Bad: permeant
Good: permanent
Permanent like a man or woman who keeps the same/ permanent opinion. there forever without significant change.
Bad: permeant
Good: permanent
Permanent like a man or woman who keeps the same/ permanent opinion. there forever without significant change.
I was invited to a meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. This is an entry for the citizen report.
Orterro Morllis Yung:
Lora Reece: is the director of immigration for heritage.
Mark morgan”
A citizen report:
Heads up about apartment plans on Meadow Gold Property.
This is a submission to citizen report.
As we vote in national and local elections, please pay strong attention to local elections.
There is a split between the Orem City candidates of who wants more apartments are not. Some candidates are accepting donations from real estate organizations. Some are not. If you do like more apartments, you may want to support candidates who are accepting funding from real estate organizations.
Some candidates are against high density housing.
PAC: Stand For Orem is anti-apartment.
and videos:
PAC: Stronger Orem is Pro-apartments.
and videos:
I could not find a video on the subject of apartments.
Other documents:
Ethics in Elections – Factions and Parties, Narratives, Propaganda, Truth
Orem has arrived at a point in its development where the debate over its future has led to large factions. Can we avoid getting tainted by evil and still debate and campaign for the hearts of our fellow citizens in hopes of securing a bright future for our community?
Different folks have different ideas of what constitutes a bright future. Can we campaign without being divisive, contentious, name-callers, and liars?
Yes, by maintaining respect for everyone’s right to their own opinion and for the truth. We can be divided without being divisive, competitive without being contentious, assertive without name-calling, and opinionated without lying. Transparency about motives can make politics a pleasant sport where competition of ideas is more important than getting your own way.
Having said that, we plan to lay out our opinions about the merits of Family City USA and the benefits to homeowners of our current city council in bold ink.
The Stronger Orem PAC is opposed to the direction Orem is heading and want to “fix it.” They are sponsoring three candidates for City Council: Jeff Lambson, Jenn Gale, and Chris Killpack. They are supported and endorsed by influencers who want to resurrect the State Street Master Plan with its apartment complexes and bus rapid transit, as well as to widen several major streets for the convenience of traffic traveling from Provo to Lindon. This is a hidden feature of their narrative, which we urge you to explore before you vote.
We think Stronger Orem’s plan is a big mistake – not what we want for Orem in the next two decades, and we implore you to read our coming essays and contemplate what future you want for Orem. If you ultimately agree, you will want to vote for three other candidates for City Council who stand for Family City USA and its residential values:
Crystal Muhlestein, Matt McKell, and Spencer Rands
Please visit candidate websites to see who you want to manage Orem’s future.
BAD: plauseable
Good: plausible
This is a weird way to try to remember this world but plausible is seeing something ‘IS” possible. The word is backward ‘SI’. That backward word in plauSIble might help in the spelling.
We’ll see, right?