3 Key Elements that a Great Book Should Have


Presentation given by Marcy Pusey


Q: What is the biggest pitfall you see authors do?

  • There is a one-size fits all approach. The info overwhelm can be daunting. There is not a one way approach. There is a your way to approach.
  • Not realizing the Investing in the process discourage writers.

Q: why do you feel many authors don’t invest in their books.

  • A lot of us have a scarcity mentality. Many start from humble beginning.
  • You need to invest, tears, energy and money to accomplish dreams.
  • Half of all tradition published books never saw more than 12 copies.
  • 90% of books never sell more than 2 K.
  • If you believe in what you’re doing, you’ll do it.
  • You need to do market and muscle behind book by have things done professionally.
  • You have to spend money to make money.
  • Professionals give your book three months to succeed before we move to the next book.

Q: what have you learned of promoting story.

  • Our brain is oriented to our survival. Looking for things that help us survive.
  • We can give kids and every brain life experiences safely. Readers can experience the challenges of life through the text. Their brains are living that experience but in a safe environment. Adults need that same safety.
  • Story arches give our brain the same experience of survival.
  • We have the power to neurologically change people minds through your story.
  • Host: movie Rocky boxer overcoming challenges.
  • Seen a shift toward people value of people who have had the experience rather than just letters behind their name.

Q: What is the wrong thing authors get stuck on writing journey?

  • Authors make excuses. I don’t have time, I don’t know the process. There is a whole iceberg beneath their verbal excuse to see the root causes.
  • If don’t’ have time, the actual issue might be prioritizing.
  • Host: author found imposter syndrome prevent him from writing a book for four years.


Q: how can writers navigate telling difficulty stories?

  • Your survival doesn’t not want you to review a bad experience.
  • When we tell story, we are healing.
  • Our unprocessed trauma gets stuck in the brain. It stays in that place. ( a veteran hearing a car backfire, takes them back to the war) sensory activity (word lists) help us address our trauma.
  • Pushing through the trauma safely in our current life can help us address that trauma.
  • Writing about trauma can heal you as you writer it. It happens before it helps others.

Q: final advice?

  • Think of someone who has been influential in your life. Imagine that person that impacted you did not share their wisdom with you. How would your life have been change by the lack of knowledge they never given you. What if their insecurity or excused prevented them from sharing. Refuse doing that with your own work.
  • All of our messages have a market.
  • When you are fighting to give your message to the world. it is a journey. Have a team.
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Understanding Social Security



The presentation was offered by Barnum.

  • Document what you are spending and what your budget is. And stack that against dependable sources. past employers, pension, social security, and rental income.
  • What are our expenses and what is our income?
  • Ss benefits usually 33% of income to the elderly.
  • 9 out of 10 are collecting security
  • By 2035> will increase to 58 mill to 76 million.


What is Social Security?

  • Dependable income source from paying tax.
  • Benefits are based on employment income.
  • Receive payments throughout life.
  • Can take it as early 62 but at a reduced level
  • At 2023 cost of living adjustments. (cola) income will rise to keep up with inflation.
  • Based on your work history you and your family members will be eligible. If work 40 quarters or 10 years. Souse may be eligible en if they didn’t’ et.
  • Spouse is access to hers or half of yours depending upon which is the higher amount.
  • Can collect spouse benefits until spouse signs up.
  • If retire early, hast lesser amount.
  • Every year you wait, your ss will grow by 8%
    You can receive SS with a formal spouse if with them over 10 years and you did not marry.
  • You and your employer pay ss taxes that you redeem income at retirement.
  • Log in to ssa.gov to check your benefits., Medicare benefits etc.
  • Social security is taxes. Depending upon income each year. If earn 32K the ss will not be faxed.
  • If earn $25-34 K 50% of your income is taxed.
  • If 34K up to 85 % will be taxed
  • 12 states charge state tax for Social Security (Utah) etc.
  • Born in 1960 you retire at 67 years.
  • Early retirement age If you work you can earn up to $21,240.
  • At retirement age you can earn up 56,252 for every 3 dollars you earn.
  • A financial professional can help you decide when to begin taking your SS retirement benefits.
  • How to apply for benefits: Ssa.gov
  • Encourage you to not retire early. Consider your alternatives. Every year we wait the ss grows.
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The Discernment of the Holy Ghost,



These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.


  • The Holy Ghost is so embedded in our lives that we may not realize is
  • Galatians 5:23
  • The gift of the Holy Ghost is the way God can always be with us.
  • God will take care of you regardless of your challenges.
  • May God a priority. Put him first and he will make his presence known in your life:
  • Mosiah 18:8 – 10
  • God wants you to make our own decisions.
  • Ancestors spirit, she makes a decision asked if your actions or benefiting spirit.
  • Be vulnerable with God. Asked for God’s help
  • Make a decision soon asking what you want and ask what is his will and the plan of salvation.
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How Much Do I Need in a Rainy-Day Fund? – Be Recession Ready







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Oct 23 Email from: Stephen Whyte


Oct 23 Email from: Stephen Whyte ph: 3852718435           swhyte@le.utah.gov

Legislative Interim Meetings

The Legislative Interim Meetings in September were held in St. George to provide the Legislature the opportunity to see firsthand the issues facing Southern Utah. During the three full-day meetings, all of the legislative committees met on the campus of Utah Tech University. Many timely issues were discussed as well as many potential bills for the 2024 legislative session. Highlights of these interim meetings can be found here. Enclosed below are a few issues that are of particular importance to our House District 63. Our next Legislative Interim Meetings will take place at the Capitol on October 10-11. You may attend in person or online. Details can be found at le.utah.gov.

While at these meetings, the Legislature held a Long-Term Planning Conference where we analyzed what will be taking place in the state for the next 30-50 years and what the state should be doing now to prepare for what will be coming in the days ahead. Enclosed below is a high-level overview of what Utah will look like, including challenges and opportunities. I walked away from this planning conference seeing the reality of some very serious challenges but also with optimism because Utah has a history and positive track record for working through tough issues. I’m confident that as we all work together, we will be able to continue Utah’s prosperity and quality of life.


You’re Invited to a Special Fall Town Hall

I’ve been asked by many people in our House District about ESG (environmental, social, governance). The Legislature has been working to address this very concerning issue and I’ve invited the State Treasurer, Marlo Oaks, to come and explain ESG including its local, state, national and global implications, what the state has done up to this point, and next steps moving forward. Please join me and Treasurer Oaks at this special town hall for our House District.

Addressing Housing Affordability

As the co-chair of the state’s Commission on Housing Affordability, it was an honor to speak about housing affordability at the Annual Convention of the Utah League of Cities and Towns in the Salt Palace Convention Center. I greatly appreciate all the mayors, members of the city councils, and city administrative staff in our House District and throughout the state coming together to discuss solutions to the housing affordability challenges.


Takeaways from Legislature’s Long-Term Planning Conference

As we all are noticing, Utah is at a critical inflection point:

·  We’ve moved from a small state to a mid-size state

·  Utah’s growth is coming from the outside rather than the inside

·  Utah’s population is starting to get older which will change our economy and choices

·  We’ve moved from a mono-cultural state to a multi-cultural state now being very racially and ethnically diverse

·  Utah has gone from a strong economy to an elite economy

·  Utah is now an expensive state

Watch a short video here from the UofU Gardner Policy Institute that further explains each of these items. A concise high-level article written by KSL found here also provides context to the Gardner Policy’s analysis.

The strategic questions before us are 1) how do we grow and maintain the distinctive features we value?, and 2) How do we help all Utahns thrive?

The Legislature’s Long-Term Planning Conference was the first of many future conversations we will be having to plan for our children and grandchildren.


United Way of Utah County’s 60th Anniversary

United Way of Utah County positively impacts our House District 63 by providing many needed community services and resources. It’s an honor for me to serve on the Board of Directors to help bridge the connectivity between this valuable organization and the state.

As part of their 60th anniversary, this year’s Day of Caring featured more than 1,500 volunteers from 45 companies that completed more than 70 projects throughout the county. It was a thrill to help serve breakfast to all the volunteers and then join in the service projects. Thank you to everyone in our House District who participated.


Legislative Issues

In the September Legislative Interim meetings, hundreds of topics were presented and discussed in the various legislative committees. To report back, here are a few topics I’ve been contacted about by people within our House District:

Business & Labor:

Noncompete agreements are being analyzed. We received a presentation on the legislative history and case law related to noncompete agreements. We also received a presentation from the Marriner S. Eccles Institute at the University of Utah on current trends and the economic effects of noncompete agreements.

Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice:

The state is experiencing a rise of drug trafficking and drug-impaired driving. Please take a minute to review the presentation here that shows drug trafficking in the U.S. and in Utah and what is happening with extremely serious fentanyl drug. Please share this information with your families to help protect them.

We received a presentation from the Statewide Information and Analysis Center on drug trafficking in Utah and the drug monitoring initiative. We also received a presentation from the Department of Public Safety on drug-impaired driving. As a result, we’ve opened committee bills to increase the penalty for using a firearm while engaged in drug trafficking, and to address drug testing and coordination among labs.


As the summer wraps up, Utah’s economy remains strong in the face of the nation’s shrinking GDP. Over the past year, Utah’s job count grew by 3.5%, or 56,600 jobs. This is a growth rate above the average. Unemployment continues to remain historically low, too, at only 2.0%. These numbers are as strong as the Utah economy can expect to produce. Utah County has 18% of all jobs in the state and its growth rate is estimated at 5.0%. An analysis of the employment report by Utah’s Department of Workforce Services Chief Economist, Mark Knold, can be found here.


Save the Date: Remember to Vote

County and municipal general elections will take place on Tuesday, November 21. Voting is a critical constitutional right and I encourage everyone to participate. Find more info at vote.utah.gov.


Utah Is The Happiest State in the Nation

Utah was just recognized as the Happiest State in America by WalletHub. Even though we all are facing difficult challenges, Utah remains the best state in the nation to live, work, learn, and play.

WalletHub examined all 50 states across 30 key metrics ranging from depression rate, share of adults feeling productive, income growth, unemployment rate, emotional and physical well-being, work environment, community and environment.

Check out the full report here.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve and work with you and to represent our great communities of Mapleton, Springville, and Spanish Fork in the State Legislature. I believe that our local neighborhoods are an example to the state and the nation and that is because of you.

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Difference between Bored and Board



Bored is when you get impatient. Note it is the shorter word showing your shorter attention span. Board is lumber or wood and is a longer world just like a board can be longer.

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How To Write Better, Faster & More Powerfully



This presentation was given by Joshua Sprague. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.

Q:  stop watering your message by trying to make it relevant to your audience?

  • People don’t want to have their message too narrow. Narrow down to focus to a specific audience.
  • The audience wants to find items that are hyper relevant to their specific world.
  • You want it to be very niche.

Q: What does one person, one promise, one message mean?

  • See that you are talking to one-to-one person. After you’ve narrowed your focus on audience.
  • Identify your focus on a specific problem on your specific audience.
  • Your message needs to be super completed.

Q: steps of book outline to accomplish your one promise?

  • Once you’re clear on your specific message. The book outline can stack steps to accomplish one objective and these are your chapters.

Q: concerns for book length?

  • Book length is as long as it needs to be.
  • Book length is as long as when the message is said. Length is not relevant.
  • There is a large influx of short books on amazon.

Q: create first and consume second?

  • If you want to become a better writer who helps other people. And it faster, you should be crating first thing in the day.
  • You need to write more.
  • Write more frequently.
  • Wake up and immediately start writing.
  • Compound creativity by create first creates better creative abilities. Then listen to your ideas first as they are very relevant to your specific message.
  • Writing first in the morning creates a habit.
  • The best writers who do it all the time. Great writers write every day.

Q: ship it daily

  • It is one thing to be committed to daily writing. Share your ideas with your audience. You create things and releasing it fast. You ship out on social media a daily point of knowledge as you create it.
  • You get real world feedback when people respond to your ideas. MG; title: in the crockpot

Q: What is the importance of making offers?

  • People are afraid to ask for money. Since you have the desire to write then you share it and get paid for it.
  • Great musical bands write and share music and get compensated for them.
  • Giving offers need to be made. The purchases contribute to adding to your creativity.
  • Will make an offer in email. Sometimes he may make an offer that is different than his normal offers and just say ps: completely unrelated but you might want to check this out.

Q: final piece of advice?

  • Imagine a point of your life that a book actually changes you and help you in a time of need. Then think maybe your book to help another. Write that book.
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Heart Health Webinar



My employer will have webinars on different topics to help employees. This is on. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


List of Heart health facts:

  • More sudden cardiac arrests happen outside of the hospital than within. That is why it is Crucial to learn CPR, you can help save a life.
  • Replace sugar completely. enhanced with spices instead of sugar. try giner, allspice, cinnamon, or nutmeg.
  • The average American consumes the equivalent of 39 pounds of sugar each year from soda or other sweetened beverages.
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.
  • Every 1 of 4 deaths is due to heart disease.
  • The best way to reduce sodium is to avoid the prepackaged, processed, and prepared foods.
  • Cutting back on sodium by 1000 meg a day can improve blood pressure and heart health.
  • Switch out sugar with unsweetened applesauce in recipes by using equal amounts.. .
  • A typical 12-ounce can of regular soda has 130 calories and 8 teaspoons of sugar.
  • 80% of strokes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and work with health care practitioners to control stroke risk factors. quite smoke. Move more. Keep blood pressure under control. Eat a healthy diet.
  • Just 30 min of exercise a day will reduce our risk of heart disease.
  • Regular physical activity also relieves tension, anxiety, depression, and anger.
  • Most Americans consume nearly 20 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That’s more than triple the recommended daily limit for women and double for men.
  • AED is an Automated External Defibrillator. it is used to help those who experience sudden cardiac arrest. It is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use medical device that can analyze the heart’s r rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
  • Every hour you walk in your life expectancy increases by two hours.
  • Cardiovascular disease is heart and stroke is the number one of death of Americans
  • By 2035 45% of people will have Cardiovascular disease.


Dr. Stevens H

  • We can control our weight, blood pressure or cloistral
  • We need to know what BMI is.
  • Obesity at the waste line is a direct impact on heart attacks.
  • One risk factor: is smoking. the habit has decreased.
  • Poor dental health or gum disease is a contributor to heart disease.



  • Recommend you have have 150 min of moderate exercise or 75 min per week of vigorous activity.
  • Moderate to high-intensity muscle straightening exercises 2 days per week.
  • Spend less time sitting – if you do a lot of computer/desk work. take frequent breaks and move around.
  • Take the stairs over the elevator.
  • Kids need to be more active 6and should get exercise an hour a day.
  • Get your checkups.
  • Stress tests are not useful in detecting this disease.
  • Family history is a contributor to disease.



  • Reactions during test training.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Jaw pain
  • Any pain that travels down the left arms


What to do:

  • Make time for yourself
  • Listen to your body
  • Get your annual physical.
  • Know your numbers
  • Prevention-modify your risk factors
  • Eat healthy
  • Drink a lot of water.



How to increase HDL? fish oil, weight lifting,  decrease your central obesity (belly)

  • Healthy BMI: is influenced on height and weight 21 to 23 is healthy for a woman. apps online to give bmi. (maybe google them)

What is the correlation between meat, dairy, and egg consumption to heart disease?

  • Low fat and low cholesterol. not a lot of red meat. Eat white meat.

Avoid fried foods, milk and creamers.

  • Eat eggs only about twice a week.


What type of exercise is recommended for older people?

  • Type of exercise needs to be different.
  • Do less cardio and more weight lifting.

Best heart rate for women?

  • 60 to 80 beats limit is the best heart rate.

How to lower LDL

  • Cholesterol needs to be under a 70.
  • Besides medications, statins exercise, and limiting the amount of dairy and saturated fat you are eating can ldl cholesterol.
  • Recommend 120/70-80 blood pressure.

Inflammation in relation to heart disease?

  • We like the whole class of statins.

Do vitamins help the heart, blood flow

  • Recommend a well-balanced diet.
  • A multivitamin or once-a-supplement day vitamins.

What is the relationship between heart and vascular dementia

  • It has to do with a lot of blood pressure.
  • Chronic high blood pressure that’s not well controlled. They call them little infarks or mini-strokes. you have a bunch of min strokes from high blood pressure that an create soemething called vascular dementia. control the blood pressure is really key here.

What causes weight for older people?

  • Hormonal changes and stress. (stress during covid)
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of sleep
  • Not getting enough exercise.

Warning signs of clogged artery:

  • Numbness on left arm
  • Response when under stress get tired out.
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Blessings from Reading the Book of Mormon.



These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.

There were Blessings from Reading the Book of Mormon.

  1. Our heavenly father wants us to be faithful.
  2. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
  3. We have a choice to avoid the things that lead us away from Christ. We can choose to be faithful to follow him. Heavenly Father loves all his children.
  • We should determine how to be true and faithful.
  • The Savior loves us. Fear not, doubt not be of good cheer.
  • The Savior knows us as individuals.
  • The Savior wants us to repent and begin anew.
  • We each encounter challenges in our lives when we can let.
  • The suffering of the Savior gave us the chance of repentance the new strength of youth pamphlet emphasize that the youth make good choices.
  • It is up to us to make good choices.
  • Find joy in Christ.
  • The gospel is the joyful way back to him on. Focus on the path not the obstacles God, our heavenly father, loves you and wants you to be faithful and happy
  • Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He can feel your life with heating.
  • You can choose to move away from Christ and he or repent and become close.
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How to Make Free Apple Scrap Vinegar





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