The First Commandment


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Thou shall not have any other gods before me.
– Elder oaks Oct. conference 2013:
– President Nelson challenge for the youth: youth battalions. Give ourselves a break from fake. This includes the media. Do a media fast for 7 days in a row. Think about the things you stop doing or start doing as an alternative.
– Make a sacrifice of your time to the lord give up sometimes you like to do for 3 weeks and do a service.
– Keep on the covenant path
– Pray for all to receive the covenants of the gospel.
– Stand out one copy for the strength of you. Cold change the strength of you (
– Beware of recreational pursuits that take you away from God.
– Think about what your ultimate priority.
– Some will instant to the scriptures on the way to work.
– Mosiah 2:22 keep his commandments you will prosper in the land. Ye do as he hath commanded you.
– President monsoon: let us have the courage to defy the consensus. Courage becomes an attractive virtue. A moral coward is someone who is afraid to do what is right.
– As you read the scriptures more you will see a change in your life and you’ll be happier.
– Don’t let the temporary challenges of life let us forget our eternal destiny.
– Do not have any other priority before God and his son Jesus Christ.

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Voter Fraud 2020, website


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Spelling Extravagant


Bad: Extravent
Good: Extravagant

If you want to really be EXTRA-v-A-g-ANT, you’ll see that the word had three words in it. Talk about fancy.

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Communicating Big Ideas to Young Readers


This was a presentation offered by Kits lit and an interview of Kevin Browse. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Willing to be vulnerable helps an audience, especially young audiences relate to him.
– Before he attends an event, he sometimes tries to go a day early and donate time to the youth in the community.
– Has noticed that the principal will often stand near the students that will often act up during an event, so the speaker needs to obtain their attention.

    Q: How to not be preachy but be vulnerable?

– You need to be generous. Not say, “Here are my seven steps.” Start with a generosity of spirit. You are not withholding yourself. You can gamify it. If you do this, you can this. Always want to leave behind things and to help you be better.

    Q: How does curiosity relate to writing for children?

– Curiosity and play drove me through life. Play was my safe place and the library. The book ‘where the wild things are’ made an impression on me.
– Find ways to be play and find out what brings you joy. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Relate to this as an adult. Uses Google to get a digest/feed of google on topics for things I am interested in. He will pursue the list of things he cares about.

Q: Did a book about belonging.
– Worked with another creative and created a series of books

Q: how to write about emotion without telling another how to think?
– Play8ng sports gave him a chance to belong, the library, and then school became a place of belonging.
– Grandfather advises paying attention to your intention.
– What is your origin story, why did you sel3ct that story. Why do you care about that story? Your word selection will show your beliefs.
– He does not concentrate on how many people attend a speech or read a book. The right people who need to hear the message will be there.

Q: Advice to authors to be resilient against rejection letters.
– Resilience is sustained determination. Maybe an idea. Need to have the mindset of abundance not scarcity. See yourself capable to have more ideas. It May not be the time for a certain idea to be introduced.
– There is another ‘me’ besides you that can be influenced by what you say. They are awaiting your story.

Q: Exercise to keep going?
– Think of you competing. How get ready to put energy into yourself? What is recovery look like to you? Exercise, walking, mediation? You need to take care of yourself. We all need discipline. Try different things that can replenish your energy.
– You are an athlete as a writer. You need to make sure you have the energy and time to dedicate to your work.

Q: advice for children with low self-esteem?
– Had to find things that you are good at. Give kids the opportunity to try things that they’ll be good at. Find their passion. Tell the kids your chance of opportunity.

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Protecting our families from pornography Part C


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:

B: Educate: Why is pornography dangerous & what to do when you see it?
Kids and teen brains are maturing. Brain Matures around age 25.
If never too early or late to teach your kids.
Create a safe place they can talk and have conversations often.
Don’t monopolize the conversation.
Conversations may happen while walking, doing dishes or tucking them in bed etc.
Discuss ways how they can approach you with questions. Walkthrough some scenarios. You might even have a code phrase that alerts parents they want to discuss something such as “Are we having brownies tonight?
Caution kids to not google things they hear at school.
Be willing to answer questions. If the kids are old enough to ask those questions, then you need to be ready to give age-appropriate answers.
It is very important that you create a no trouble bubble so that kids don’t fear approaching you on delicate issues.
Alma 47 Corrupt man Amalickiah, wants to be King of the Nephites. Denied, he joins the Lamanites. He joins Laminates. Kills the leader of a faction of laminates who don’t want to fight. Compare this of the leader leaving his bounders and is poisoned drop by drop just as pornography kills slowly.
Four ways to teach kids while their brains are developing
1. Discuss the consequences of actions.
2. Remind them of their resilience, competence, and what they can control.
3. Spend quality time together and show interest in things they like.
4. Ask your kids how they want to respond when they come to us with a problem.

How does Pornography affect the brain? Video
Donald L Hilton Jr. MD speaks to youth and parents about Pornography and its impact on the brain. Video
How porn affects the brain. Fight the new drug. Video
Pornography and the Brain: understanding by David Hilton
John Foubert, Ph.D. interview – Truth about porn

b. Timbers the height of a man. (Educate: why is pornography anger & what to do when you see it.
C: connection Frame of pickets strong and high (learn how to connect to self, others, and God
d. Manager emotions: put in towers overlooking the pickets (Manage Emotions: teach how to manage emotions and Have a healthy mindset.

Teaching goals.
Teach your family by using three categories: science, stories, and scriptures.
Studies show that teenagers learn best while using stories and science
For scriptures, Boyd K packer said, true doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behavior. The study of the doctrine of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than the study of behavior will change behavior.
As we teach we want to explain the why we do, especially related to boundaries.
Resources for teaching are available at the website
Maybe discuss with the child the times might see pornography. Then brainstorm on different strategies on how to prevent access. Even role play. The more practice the more it’ll instill what to do in a situation that might have high emotions.
A. what to do if you see porn on the laptop?
B. what do you see if you see porn on TV
Discuss how they may feel when they see pornography? Then what can they do to occupy the mind to prevent concentrating upon the image? Maybe name the players on your favorite team and their position. Sing a song or recite a poem. Remember the words of your favorite scripture. Maybe do math facts.
Call a friend. Play a game with siblings. Do a service project. Look at funny pictures that make you laugh. Find an inspirational video. Fill your mind with positive things.
Practice your plan often and praise your kids every time they follow the plan.

Teach healthy sexuality.
-use the correct terminology.
Chasity means sex and sexual acts. (May have my notes wrong here)
Often teens who are the most sexually active are the least informed.
Discuss the different opinions of sexuality such as what porn things of sexuality and God’s view of sexuality. That way they can identify the different sources.
Need to teach how the human brain develops
Need to have a follow-up discussion after first having that first discussion
Need to teach why pornography is dangerous.
How to talk to your kids about intimacy video
Teaching age-appropriate sexuality video
Family home evening sexual intimacy is sacred and beautiful article
How, when, and why: talking to your children’s about sexuality article, Ensign Magazine Aug. 2020

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These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Alma 34:38 take upon yourselves the name of Christ.
– During my mission, my companion and I were discouraged and decided to make a list of blessings each night. Got to see our blessings.
– We need to live in thanksgiving daily.
– Noticed patterns of blessings.
– Saw people’s testimonies grew while we taught them.
– Taught someone in the hall about the restoration, never noticed others traveling in the hall. We were in a bubble of the spirit.
– One trainer said that as she studied the book of Mormon and applied principles we got blessings.
– One investigator felt the book of Mormon was magic.
– One contact had a smoking problem. She promised if she read the Book of Mormon each day her cravings for cigarettes and the wish would go away. When she read the Book of Mormon, she stopped smoking. When she stopped reading, she started smoking again.
– The atonement we don’t know fully how it works but it does.
– When we read the bible, it is not clear of what happens after death. That can is why different religions feel differently about death. However, read: Alma 40:21 tells what happens after death
– Felt the spirit when investigators baptized.
– One investigator got baptized. The next day, he had a bad migraine and didn’t feel he could go to church to be confirmed. He still went to church. When elders put their hands on his head, his migraine went away.
– Gained a testimony of fasting. Did a 24 hr. fast with an investigator who had a smoking issue that prevented him from being baptized. He stopped smoking and 2 weeks later was baptized.
– In serving as missionaries, we learned so much. Appreciated seeing the faith showing by investigators.
– D&C 78:19: those who received all things in gratefulness shall be made glorious.
– Set a goal on returning home to give out a Book of Mormon to one person each month.
– Sharing the gospel strengthens others and strengthens yourself.
– Hope we can all be like the one leaper who returned to Christ and thanked him.

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No one goes to jail in the swamp because it is legal to lie


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Spelling Ketchup


Wrong: Catsup
Good Ketchup

I have spelled this consistently wrong. One way to remember is that you really don’t’ want any components of a Cat in your Ketchup. I need to emphasize the pronunciation of the second half of the word to get chup.

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Editing for Magazines


This was a webinar presented at the LDS writers conference. The two editors were Josh Perkey (LDS church magazines) and Jannalee Sandau (LDS Living magazine. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Q: What is a day like for a magazine editor? The LDS church magazines.
– We have morning editorial meetings of news articles. Will do an interview. Review what every9ne is working on.
– Editing for church magazines is broken up into audience groups.
– Magazines are concentrating more on digital content.
– Getting articles to print and editing each other’s material.
– Will work with marketing teams to put things on social media
– Church magazines: they are planning things a yr. out.
– Follow up on deadlines.
– We have longer hours due to corvid 19 and working at home.
– The adult team has a lot of online content. Hard copy and electronic are coordinating more closely.
– Our design department is about five people. Layout and create and publish

Q: Needed skills?
– We have different audiences to reach.
– We need to determine visuals that will prompt people to want to read.
– Learn how to write for your audience.
– Sometimes content needs to be modified as influence as to where it will be published. Our content ranges from podcasts to research articles that fit our voice.
– Interns have practice in different writing ranging from a magazine article or personal style. etc.
– We write, edit, and conceptualize.
– When hiring people> One staff got hired because he had experienced in marketing. Developed our skills by looking at how things are presented in different platforms.

Q: How to get into the industry?
– One editor started as an intern. An intern is a great way to gain skills and establish relationships. If you have a network of people that you can find stories from that can help you. Taylor your skills for those who you want to work with.
– We like people with editing and writing backgrounds. You need to craft and recraft someone else’s work that does not destroy the author’s voice.
– Some staff came from the broadcasting industry.
– Looking for people who want to learn and grow on messaging and communication. Learn how to interact with each other.

Q: What does it take to be a good intern?
– Looking for interns who have school training who have taken classes. Make sure your coursework has honed your skill to include the ability to communicate.
– Want interns who want to learn. Want to show voice. During the day you will work with people and work alone. The transition between the two needs to be fluid.
– The type of things that you submit will show you. Be familiar with what the magazine does. Cater your subs to fit what the magazine does. Be willing to learn. Love interns with new ideas and stories but also need an intern that will learn from us.
– Other magazines are utahvally360, Blog on the church website, Follow the site or magazine you want to be involved with.

Q: How to be a contributor?
– Modify an article that specifically fits for the market you submitting for
– Choose a piece that would be interesting to our target audie3nce.
– We want things that are comparable to what we have already run but different. One example is of a teen that was watching a movie and was uncomfortable and asked to stop it. That done too often can drive the audience crazy.
– When submitting something that is timely will influence which market you submit to. Church magazines are one yr. ahead.
– Sending in contributor articles is an alternative way to get involved with the magazine when not able to be an intern. Magazines prefer interns fresh out of school
Q: challenges and benefits:
– The church magazines are for active members but also read inactive and nonmembers. There needs to be a certain dignity of the gospel that we want to maintain. Our work gets reviewed by other departments of the church including general authorities.
– We have to consider how content will be perceived by people not favorable of the church
– We like to stimulate conversations that are uplifting and positive.
– In LDS living is a culture magazine. We support the church and Desert Book products.
– Try to provide spaces that can have conversations.
– One article shares what church leaders said about tattoos.
– Magazines have a space to influence people for good.

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Protecting our families from pornography Part B


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In the previous week, we were discussing bounderism and this is the rest of that segment.

    What to do if someone breaks their boundaries

1. You need to establish the no trouble bubble. When the child is in that bubble, kids won’t’ get in trouble for what they admit to. Kids need to tell parents they need to go to the not trouble bubble
2. Immediacy explains what precisely happened. Be as details as you need to be. If you need to use a stuffed animal to illustrate what happened.
3. If the event involves inappropriate texts, videos or notes do not delete them. A trusted adult needs to see them.
4. A trusted adult will help you determine what action needs to be taken. They will help you navigate the emotions you are feeling. You should be respected and not be mistreated.
5. Boundaries are there to keep you safe.

    Internet access

Website Americnfamly;ages/default.aspx
This website lets you determine how to control media. Helps you define media use.
Don’t let children have devices in their bedroom.
57% of teens access or setup apps without their parent’s knowledge.
One parent has a child use Instagram that can only be used through a parent’s phone
Parents set that app to restrict their child’s use of the internet etc. within certain hours of the day.
Filters are good to prevent accidental access to pornographic sites, but people can still access such stuff if they look at it intentionally.
Ask other friends/ parents what they use. Use a filter for home devices that filers at a VPN level. Filers give a false sense of security. The further away to filter bad content from a home, the better. Teens can get past a lot of stuff. Find restrictions/ filters at the Wi-Fi level.
Some parents will collect all phones at the end of the day.

    More resources that teach about boundaries.

Why are personal boundaries and why are they important
Parental Roles: how to get healthy boundaries with your child
-A lesson from Dandy by David O. McKay google it.
-Blessed and happy are those who keep the commandment of God. By Elder Von G. Keetch
-Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-gego > Danial 3 (Old Testament)
-What should I do when I see pornography? (Mormon channel) Video
-WE need to talk… about Pron. Fight the new drug) Video
Testimonials of people’s experiences realt4ed to pornography
– My story: a Christian Woman Struggling with Pornography – Cassidee Hankley
Dan’s story: “I feel human Again” after quitting Prn – Fight the new drug
Travis & Emily’s Story: How porn almost ruined our marriage – fight the new drug
How pornography wrecked my marriage – Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.
How Prn is destroying young men: Gary Wilson Quick talks
Elisabeth’s story: My earliest memory of being traffic xxx old – fight the new drug
Beggar’s Daughter: Jessica’s story
Matt’s story: I quit watching Porn and I’ve Never Been Happier – Fight the new drug
Elizabeth Smart Speaks for the first time about pornography – fight the new drug
Lexie’s Story: the first time I was sold for sex, I was 11
Jessa’s story: I survived being sold into child porn and sex slavery
Coco’s tory: familial traffic survivor and aspiring…
Documentary: Brain Heart World. On the website, fight the new drug.

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