

These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– President Nelson discussed the healing power of gratitude.
– Moroni 7: all things that are good coming from God. Things that are evil commeth from Satan.
– If you feel peace, joy, or comfort, those feelings come from God.
– You need to look for things that are good while you face challenges
– Need to express gratitude
– We need to trust in the Lord that he will do good for us.
– We need to express our gratitude.
– On her mission, the bishop asked missionaries to call ward members on their birthdays. That member remembers it even months later.
– Need to express our gratitude in our daily prayer.
– Nelson promised blessings.
– She enjoyed the blessing of technology. Watch zoom baptism. Watched one companion’s parent get baptized. Experienced family reunion via Zoom.
– Prophet challenged us to post on social medial our gratitude and see if we have more peace.
– As a missionary, she taught God is our loving father
– God created the earth, he sent his son Jesus Christ who feels every pain we have experienced.
– When we pray to God for help, he will help us.

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2020 Election Investigative Documentary Who’s Stealing America


An interesting documentory:

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Spelling Scaffolding


Bad: scalflting
Good: scaffolding

Think of a bunch of boards being layered or folded on top of each other for a tower. The two Fs, together, can be part of the construction.

If you have a better idea on how to remember the spelling, please feel free to share.

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The Fanish Hover


These are notes from Life the Universe and Everything symposium. It gave advise on how not to be an obsessive fan to someone you admire. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– is hanging around an agent/ publisher for over 3-4 min. Go way and come back.
– Get names correctly. Cs Lewis went by Jack. Orson scat care wen by Scott.
– There is a difference in offering praise and encouragement. Praise is on the object. Touch upon their career.
– Some may put something on their con nametag to be provocative such as .human lie detector.
– When you interact with someone write down what you talked about. It will reinforce the connection when you talk again.
– Impress on my mind that this person has potential. Look for ways to reinforce our connection.
– Q: what kind of projects are you currently working on?
– Q: what do you enjoy doing besides writing?
Q: how to do the bar scene for those authors who don’t drink?
– Agents and publishers want to socialize. Ask about themselves. Maybe ask what the best thing you’ve learned today is. Give an indication that you read their work.
– How to drklolrk? funk> video maybe this:
– How to communicate with people in other countries. Find out their favorite social medial.

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Blessing of ministering


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.

– One leader says home teaching the most important assignment of the church.
– As a bishop, he would always get phone calls from people and wanting blessings. He wondered why people were not going to their ministers.
– One ward had to travel for two hours to visit a family
– They had one couple that was sarcastic and would bring wild squirrel in a cage for an object lesson. Knew our kids’ birthday. They went to our kids’ events. They were always there.
– Today with changed parameters it’s easier to reach out to neighbors in a less formal way.
– Saw a tattooed girl and was surprised she would do things like that to her body. The spirit reminded that person she fought in the war of heaven and came to earth.
– Met a couple the needed help, needed a new transmission. We invite them to our house. Went to co. they realized that the lord and member of the church would accept them for what they were, not for what they looked like.
– His parents helped a couple who was stuck at the airport? Can we tend your kids while you get your flights rearranged? They spent the evening together. Two years later met them at a recital. They became interested in the church. They remember that evening at the airport fondly.

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Protecting our Families from Pornography Part A


These are notes from a video offered as part of the Book of Mormon conference. It took a while to type it up. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker. These notes will be offered in five sections and posts.

Check out the website
1. Isiah said three areas to protect ourselves. Isaiah 4:5-6
A. protecting our homes
B. upon our assemblies: church
C. protecting our tabernacles, temples. DC 95:8 when we leave the temple we are empowered from on high.

2. Build fortifications / Protecting our homes
Alma 50:1-6
You will want to define what is appropriate and not appropriate behavior and give the reasons why and possible consequences.
a. Establish boundaries. Heaps of earth, which is, establish boundaries. (&^ activate internet filters)
b. Educate: why is Pornography dangers & what to do when you see it.
C: Connection: learn how to connect to self, others, and God
d. Manage Emotions Teach how to manger emotions and have a healthy mindset.

Details will follow below.

A: Establish boundaries.
-Boundaries are what we define of what behavior is expected around us.
-Setting bounders is to help relationships be mutually respectful, appropriate, and caring.
-When you teach about boundaries, you want to give the reason why. Such as if you give your personal info, on the internet, someone may come and take you from school.
-Establish boundaries in four categories: (give list of approved and unapproved behavior on each of these lists and give specific examples. You need to educate what will happen if kids break their boundaries or if someone else breaks their boundaries.
-personal clothing: what is appropriate to wear and what is not appropriate to wear
-dressing and undressing where and when.
Who is appropriate or unappropriated to undress or dress in front of?
-affection and touching
-pictures receive and take
-movies and apps
-games and apps
-sharing personal information
-Place you can go
-Personal behavior
Family behavior
Friend behavior

Romantic behavior
-behavior with a teacher
-behavior with a coach
-behavior with adults
-identify safe people. Let them know people they can trust and this is why they are safe. Give them signs of what to look for that is warning of unsafe. If the people who are considered aft do some of these behaviors tell parents. Give the child what traits identify safe people
-add additional categories besides this list for what else you need.

Video resources:
Preventing Sexual abuse (bailey dee believes: what is grooming?)
Enough is enough internet safety 101: Predators confessions
Predators 101: profiles’ of a predator
Predator 101: predator confession
How to recognize grooming patterns
Enough is enough internet safety 101 Alicia’s story
Emily’s story – online grooming
Online grooming case study -Carly’s story.

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Native American Contributions to the US Constitution.


How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy

Great Law of Peace, the American Precolonial Roots of Democracy

Iroquois Confederacy Constitution

The Native American Government That Inspired the US Constitution

American Indian Influence on the United States Constitution and its Framers


Iroquois and the Founding Fathers

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Spelling Banana


Bad: bannanns
Good: bananas

There is no repeat of letters in banana.

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Interview of author Teresa Funke


Some notes from a webinar hosted by write for kids. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Begin with persistent getting our first books out
– Later be persistent in business like maybe a new agent or edit.
– Need to have a mindset of resilience.
– Need to be strong because there are a lot of ups and down
– At the start of the pandemic, some dived into their write and others stopped for a short term but the others come back.
– If writing gives you energy, keep g9ing. Other days you might read a book to rejuvenate.
– Hike up a hill involves twists and turns so it odes for a career. It is not a straight line
– Some people will just read a lot and it gives them the chance to replenish themselves.
– Some authors will access things that had been put on the shelf
– Some authors will try different things to stimulate their brains in a different way
– Get excited about books getting published and authors advance in their careers.
– You need to read a lot, read competing, read current books read in genera.
– The host suggests if you have a weak area in your own write read others books and see how they handle that issue.
– Strengthen your writing community.
– In a breakout room, via virtual meetings, shy writers might feel more inclined to communicate among small groups at break out.
– Book clubs online can expand your horizon.
– Virtual meetings gives writers who live in small towns can interact with others at a distance.
– Learning how to accept feedback. to develop a thick skin. Some writers’ groups help break bad habits. We don’t see that much of an issue to talk over each other.

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CPU: (Chest pain units)


I attended an emergency day of workshops and these are notes from one of them.
Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– No longer breaths during the CPU [process. The best response to those who are not trained.
– Feel pulse on the neck
– Those with the highest survival rate are those who had early CPU.
– As soon as someone goes unconscious starting CPU is the best thing to do.
– Call 911 to bring ext training and preventing shock.
– Other info
– 1. Early recognition and call 911
– 2. CPU is hands only
– 3. Early defabulations with an AED
– 4. Emergency responders.
– 5. Take to the Hospital
– 6. Push at a rate of 100 to 1029 1/3 of the chest. depth of the chest
– 7. Need to recoil and come back
– 8. Choking for adults and infants.
– 9. Older people may crack the cartilage. As long as you do it in the correct place less chance of breaking ribs.
– 10. Of people don’t make
– AED: automated external fabltor
– Place hands above the nipple
– Rocking motion for CPU
– Remove all the clothing on a heart attack.
– No breathing no pulse.
– Run go get an AED
– The device is often located in High traveled hallways, often near restrooms.

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