contact me at and tell me your preferences. The text would be emailed to you as a Word, Word Perfect, or RTF format.


if you would like to respond to a specific blog please feel free to do so. One example might be the Speller Beezy. If you have an suggestion on how to remember the spelling of a word, such as another mnemonic device or something visual, do share. If you have some items to contribute to a specific Tasks and Errands list, feel free to add to it. That way everyone gets new and additional info. It becomes a win/win situation. It also helps me know that my voice is not disappearing out into the void. Include your name and web site with all replies.

Lesson for an upcoming class or family devotional: Do you want to spice up a lesson for your class or family and its on a theme that hasn’t been covered in my book or blogs. Contact me, maybe we could brainstorm. and I’m always wanting to create new material.

Newsletter Subscription:

There were a lot of lessons that did not make it into my book: I Know You THINK This Is a Toaster or more are constantly being created. This newsletter is sent out to provide additional/updated object lessons. Six issues a year cost $10. Please fill out the contact me box or send an email to below and put I Object in the Subject.

Requested content:

There may be a topic you would like to have discussed in one of the blogs or you would like to be a guest blogger. If so, please contact me or if you see a point of information you want to share with others and seek my permission, than let me know. If you want to share a point off one of my blogs, please put in a link to the source.

Writers’ Retreat:

Sometimes I have various writers retreats throughout the year at different locations in Utah. They are often located in the mountains. Want to join us? Please fill out the contact me box or send an email to below and put “Writer’s Retreat” in the Subject to get dates and prices. Next Retreat this year is April 19-23. Please see Retreat on side bar for details.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message


Other means of contact:
See me on Facebook. I post links to my blogs there.
facebook: melva gifford
LinkedIn: melva gifford
Twitter: melvagifford


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