Documentaries on Facebook


The Facebook Dilemma, Part One (full film) | FRONTLINE

The Facebook Dilemma, Part Two (full film) | FRONTLINE

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Spelling Caucus


Bad: cacus
Good Caucus

Caucus happens when yoU give your state and local reprehensive your onion so they can represent yoUr opinions on state or national issues. So remember there are two Us.

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Writing with Power: Clarity, Concision, and Variation, Part B


This is part two of a presentation offered at the LDS writers conference. The area of notes covers Variation is a strategy of style Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Sample of text:

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high school. She attended evergreen high back in the late 90s. Her grades weren’t that good, but she had fun socially. When she started dating a baseball player, she stops cheering. Surprisingly, this made my parents happy her grades improved. Dating anyone exclusively turned out to be a motivator for her. Because he was driven, he helped her study more. He wouldn’t go out with her until they’d finish their homework. This guy was a great influence on her.

Note the variety of sentences.

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high school. (9) She attended evergreen high back in the late 90s. (9 Her grades weren’t that good, but she had fun socially. (10) When she started dating a baseball player, she stops cheering. (10) Surprisingly, this made my parents happy her grades improved. (9) Dating anyone exclusively turned out to be a motivator for her. (11) Because he was driven, he helped her study more. (9) He wouldn’t go out with her until they’d finish their homework. (11) This guy was a great influence on her. (8)

There is little variety in the sentences. We have about an 8-11 word range per sentence. As a stylist use sentence variety to strengthen your pros.

Variation is a strategy of style. Look at the paragraph below.

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high school. She attended evergreen high back in the late 90s. Her grades weren’t that good, but she had fun socially. When she started dating a baseball player, she stops cheering. Surprisingly, this made my parents happy her grades improved. Dating anyone exclusively turned out to be a motivator for her. Because he was driven, he helped her study more. He wouldn’t go out with her until they’d finish their homework. This guy was a great influence on her.

Note the variety of sentences.

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high school. (9) She attended evergreen high back in the late 90s. (9 Her grades weren’t that good, but she had fun socially. (10) When she started dating a baseball player, she stops cheering. (10) Surprisingly, this made my parents happy her grades improved. (9) Dating anyone exclusively turned out to be a motivator for her. (11) Because he was driven, he helped her study more. (9) He wouldn’t go out with her until they’d finish their homework. (11) This guy was a great influence on her. (8)

There is little variety in the sentences. We have about an 8-11 word range per sentence. As a stylist use sentence variety to strengthen your pros.

Here is an example of sentence variety for a professional writer named James Baldwin from his book, Notes from a Native son. Notice how to uses the variety of sentences from short, to long, to add emotion and variety. This scene is after the character was thrown in jail because his roommate stole linens.

Text from James Baldwin:
He gave me a package of Lucky Strikes and said that, though it was doubtful that there’d be any celebration in the prison. He would see to it that I got a fine Christmas dinner when I got out. And this, somehow, seemed very funny. I remember being astonished at the discovery that I was actually laughing. I was, too, I imagine, also rather disappointed that my hair had not turned white, that my face was clearly not going to bear any marks of tragedy, disappointed at bottom, to doubt, to realize facing him in that room, that far worse things had happened to most people, and that, indeed, to paraphrase my mother, if this was the worst thing that ever happened to me I could consider myself among the luckiest people ever to be born.

Note how Baldwin is using longer and shorter sentences to create a real strong feeling here.
Sentence length adds variety.

– There is also a variety of sentence structures.
– You see in the long sentence length in the middle of the text. Baldwin interrupts the flow of the sentence even between subjects and verbs or verbs and direct objects with different kinds of grammatical structures. He has rhythm and editorial content.

Now let’s review the changed text in Rose’s text:

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high-at Evergreen high, back in the late 90s. Though she was ship-smart, she couldn’t keep her grades up. Too busy playing. She stopped cheering, though, when she started dating a baseball player, a remarkably studious one whose manic drive for excellence, in math as in baseball, made my parents giddy. Because he studied, Rose studied. A lot. In part, because he wouldn’t spend time with her until homework was done. In short, he was a good influence on her.

Note how the sentences are handled.

My sister Rose was a cheerleader in high-[prepositional phrase separated with a dash] at Evergreen high, back in the late 90s. Thought she was ship-smart, [starting dependent clause making a complex sentence] she couldn’t keep her grades up. Too busy playing. [Intentional sentence fragments] She stopped cheering, though, when she started dating a baseball player, a remarkably studious one [interruption] whose manic drive for excellence, in math as in baseball, [interruption] made my parents giddy. Because he studied, [starting dependent clause making a complex sentence] Rose studied. A lot. [Intentional sentence fragments] In part [intentional sentence fragments] because he wouldn’t spend time with her until homework was done. In short, he was a good influence on her.

– There’s a prepositional phrase separated with a dash.
– You may have heard of compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences.
– You also may have noticed sentence fragments here, which you would usually mark, is an error, but these are intentional sentence fragments.
– Interruptions, just like the Baldwin example where here we have a positive phrase modifying flow a positive just means you rename the noun that comes before that element
– A brief opening phrase separated by a comma, which is another way to create some rhythm to your sentences.
– So a remarkably studious baseball player is modifying the word baseball player.
– then again, a propositional phrase also modifying the flow and then a brief opening phrase separated by a comma, which is another way to create some rhythm to your sentences.

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Another Webinar on Social Security


At work, they had another webinar on social security and so here are some notes.

– To be eligible need 40 quarters or ten yrs. of work history
– Go to the Social Security website and claims your user name and password, avoids someone else doing it in your name.
– They tax your provisional income including income from your Social Security. If you are single, have 34K you get charged on 85%
– 8 % added to tax income added each year if you delay your SS from 62-70.
– You can apply online (is best), on phone (hold times is terrible). Call first in the morning (mg).
– Pension: Using single life insurance rather than joint life works half of the time.
– What is the likely hood we have on Social Security in the future > it is very high. There will be a point of more money will be going out rather than coming in. Social Security may change
– a. The age base of 137 you don’t get taxes one earns above that. They may tax on all income.
– b. delay when someone can be eligible for Social Security i.e. 70
– c. politicians don’t want to jeopardize the votes of those needing SS.

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Developing Christ-like attributes


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– The focus is on Love and Charity.
– This year has not been like any other, global pandemics. Economic crisis. Unrest on social justice, and a divisive election.
– The first great commandment is to love God with all our hearts.
– The second great commandments love one another.
– Rabbi Sax, died this morning. In 2016 at European Union the rabbi talked about the importance of erratic anti-Semitism. book Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times’.
– We need to think of things that bind us together.
– Made a list of common problems today and says there is too much attention to I.
– 1964: literature turned from an evenly balanced of we and I to predominately I.
– Two photos of the Beatles year before they were dressed similarly and looked happy together. a year later. A yr. later a similar phots where they are dressed differently and don’t show they’re happy to see each other. See song I, Me, Mine song.
– Rabi says all groups rely upon habits of competition and habits for cooperation. We have to change to learn habits of cooperation. If not, society will unravel.
– BYU sells a shirt. In the front: is the words “We Are One” framed inside a number 1. In the back Love one another. As the team’s slogan. In the summer before the team had a meeting about what message they wanted to share.
– God loved us so much he sent his only begotten son to save us.
– Loving God and others is a way we demonstrate we are disciples and followers of Christ.
– Show our love to one another it shows who we are and what we are striving to be.
– While at BYU Rabbi Sax gave the prayer that said: teach us to learn and love one another.

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Links to provide further info on your 2020-voting ballot


I’ve received some questions for more info about the ballot. I thought I would share addditional research. No personal comments included. This is a contribution to caucus corner.
I have the title of the article and the link to it. Happy reading dear informed voter.

Headers are:
Constitutional amendments
Propositions 9 on Utah ballot 2020
Overall view or other links:
Notes on candidates at the state level

Constitutional amendments
A: Amendment A:
Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2020),_Gender-Neutral_Constitutional_Language_Amendment_(2020)

B: Amendment B:
Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Legislator Qualifications Amendment (2020),_Legislator_Qualifications_Amendment_(2020)

C: Amendment C:
Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020),_Remove_Slavery_as_Punishment_for_a_Crime_from_Constitution_Amendment_(2020)

D: Amendment D:
Utah Constitutional Amendment D, Municipal Water Resources Amendment (2020),_Municipal_Water_Resources_Amendment_(2020)

E: Amendment E
Utah Constitutional Amendment E, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2020),_Right_to_Hunt_and_Fish_Amendment_(2020)
On your ballot: The argument Against Amendment G
Amendment E: Utah voters will decide if you have a constitutional right to hunt and fish
Amendment E: Utah voters will decide if you have a constitutional right to hunt and fish

F: Amendment F:
Utah Constitutional Amendment F, Legislative Session Start Date Amendment (2020),_Legislative_Session_Start_Date_Amendment_(2020)

G: Amendment G:
Utah Constitutional Amendment G, Use Income and Property Tax Revenue to Support Children and Individuals with Disabilities Amendment (2020),_Use_Income_and_Property_Tax_Revenue_to_Support_Children_and_Individuals_with_Disabilities_Amendment_(2020)
Amendment G would expand uses of income tax for programs for kids, disabled
On the 2020 ballot: Utah Amendment G

Propositions 9 on Utah ballot 2020
Some hopefully useful links

Opinion on Proposition 9 by Commissioner Lee

Opinion on Proposition 9 by Commissioner Lee

What is Prop 9? Big decision facing Utah County this November
Big decision
Why I support Utah County Proposition 9

Guest opinion: Why I support Utah County Proposition 9

Should county move to mayor, council form of government?
Utah County Mayors support Proposition 9
Utah County Proposition 9 – Change from Commission to Mayor/Council?
Utah County Proposition 9 – Change from Commission to Mayor/Council? Discussion

Overall view or other links:
Utah 2020 ballot measures
Initiatives and Referenda:
Utah has 7 amendments rundown:
Tribune Editorial: Utah constitutional amendments — Five decent ideas and two really bad ones
2020 Election: the 7 amendments to look for on your ballot

Judge review:
It will list the judge by name and then how their peers voting on them.

Notes on candidates at the state level

Please contact your county representative to get info and notes on county issues.
I did not attend any Presidential candidate. Any private notes are on my social medial. Please seek Google.

Spencer Cox town hall, a candidate for governor.

Spencer Cox town hall, a candidate for governor.

John Curtis Town Hall. He is Utah’s current state representative.

Sean Reyes
I neglected to take notes at his town hall.

Sarah Hacken (school board) I do not have permission to share emails exchanges with the candidate.

Statehouse district 60:
Tommy Williams Statehouse district
Nelson Abbott Statehouse district
Christine Heath Statehouse district

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Blond verses Blonde, 10-22-20


Blond is one of the few words in English that changes form depending on whether or not it modified a male or a female.
Blond modified the male teacher.
Blonde modifies a female.

My two cents: This is a great piece of knowledge to me. Given to me by a beta reader of my book in progress School Project. Thanks, Chuck.

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Writing with Power: Clarity, Concision, and Variation Part A


I have a serious problem with clarity in my own writing. This has given me some concrete tools to address several of my writing issues. The trick now is to implement them.

Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Clarity: (is tapping into the action of an English sentence). The action of an English sentence means that the action of a sentence relies upon a subject-verb construction. Such as a person or agent performing some type of action.

1. Combining actions and actors:

With the decline in network cable TV viewing (ACTOR) in favor of streaming programs awareness is growing at the networks have a need to revise programming (ACTION).

Q: who is viewing? People/viewers

Q: whose awareness is growing? (Actors) people at the networks.

Q: where is the action hiding? May hide in phrases like
A decline in
In favor of
Awareness of

You want to find the Actors and Actions of a sentence

Revised sentence:
Because of viewers (ACTOR), stream video more than they watch cable TV network executives realize they need to revise (ACTION) programming.

2. Look for zombie nouns and change to active verbs.
The process is changing nominalizations (zombie nouns) to actin verbs. Nominalizations are nouns with verbs hiding in it. Some hints to find nominalizations words are to look for words that have a TION at the end.
Example: a decision = decide
Administrations = administer
Change them to active verbs.

3. Avoid passive voice (unless the actor does not matter).
An examination of an applicant’s academic record is made to determine whether she has established a strong affirmative case in regard to the character for general education. And her fitness for graduate work in her proposed subject of study letters of recommendation from persons who are in a position to analyze the candidates’ abilities and to estimate her promise or given very serious consideration.

One thing this says is:
We examine all applicants’ academic records and we consider serious letters of recommendation.

Now to review the three steps.
1. Find the actors and the actions of the sentence.
2. Change nominalizations (zombie nouns) that had hide / hiding action.
3. Avoid passive voice.

Your turn to test these principals in these practices.

a. Text: there has been speculation (ACTION) by educators (ACTOR) about the role of the family in improving educational achievement.

Melva: educators (ACTOR) speculate (ACTION) about the family role in improving educational achievement

b. Text: complaints by editorial writers (ACTOR) about voter apathy rarely offer suggestions (ACTION) about dispelling it

Hint: maybe start to when i.e. when actor/action

Melva: When editorial writers (ACTOR) complain (ACTION) about voter apathy, they rarely suggest how to dispel it

c. Text: There (ACTOR) is a need for an analysis (ACTION) of library use to provide a reliable base for the projection of needed resources.

Melva: librarians (ACTOR) need to analyze (ACTION) how library use can project needed resources.

d. Text: precision (ACTOR) in plotting (ACTION) the location of building foundations enhances the possibility of its accurate reconstruction.

Melva: Engineers (ACTOR) must precisely plot (ACTION) the location of building foundations o enhance its accurate reconstruction.

My two cents:
When I attend the LDS writer’s conference, I watched this presentation by Brian Jackson, I almost wept for joy.

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Teva Velu


This was a presentation given at Toastmasters. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Something huge in life but doesn’t realize life is a collection of small things.
– Working for something so hard and almost had the thing. Tried to feel success but missed the small thing you forgot.
– 3 o’clock, hands frozen, couldn’t see anywhere. Standing on I-80 mile mark 291.
– Out of energy and hoping someone would stop.
– Had to give a workshop in 4 hours. The only thing keeping him awake was hoping someone would stop for him. 80 miles per hour cars passing. Hoping one would stop.
– Mind moving backward 8 months. Got project proposal. Was going to take 1-hour nap and ended up being 6 hours.
– Anti-social animal. Kept away from distractions, even dating. 8 months to finish work, 1st two months were crazy. Challenge helped to prove himself. The submitted proposal in Colorado. Didn’t think they would approve his proposal.
– Realized true value. Steve Jobs mentioned the heaviness of being successful overshadowed by the lightness of a new beginning. On Sunday, from Idaho Falls to Boulder, Co. wintertime, but the highway was clean. Singing songs. Saw his gas tank was getting empty, so found the gas station exit. The gas station was closed. Got on the highway to find another gas station. The car stopped at mile marker 291. No cell phone reception. 5 hours, no one stopped. Getting nervous. 4:15 am a guy stopped and he had the guy call the police and let them know he was there. Cop asked him why he was stuck and he told him. He ended up spending $120 for 3 gallons of gas from servicemen. The presentation went well. Experience taught him a lesson. Ignoring little things. Small things matter to reach success.
– Trying so hard to reach the light, but when we get closer, we think we’re already there and don’t need to work hard.
My two cents: The people who help strangers are wonderful. What great examples.

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These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.

– Temperance is a lifetime effort. It starts at the terrible to represent the natural man.
– In Latin, temperance means moderation or restrain.
– He thinks of the tempered glass of a windshield. Cracks in a windshield can cause it to fail in its purpose. If it has not been cracked, it will protect you if cracked it will fold in and not protect you.
– The tempered Steele of a truck that has been born through fire. It requires long heat to make gold.
– SRS: safety restraint system; refers to your seat belt. A seatbelt keeps you contained in the car during an accident. The second one the airbags are very violent and quick. It instantly inflates to prevent you from slamming into the front of the car.
– Wasting time is part of Satan’s plan to divert us.
– As a bishop, youth would tell him how they would use their devices to see bad things.
– If you are not temperate, you are quick to anger. If you are, you’re in control.
– If you are selfish, you’re not.
– If you’re not temperate, you overspend. If you are, you are conservative with your money management.
– If you not temperate, you give criticism. Temperance is when you give praise.
– Being temperate, you can go far.
– Intemperate men submit to the acts of natural men. Being temperate, you become a man or woman of God.
– In this political season, there are many emotions. Obtain knowledge first and then temperance. You need to know about a topic you need to be temperate.
– You want to learn how to control yourself.
– In the scriptures, there are references to temper the elements.
– Talk: President Benson: what matter of men you are to be. Men show restraint and not given to overindulges. He has control and is the master of his emotions.
– Paul: can you be (lost note of book) 4:26 be anger and not sin.
– President McKay: Men who cannot control his temper are not likely to control his passions. He reaches close to the animal plane
– As you live a Christ-like life, one of those attributes is temperance.
– We should seek temperance.
– Got in an accident and my body was not shredded with shards of glass. Because the windshield was made of, tempered glass and it shattered into small pieces.
– We live in a world of uncertainty and contention. Just like during Joseph Smith’s time all their good feelings were lost in the contrast of opinions.
– D&C 59: 7 gives the commandment to love with all your heart. I name of Jesus Christ, you shall serve him. Love thy neighbors as thyself.
– Do a sacrifice of a contrite spirit and a broken heart.
– Lord has asked us to be gentle and meek.
– All the seasons and bounty of the earth are created to bless man. Use in judgment and not in excess.
– The gospel is a do it yourself doctrine. You and your family need to raise you up in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ.

My two cents: This is an area I can definably relate too. Especially, when it comes to food, ha ha Enough said. Other areas, I’m doing better. We need to count our successes as well as acknowledge the areas of improvement, right.

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