Spelling Notorious


Bad: nortorous
Good: notorious

I remember the three Os. But think that someone who wants to be NOtorous, says no to shyness or invisibility.

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Spelling Hypocrite


Bad: Hypercrate
Good: Hypocrite

It’s like an injection (HYPO) of not seeing the beam in our own eye when we might CRITicize someone else for a thing, we, ourselves do (HYPO-CRITe).

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Bring It to Life


This was a webinar from the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, using creative drama and audience participation to bring a story to life.
By Toni Simmons

We’ll learn why to use creative drama.
A story is about the tree and fruit.
What kind of action from the audience, song, gestures, audience chooses the actions of the teller.
People remember the story better if they actively part5icpate in the story.
Creative dramatics is a type of drama in which actors and use and person with improvised dialog and action. In storytelling guides the audience and the tellers tell a story arc the audience learns if dramatic possibilities by the listener participating in the story they can personalize it to their lives.

A storyteller has to have good facial expressions. but itis not just your face your whole body need to illustrate the same mood.
What would your face and today show you are happy?
How are you acting when sad? Now freeze.
Show a face and body as if you were scared.
How does a friendly person move? Elbows, body, hands.
How do you move when you are angry?

Got to act some horsy rhymes.
First, if Jack and Jill. Which character are you going to act out?
Rhyming that is repeated in song, can get kids to feel comfortable in participating through those repeats.
If a child feels hesitant about par5icpating may have another kid help also being a lion.

Steps in planning you have to be familiar with the story. You need to know it well enough to transfer for all the twists and turns. Look fora dramatic possibility for different actions.
What behavior can be brought out?
What activity can be brought out?
Break the outcome up with an idea.
She will tell the three-bill grout gruff.

Book: Shake It Up.
Book: come and buy for my sales
Kids like singing. Adults also like to sing along.
You need to assess your audience to see if they are willing to do the next step if they feel reluctant. If you see someone excited, you might want to single one person out.
Book called, Story is a good resource.

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Protecting our families from pornography Part E


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:

d: manage emotions teach how to manage emotions & have a healthy Mindset
Understanding emotions for kids
a. Notice your children’s feeling
B. show empathy & understanding
c. Practice compassionate listening
d. Get help when needed.
A to Z of coping stradagities – our mental health space -success partnerships video
b. 10 easy self-care tips for depressions -Psych2go video
C., why practice can help with emotional re… – Cogitative, supports video
d. Stress relief tips – northwall health video
E. teaching kids to manage emotion – focus on the family video
F. stress management strategies – watch wellcast video

    Responding to stress:

1. Learn to respond positively to stress.
2. Coping strategies are behavior tough and emotions you use when coping with changes in your life. They are used to main emotional well being
3. talk back to negative thinking. You must first catch yourself having negative thinking. Say stop to yourself. Imagine a huge red stop sign. Then talk back with some positive thoughts
4. Teaching the life-long skill of coping. Help kids identify and label their overwhelming emotions. Next show empathy and understanding. Invite them to try a coping stratify. Pay attention to what strategies works for each particular child.


Resources to teach how to have a healthy mindset. Video
Developing a growth mindset with Carol Dweck – Stanford alumni video
Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset – John spencer video
Developing a growth mindset. Video
Growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. Video
Growth mindset for student – episode 1/5 – Classdojo video
Sesame Street does a growth mindset – The Magna Carta school video
Article: 12 steps for raising confident kids by Carol Dweck. Book: http://www.bestofparenting.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Raising-Confident-Kids_pdf_040916.pdf

    Developing health mindset resources.

Book: practice for heaven by Brad Wilcox
The power of yet by Carol Dweck. Discuss how you can change the way you think to fulfill your potential. Info gained from scientific research. Link: https://nobelcoaching.com/growth-mindset-power-yet/
Ted talk: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=The+power+of+yet+by+Carol+Dweck.&t=h_&page=1&sexp=%7B%22prodexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22prdsdexp%22%3A%22c%22%2C%22biaexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22msvrtexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22pulexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22bltexp%22%3A%22b%22%7D&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJ-swZaKN2Ic
1. Praise kids for the process they engage in such as their hard work and their stratifies, their focus, and their perseverance.
2. Use the power of yet and non-yet.
3. Basic human abilities can be grown. Teach them that every time they go outside of their comfort zones to learn something really really hard, and they stick to it. The neurons in their brains will create new pathways and over time, they can become smarter.
4. Effort and difficulty means you have a chance to get smarter.
Fasting is a version of showing control over ourselves. It teaches us how to resist temptation.

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Protecting our families from pornography Part D


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:

C: connection: Learn how to connect to self, others, and God
I defend connections as the energy that exists between people when they fee seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. – Dr. Brene Brown.

Signs of disconnect offered by Jodi Hilabrand therapist
1. Develop addictions
2. We have unexplained fears
3. We have thoughts full of distortions and we believe false belief of ourselves. Such as, I’m unworthy or I am unlovable. I am not enough. I’m stupid. I’m bad.
4. Don’t know how to hold boundaries lack

How to set boundaries.
5. We engage in fighting in our relationships and ourselves.
6. Self-neglect
7. We have confusion about reality and what reality is and what truth is.
8. We engage in hatred and blaming
9. We have intense sadness, grief, entitlement, long-standing resentment, anger, and unwillingness to repent or forgive. Lack of compassion and the unwillingness to surrender.
10. We refuse to move forward.
11. We take things personally
12. We take people personally.
13. We engage in controlling behaviors and mindsets.
14. We are constantly distracting others and ourselves from what is present.
We need to connect it in three areas.
1. Self:
Come to understand who you are,
How god feels about you.
What your purpose is.
What is expected of you?
You learn self-love and care.
2. Others:

Four qualities of Empathy – by Teres Wiseman
a. See the world as others see it.
B. be nonjudgmental
C. understand another person’s feelings
D. communicate our understanding of that person’s feelings
3. God: having such a relationship can unchain the divinity within us. And nothing can make a greater difference in our lives as we come to know and understand the divine relationship with God – James E. Faust.
Luke 15 of the Prodigal Son illustrates God’s love.
David Belmar: how to hear God’s voice.
A. feast upon his words
B. pray with real intent.
C. seeks for the Holy Ghost.
Our good shepherd. – Dale D railman April 2017 General Conference.
How God communicates with us Gal ?:22-23; 1 Cor. 2:9-11; John 14:26-27; John 15:26; John 16:8, 13-14; Almas 13:12; Moroni 10:5; Exodus 31:3-5; DC 8:2-3;

The power & science of social connections: Emma Seppala – Ted talk
Why our brains are wired to be social.
Connect or die: the surprising power of human relationships – ted talk.
Mosiah 2:17

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God Will Do Something Unimaginable


This is a talk from the church’s relief society. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. This class discussion was influenced by a talk by Edler Urdorf.

– The talk discussed how we could reach our full potential
– The pioneers started building the Salt Lake temple when they arrived at the valley and had to bury the temple foundation when Johnson’s army is coming. When they unburied they found the foundation was cracked. They had to repair the foundation. This could be compared to our challenges today with epidemic and violence.
– Examples of cracks in our foundation
– Some examples of stress in our lives are like running out of toilet paper. We were warned and could prepare in advance.
– Some found that they could stop things that are not necessary for their lives. Emphasize more on the spiritual aspects of our lives.
– We can take inventory and see what cracks exist in our lives.
– Urdorf says there are still a lot of unknowns about the virus. It did not catch God by surprise. He prepared his church before.
– Notice that the leadership of the church is not in a mindset of panic. God has a plan. He will let us struggle until we figure it out.
Q: How are we better prepared now?
– One family worked better spiritually. Mother’s goal is to read more talks about Christ.
– We need to turn to God to help us with the sense of contention and other challenges.
– Families have learned to be together by having to be home more.
– The teacher’s family plays a game called, ‘would you rather’ such as would you rather live during the pandemic now or than in 1963. Another is, would you rather be forced to be vaccinated or to be given a choice.
– Urdorf: there has been no dissension that has not had challenges.
– a.Adem and eve had their son, Cain kills Able.
– b.In another dispensation Joseph is sold into Egypt
– c.There was even hardship in the preexistence.
– Sometimes this game can help change our perspective.

Hardship brings blessings, Urdorf
– We must walk through difficult times so we can learn the principles of the gospel.
– Class member says God told her if you saw the big picture that is influenced by trials; you would not change a thing.
– Class member: we need to learn how to row our boats in the right rhythm to be of support to each other.
– One blessing of the church is members can teach others the gospel.
– There is not a life without trials. We don’t see what others are experiencing.
– In the preexistence, we were warned there would be trials.
– Class member is coming to realize that no matter how bad things go, we survive it. God does not expect us to face challenges alone.
– We have a support system, it, not our direct family, we have our church family.
– Class member: Even the saints felt they were being persecuted. They were annoyed about the crack in the temple foundation but learned they needed to build the temple in granite rather than sandstone.
– Even though we can’t attend the temple right now, we can still bring the blessings of the temple by remaining temple worthy. We need to change our foundation from sandstone to granite.
– I can choose how I will prepare and how to react. Urdorf
– With a change of attitude, I am no longer the victim, I can choose how I react.
– Class member: remembers a talk titled “I believe in Angels” that references helping each other.
– Class member: as we face a high level of challenges, it gives us a chance to learn compassion. We can set an example of compassion for the rest of the world.
My two cents: I have come to better appreciate how preparing for needs in advance, can makea current challenge less stressful.

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Italy provides information on the 2020 election



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Spelling Hypocrite


Bad: Hypercrate
Good: Hypocrite

It’s like an injection (HYPO) of not seeing the beam in our own eye when we might CRITicize someone else for a thing, we, ourselves do (HYPO-CRITe).

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Shameless Self-promotion


These are notes from a writing symposium called Life, the Universe, and Everything. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

What we come from ourselves rather than how we present our self will come out m\\
– An expert on branding will give your ideas on how they established their brand.
– You want to discover your brand. You need to determine what you are coming from
– Life is not fair. That are you going to be in facing a life that is not fair
– She has the theme rock the boat and you rock the world.
– Writing with minion: YouTube. The author is really committed to writing. (note taker could not find it on YouTube)
– Task: write unique things about yourself. You need to look at what is uniquely you. your actions need a match to what you are committed to.
– From the list of your traits and actions, what does that say about you?
You build your brand
– around every hint you are. The world is going to see your website. Literary agents and publishers are reading this. You need to promote the essence of your values in social media.
– There are two things that create the quality of life; entertainment and making a difference. You want to match your actions that will fulfill those needs. Something that gives you a positive experience.
– Share something on social media that matches the essence of you and then give a personal comment. One of 4 posts can be about you.
– There is a 12year old who will someday be the president of the United States.
– All posts on social media support your theme.
– Ticket tock is where kids hang out.
– For Middle-grade sales, go where parents and teachers hang out. Face book. And instant ram
– Twitter follows agents and publishers.
– The presenter has 8 Facebook pages.
– You need to stay on top of multiple pages. The private page is where all the political.
– Three pages for a business online course.

Personal Note: It’s good to attend panels like this. Some of us have a hard time with self-promotion but here is an attempt.

I got my complimentary two issues of the January Cricket Magazine that is featuring my story Forfeit.
Take a look. wee hee

Drats, it did not include a photo of the magazine.


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Protecting our families from pornography Part D


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:

C: connection: Learn how to connect to self, others, and God
I defend connections as the energy that exists between people when they fee seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. – Dr. Brene Brown.

Signs of disconnect offered by Jodi Hilabrand therapist
1. Develop addictions
2. We have unexplained fears
3. We have thoughts full of distortions and we believe false belief of ourselves. Such as, I’m unworthy or I am unlovable. I am not enough. I’m stupid. I’m bad.
4. Don’t know how to hold boundaries lack

How to set boundaries.
5. We engage in fighting in our relationships and ourselves.
6. Self-neglect
7. We have confusion about reality and what reality is and what truth is.
8. We engage in hatred and blaming
9. We have intense sadness, grief, entitlement, long-standing resentment, anger, and unwillingness to repent or forgive. Lack of compassion and the unwillingness to surrender.
10. We refuse to move forward.
11. We take things personally
12. We take people personally.
13. We engage in controlling behaviors and mindsets.
14. We are constantly distracting others and ourselves from what is present.
We need to connect it in three areas.
1. Self:
Come to understand who you are,
How god feels about you.
What your purpose is.
What is expected of you?
You learn self-love and care.
2. Others:

Four qualities of Empathy – by Teres Wiseman
a. See the world as others see it.
B. be nonjudgmental
C. understand another person’s feelings
D. communicate our understanding of that person’s feelings
3. God: having such a relationship can unchain the divinity within us. And nothing can make a greater difference in our lives as we come to know and understand the divine relationship with God – James E. Faust.
Luke 15 of the Prodigal Son illustrates God’s love.
David Belmar: how to hear God’s voice.
A. feast upon his words
B. pray with real intent.
C. seeks for the Holy Ghost.
Our good shepherd. – Dale D railman April 2017 General Conference.
How God communicates with us Gal ?:22-23; 1 Cor. 2:9-11; John 14:26-27; John 15:26; John 16:8, 13-14; Almas 13:12; Moroni 10:5; Exodus 31:3-5; DC 8:2-3;

The power & science of social connections: Emma Seppala – Ted talk
Why our brains are wired to be social.
Connect or die: the surprising power of human relationships – ted talk.
Mosiah 2:17

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