Speech skills by Darren Lacroix Part B


These are continued notes from a webinar that was offered to members of toastmasters. he has very good advice. His website is https://www.stagetimeworkshops.com/stage-timeworkshops. any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Top 10 virtual mistakes.
– Three unforgettable secrets.
– What is the most important part of the presentation?
– The most important part of a presentation is the thought process in the listener’s mind.
Secret: one
– Unforgettable presentation is built on a world-class structure.
– Tell them what you’re going to tell them
– Tell them.
– Tell them what you told them. This is structure but it’s not a world-class structure.
– Poor structure:
– Opening
– Tell a story, make a point
– Tell a story, make a point
– Tell a story make a point
– Tell a story; make a point
– Tell a story make a point
– Closing.
– These points are not connected. They need to connect to one goal.
– Don’t do that. A strong structure gives you confidence.
– Strong structure gives your audience clarity.

Components of a speech:
– Material: your stories, slides, & ideas?
– Delivery: the manner
– Structure: changing the structure of what he said when makes an impact.
– The structure is the crucial step to your speech.
– The structure does not freeze you, it frees you.
– What the first step to creating a good structure.
– Have the best speech model.
– Strong
– Unforgettable presentations:
– Strong opening
– What they are thinking? How is the audience respond or thinking?
– Answer: you need to answer their thought
– Get them to uncross their arms or are no longer acceptable.
– Premise. A good premise gets the audience to think about how to accomplish something.
– Point of wisdom: 7 min one point 45 min 3 words of wisdom.
– For example, you have an audience of all types of peoples. All types of experience with all three pieces of evidence will prove the point of wisdom. Have stories that cover the running of your audience.
Example Seamless transition:

Secret # 2
– You don’t have to climb MT. Everest,
– Personal story: a failed marriage
– The personal story failed sub shop.
– Michael Hauge; the goal of any story is to elicit emotion “great stories are not told, they are retold.
– Challenge: look at your photos on your phone.
– You take pictures when emotions are elicited. taking pictures of people in Ukraine. Another country has parking on sidewalks that can be seen.
– The video makes a point of connecting.
– Go through your old phone photos and ask yourself
– What amazes you?
– What amuses you?
– What moves you?
– What did I learn from this?
– Start a story file:
– Specificity builds creativity – Patricia Frip
– Remember; jot down important details and specific dialog. This helps in order to create a better story when you sit down to build it. You do not have to write the whole story. The key at this point is to capture the idea.
– Remember: use some keywords to help you.
– Your audience wants to hear you: but they really want to know you.
– Stop trying to make your story to launch your career. instead, use the stories you already have. make them so good someone will pay to hear them, Dave Fitzgerald.
– In the stories, there needs to be a change in the character.
– One audience heard a story, and it influences their actions.
Secret 3:
– The critical power of qualified feedback;
– Get an idea
– Try that idea
– Get feedback
– Then alter it.
– Speech skills by Darren Lacroix Part C
– These are continued notes from a webinar that was offered to members of toastmasters. he has very good advice. His website is https://www.stagetimeworkshops.com/stage-timeworkshops. any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– The path to mastery: Effort> (direction + correction) = mastery

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A Beginner’s Guide to Streaming


These are a continuation of notes from the Life, the Universe, and Everything writers’ conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. The panel relates to gaming but can have an application to other areas.

– If your PC slow use consoles, using a capture card. It allows you to capture video and sounds from console
– Look at CPU (processor – any modern one) and GPU (graphics cards) – more recent is better and big enough to put out.
– Streaming programs may require a lot of resources.
– Decide what you want to stream video games (twitch is where video games started) There are chatting or TV shows. Table talk RPGs > set up a tabletop to play D&D swindle handle. You set up a campaign and play with your friends. Extra steps required for that setup. You can do cooking shows, a lot sowing up in twitch.
– Variety streams will select a mix of those above. The pros are you can bring up many different audiences. Cons: You are pulling yourself in too many different directions. You may not have the same audience every day. Either is a valid and viable option.
– You want to choose a streaming place. Look at sound installation; look at the natural lighting or article of the room or the size. If too large, you can get an echo. It is hard to properly light a large room. The presenter changed a walk-in closing to be his sound booth. He has sound paneling, and adds sound foam $25 for panels. Any little step to get rid of echoes and noise.
– He also has a lot of extra lighting. By adding more light, it prevents him from being blown out. It is more evenly lit.
– The green screen behind him so he can put in the background of the stream.

Setting up the equipment:
– Make sure equipment is set up properly.
– Connect camera. The different camera has different capabilities.
– Make sure you have a ring light or appropriate light distribution.
– Having lights coming in from different angles can even out the light.
– Make sure your mic is secure and cannot be bumped or tumble. Be secure.
– Boom stand is good even if it’s cheap.
– If you have a desk mic, it can pick up the keyboard.
– Make sure you have good seating. Make sure you have comfort and proper back support.
– OBS: means open broadcast.

Chose a platform:
– Twitch is the biggest one out there. Hosting organizations count on the streamers to make sure they don’t use copyrighted music. You do have the options to export videos to YouTube etc. after 24 hrs. of creation. You can set up a day of the week or export on a certain day. There are a lot of resources to help you get started.
– YouTube has their own streaming. With YouTube, you have videos already on YouTube. It’s easier to have things in one place.
– Discord has a streaming audience.
– Facebook has a streaming service as well as smaller platforms.

Software: streaming software.
– OBS (open broadcast software) is free. There are tons of video tutorials. Regular jobs are probably the best route. It uses the least resources. It can be tricky to do add notes
– Steam labs: call slobs. The user interface is more user-friendly. It is a resource hob. Easy to set alerts. It has a chat. Easy commands> set up sounds alerts.
– Explicit: some people like it.
– Stream elements try to offload our pc.

Choose ascetics.
– Q: What is your brand? His is about his personality with his name as raven h’ uses black feathers, or ravens as part of his brand.
– One streamer creates a persona with a different name and may have a costume
– Once you chose a personal look-up color stream. Search out the physiology of color. Google it. Different colors in the logo, branding, and website will trigger different emotions. It’s important to do that early to establish our brand.
– If your platform permits affiliates determine how they are to be designed. Tons of artists can provide support.
– Choose your font.

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Personal Revelation


These are notes from a church meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Revelation is the communication between God to man.
– Prayer is an important component in revelation
– Inspiration cannot flow unless you ask for it.
– There are frequent references in scriptures is about prayer.
– Pray in your mind, your heart, and your knees.
– Revelations will not flow without effort.
– Revelations can come in many ways.
– a. Lehi saw the destruction of Jerusalem.
– b. Joseph Smith saw pure inspiration.
– c. Enos: struggling in the spirit, the voice of the Lord came into my mind.
– Boyd K Packer: paraphrase: the spirit gently prompts you or may caution or warn you. Ignore his prompting and the spirit may leave you.
– We need revelations to stay on the straight and narrow path.

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Caucus Corner for February 2021


I’m getting various emails from different sources. so I’m sharing. None of my opinions are offered here.

To learn of all bills:

1. Jake’s Views & Review – How to Participate in our Legislative Session

2. House Priorities Chairman Derek Brown
H.B. 86, Social Security Tax Amendments passed out of Committee and will ease the tax burden for Social Security recipients.

H.B. 217, Which will create the Office Of Regulatory Relief will be in Committee on Friday. Once established, this office will exist to examine and reduce the regulatory burden on Utahns.

In Other News
H.B. 60, which allows for anyone over 21 and legally able to own firearms
to carry a concealed firearm in a public area without a permit, easily passed the Utah House. It is expected to pass the Senate as well and will likely become state law.

Utah State Auditor’s office has updated the Transparent Utah website. Transparency and accountability have been hallmarks of Auditor John Dougall’s public service. Check it out: https://transparent.utah.gov.

3. SB 121 – National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) has been assigned to the Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions committee. They will meet again on Tues. Feb 16th at 4 pm and could address this bill at that time. We won’t know for sure until the agenda is posted by 4 pm on the preceding day, but it is likely, SO it is important to CONTACT THEM RIGHT AWAY and ask them to vote NO. Help them understand how this compact will take away the voice of Utahns and will negate the electoral college (effectively modifying the Constitution without even going through the amendment process.)

You will find a summary of this issue here: https://jbs.org/alert/oppose-utah-national-popular-vote-bill-sb-121/

Here are some talking points:

Please oppose SB 121 in the 2021 session.

These bills would have Utah join the “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact” (NPVIC), which would allot the Electoral College to whoever wins the national popular vote.

The NPVIC is problematic for multiple reasons — here are the most important ones:

4. SB 121 – National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) has been assigned to the Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions committee. They will meet again on Tues. Feb 16th at 4 pm and could address this bill at that time. We won’t know for sure until the agenda is posted by 4 pm on the preceding day, but it is likely, SO it is important to CONTACT THEM RIGHT AWAY and ask them to vote NO. Help them understand how this compact will take away the voice of Utahns and will negate the electoral college (effectively modifying the Constitution without even going through the amendment process.)

You will find a summary of this issue here: https://jbs.org/alert/oppose-utah-national-popular-vote-bill-sb-121/

5. Part of Senator Keith Grover’s email. Utah senate District 15

Conceal Carry Firearm Amendments

Utah currently has an “open carry” law that allows individuals who are legally able to possess a firearm to open carry in public. H.B.60 Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments, would allow anyone over 21, who is legally allowed to possess a firearm, to carry a concealed weapon in public without a concealed carry permit. Additionally, this bill would establish a Suicide Prevention and Education Fund and a portion of funds collected from the concealed carry permit class will go toward suicide prevention efforts and firearm safety. This bill will not discontinue the concealed carry permit class or change specifications on how firearms can be carried in public. H.B. 60 passed the Senate and will be sent to the House for their consideration. Listen to the bill’s presentation on the Senate floor here.

Law Enforcement Qualifications

Many of the brave men and women in our nation’s military are not citizens of the United States. Though they are legal residents, citizenship is not required for them to serve. However, in Utah, those who protect our local communities in law enforcement are required to be U.S. citizens. S.B. 102 Peace Officer Training Qualifications Amendments, changes Utah law to allow lawful permanent residents who have lived in the U.S. for at least five years to serve as police officers. This change will help create police departments that more closely resemble the diverse communities they serve. S.B. 102 passed in the Senate will now be considered in the House.
Listen to the bill’s presentation on the Senate floor here.

In the News: KUTV News | Deseret News

Deceased Voters

Although Utah works hard to have accurate and secure elections, ballots occasionally are mailed to deceased voters. H.B. 12 Deceased Voter Amendments, creates a more uniform process to rectify this issue. When a Utahn passes away, the bill requires that the death certificate be sent from the state registrar to the Lieutenant Governor’s office within five business days of the certificate’s registration. The certificate will then be sent to the County Clerk’s office where the deceased name will be removed from the voter rolls. Before each election cycle, the Lieutenant Governor’s office will also cross-check each name against United States Social Security Administration data. H.B. 12 passed the Senate and House and will be sent to the governor.
To listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor, click here.

Utah State Flag

Some people believe Utah’s current flag falls short when it comes to representing the state in a simple and purposeful way. S.B. 48 State Flag Task Force, creates a State Flag Taskforce to assess whether a new state flag should be created. Though some may think that such an undertaking is not important, a state flag can be compared to the logo and branding of a state. Most people quickly recognize the bear seen on the California state flag or the star of Arizona. An iconic state flag can be a rallying point and marketing tool for the state of Utah. S.B. 48 passed on the Senate and is headed to the House. To listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor, click here.

In the News: Daily Herald | ABC4

Driver License Changes

This week, we considered legislation that would make changes to the driver’s license requirements for new drivers. H.B. 18 Driver Education Amendments, would extend the term of a learner permit from one year to 18 months. This change does not prevent youth from getting their license upon turning 16. In addition, this bill would remove the required six observation hours for driver education observation for 15-17-year-olds. This bill passed with unanimous support in the Senate. To listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor, click here.

Holocaust Education

Many adults learned about the Holocaust during their K-12 years; however, it seems this important, historic lesson is slowly diminishing in our children’s education. S.C.R. 1 Concurrent Resolution on Holocaust Education, highlights the importance of Holocaust and genocide education for students and encourages the State Board of Education and local education agencies to provide Holocaust and genocide content for schools. This bill passed with unanimous support in the Senate and will now be considered by the House. You can watch the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Asset Forfeiture

In 2018, the Utah Supreme Court ruled in Savely v. Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) that a state district court has jurisdiction over property held in civil asset forfeiture cases. The ruling stems from an incident in 2016 where a motorist had $500,000 seized by a UHP trooper without being charged with a crime. Though the money was initially seized by UHP, a federal magistrate filed a warrant to seize the money for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). S.B. 98 Asset Forfeiture Amendments, clarifies the process for seizing property. Property seized by local law enforcement is to be handled in a state district court. If the local agency wants to turn property over to a federal agency, the reasons need to be explained first in a state district court. S.B. 98 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. To listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor, click here.

6. Sections from an Email from Chairman Brown.

This week Speaker Brad Wilson led the House in honoring Fallen Ogden Police Officer Nate Lyday. Officer Lyday lost his life in the line of duty. We can never thank our law enforcement enough for the service they render and we should never forget the sacrifices we ask them and their families.

Here are updates on key bills:

HB161, the Military Retirement Tax Amendment bill passed out of committee. Once this is a law, our military retirees will no longer have to worry about the state taxing their military retirement.

H.B. 86, the Social Security Tax Amendments passed the House this week and is now in Senate hands. This will ease the tax burden for Social Security recipients.

H.B. 217, Which will create the Office Of Regulatory Relief has also passed the House and has made its way over to the Senate. Once established, this office will exist to examine and reduce the regulatory burden on Utahns.

In Other News:

H.B. 60, which allows for anyone over 21 and legally able to own firearms
to carry a concealed firearm in a public area without a permit is making its way swiftly through the legislative process, but not without some contention. Much of this discontent seems to arise from people not realizing that it’s already legal to carry a firearm in public without a permit. This bill simply recognizes that someone doesn’t go from law-abiding to mass murderer just by putting a jacket over their firearm.

Federal Roundup!
Bi-Partisanship is the name of the game

Congressmen Chris Stewart and John Curtis are working diligently across the aisle to move important legislation forward. They are setting the standard for applying conservative solutions to, what the media would tell us, are traditionally liberal issues.

Among other measures, Congressman Chris Stewart co-sponsored bi-partisan legislation called the Safe From The Start Act. According to a press release, This bill would help improve U.S. efforts to combat gender-based violence in humanitarian emergencies.

Of the need for this effort, Congressman Stewart said, “America will always defend and support the most vulnerable—at home and abroad. In times of crisis and conflict, Americans continuously step up and show compassion through leading humanitarian efforts. This bill builds on those values by ensuring children and women across the world are protected from gender-based violence.” You can read more about his recent efforts in Congress here.

Too often, the media portrays Congressman John Curtis as the lone conservative who cares about the environment. Republicans care just as much about the environment as anyone else. After all, we all live here!

Last week, Congressman Curtis participated in a bi-partisan discussion titled Responsible Innovation: Protecting our Planet with Technology where he discussed bringing conservative policies and applying common sense technological approaches to the challenge of protecting our environment.

7. Email from Utah Senate District 15, Senator Keith Grover.

Here are some issues of interest discussed this week with a question at the end:

Canine Caused Injury

There isn’t a clear procedure or law clarifying liability when a dog that is wandering is injured or killed when encountering another dog in an enclosed or fenced area on private property. H.B. 213 Canine Injury Amendments, clarifies liability that the dog owner that attacks is not liable for any injury or death of a wandering dog on enclosed property. This bill passed in the Senate with an amendment that clarified the immunity only applies in situations where the attacking dog is inside an enclosed or fenced area. I voted in support. You can watch the floor presentation here.

Mental Health Day for Students

This week, the Senate heard H.B. 81 Mental Health Days for Students, which adds mental health as a valid excuse for a school absence. Other states that implemented this attendance policy have seen a decrease in youth suicide rates. H.B. 81 passed in the Senate and was sent to the governor for consideration. I voted in support.

Honoring the Life of William E. Christoffersen

William E. Christofferson, a Cache Valley Native and local hero, was honored in the Legislature this week. William Christofferson served in World War II and dedicated his life to helping veterans. He advocated for veterans across Utah and helped create the first veterans nursing home in Salt Lake City. Read the full resolution here.

To all our Veterans who put their lives on the line of defense, we thank you wholeheartedly.

Utah Film Economic Incentives

Did you know Footloose, The Sandlot and The Lone Ranger were filmed right here in Utah? Such films have led to other production opportunities to showcase Utah’s desert beauty and high alpine mountains. The film industry has generated more than 7,600 jobs and $147 million in salaries in our state in 2019. We are considering S.B. 167 Utah Film Economic Incentives, which would provide tax credit certificates for productions, films and series when they film in Utah. This bill would strengthen rural communities by investing in local jobs, stimulating the economy and increasing Utah’s profile as a filming destination. S.B. 167 passed in the Senate on its second reading. I voted in support. To listen to the bill presentation, click here.

Sex Offender Revisions

S.B. 165 Offender Registry Revisions, permits an individual who has served their full sentence on the Sex Offender Registry to apply for removal. This bill aims to prevent instances where individuals are kept on the registry past their original sentencing time due to reporting errors. S.B. 165 passed in the Senate on its second reading. I voted in support. To listen to the bill presentation, click here.

Confinement of Egg-laying Hens

S.B. 147 Confinement of Egg-laying Hens, prohibits farm owners from confining egg-laying hens in enclosures that are not considered cage-free housings and sets January 1, 2025, as the self-imposed date to achieve cage-free hen environments in Utah. If we had not passed this legislation the industry would have been extorted by animal rights organizations and forced this issue to a ballot initiative. I frustratingly voted in support. SB147 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. To listen to the bill presentation, (https://le.utah.gov/av/floorArchive.jsp?markerID=114055).

I would like your input:

This coming Tuesday, February 24, I will be hearing HB 302 in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee of which I am a member.

This bill, if passed as written, would prohibit a student of the male sex from participating in an athletic activity designated for female students.

I support this bill. I believe that the gender on the birth certificate of the individual is the gender that should be recognized.

I would like your opinion.

Would you support this legislation or oppose it?

Please respond if you are so inclined.

Thank you!

Senator Keith Grover
Utah Senate District 15

8. Email from Nelson Abbot

join our meeting via Zoom.
Time: Tuesday nights at 7-7:30pm

Place: 195 South Palisade Drive, Orem, Utah 84097

Zoom link for Tues, Feb 16:


Each week I have a blog post that includes more in-depth updates on what’s happening at the Capitol. To look at more pictures and stories from the past week, click here:

9. I got an email of concerns over Covid vaccines. I can send that to you privately if asked. I know that social media is filtering some content on this subject.


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Victor Davis Hanson, the ‘Cancer’ of Woke Ideology


The full title is Victor Davis Hanson on Impeachment and the ‘Cancer’ of Woke Ideology | American Thought Leaders


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The Difference Between But and However


While writing, Microsoft Word keeps complaining about my use of but; so I’ve done a little homework. Here you go.



But and however



Difference Between But and However



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Speech Skills by Darren Lacroix Part A


These are notes from a webinar that was offered to members of toastmasters. he had very good advice. His website is https://www.stagetimeworkshops.com/stage-timeworkshops. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– You must elicit emotion.
– You must connect before you can educate and inspire.
– Ask yourself how you can create a connection
– How can you initiate emotion?
– You have an opportunity to influence.
– Imagine you are walking through a train station in Taiwan.
– Seeing a group of people singing a song.
– Do you want to create a good, great presentation or an unforgettable one? Each one has a different process for each of the three.
– Are your presentations unforgettable or perishable?
– Capture moments in your life that create emotion. Maybe take a picture that displays that emotion. You will deliver that story after you present.
– Average verses unforgettable.
Q: What would you say makes a presentation unforgettable?
– Complete confidence
– Clear message
– Powerful topics
– Charisma
– Passion
– Humor lead
– Leading expert

The solution to your challenge.
– Got of elections foundations
– Foundations phrase
– Audience engagement
– Strong close
– Challenge to call to actions
– Powerful illustration.
– How do you create that?
– He was a member of four toastmaster clubs for years.
– To help two kinds of presentations
– Emerging presenters: the path to be unforgettable.

2. Experience presenters: crucial missing links to be unforgettable.
– Show you how insight from the best coaches in the world is essential for you to be unforgettable.
– I wanted but did not do what was necessary.
– Too mentors to learn how to be funny
– Nark brown world finalist.
– Both winners had a coach
– You don’t know what you don’t know.
– If you’re not coachable, there is no cure.
– Many people make the same mistakes.
Top 10 speaking mistakes.

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Helping Women Avoid Abuse Using Pt. B


These are a continuation of notes from Life, the Universe, and Everything, a writers’ conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. CIA Street Smarts for Women: Helping Women Avoid Abuse Using CIA Skills and Techniques.

– Tool: elicitation: the spy skill: learning of someone’s intentions, emotions, and secrets. It is like peeling an onion. We share information about ourselves.
– Elicitation techniques: (verbal martial arts techniques
– You-me-same-same: I also attended north elementary or I love music too.
– Assumption: you look like you have a bad night.” or “I bet you know so much about bunny rabbits
– King-for-a-day: What would you do if you were the President?” He might say I would nuke them all> could reveal if he has violence issue.
– Give-to-get; I love tomatoes and bunnies.
– Attributions: I heard that you had a lot of girlfriends. Heard you’re a player. Make them think you know about them more than you do.
– Current events: did you read about the riots in the US capitol? Bring up an article on a current abuse case. Works better than asking a direct question.
– Mild provocation: poke him your car looks like my grandma’s. Poke with a stick in a bush to see what birds fly out.
– Flattery: open the door to his ego; see if he jumps through it, talks about himself for the rest of the evening. You look like you lift weights.”
– What if you miss the red flags? Break up safely. Almost three women are murdered each day by a partner.
– Basic tips for exiting a relationship
– Try a compliment sandwich ‘you’re a very nice guy, I just don’t use in a romantic future for us, but thanks for the invitation, (or for the nice dates we had). Compliment, bad news, a compliment.
– Be fair (honest but not harsh, firm (decisive, unyielding) and final (not talking a break, not going to continue as friends’. this is a basic rule we follow in the CIA. for terminations. and it applies to all kinds of relationships.
– If there is any hint of him becoming angry or violent, break off the relationship in a public area such as a school library or restaurant. If needs to be, have a brother or friend in the next room or nearby table.
– How do we teach children about predators?
– Be aware of what kids are doing on the internet, there are fake on the internet. Don’t’ leave them alone on the internet.
– Remind kids that resect ends when a person of authority touches upon inappropriate behavior. Discuss grooming: is when trying to make connections with you by finding a common interest.
– Q: how to help someone in an abusive relationship?
– Need to be tactful. Help them see what they are seeing.
– Share if you have a person who has experiences that matched the victims.
– Let them know you love them and you’re there for them.

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The Healing Power of Jesus Christ


These are notes from a church meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– We need it throughout our lives.
– We need it through different experiences.
– Talk: Sister Christina Franco April 2020, the healing power of Jesus Christ.
– Healing can make us better than we were before.
– Bowles in china are cracked and are melded with golds become more pretty
– Matthew: Take my yoke upon you.
– Taking his joke upon us, by dd0eneidngt our faith in God and serving others, President Russel Nelson.
– Deeping our faith in Christ requires trust.
– When we trust God, he can lead us to the next step.
– Zone of proximal development: there are things we can do currently and things that we are close to being able to do. We need guidance beyond ourselves to show us the way or to guide is inefficiency in that area.
– We don’t need to feel guilty in needed the savior. He offed his life freely for us.
– We can become like little children.

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Spelling Rhetoric


Rhetoric is when a person, HE or sHE, TOld someone else a talking point to express their opinion that echos the talking point of the group they associate themselves with. So remember rHETOric may help me remember the spelling of rHETOric or rhetoric.

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