Tools to Help Your Memory



This was a speech from Toastmasters. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • Wonder how to remember, you need to know when you need to know specific information such as birthdays etc.
  • Great news there is a new study of a memory technique.
  • You can have a photographic memory without effort.
  • A friend at 15 challenges his friends. He had his friends select 10 items in a rom. He then assigned a number between 1-10 on each selected item. He gave the correct info back.
  • Book: your memory and how to improve it.
  • You memory and how it works and how to improve it. Book
  • With different memory systems, we remember some things better than others.
  • We see faces but we hear names and visual images remember better than hearing.
  • By using strong visual images to remember things, we would otherwise forgive.

Three tricks

  • Linking shopping list. Visual items on each and associate them together. Good for 5-6 t6iemsl
  • Index an item to a unique number. Picture an image something that rhymes with the number 1 gun. An example might be, I see a gun pointing at a peanut butter.
  • Used house method. At the front door, you have an image that is associated to your speech. 2. about voting use a voting box. Put objects in the house. Walk around your house to go through your speech.
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Priesthood Service


This was from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Examples the speaker’s  life of service.

  • Dad had an exceptional memory. In priesthood pulled in the scriptures to fit for that situation. Favorite D&C 121:41-45. Now power of influence via of priesthood and for wife/family use persuasion meekness, kindness, and pure knowledge. Without guile. Reprove by sharpness then two an increase of love. Let virtue garnish thy thoughts.
  • Mother had a large range of callings she been a blessing to everyone she served. The emphasize long-suffering. Father gone during the weekday for 5 years. Fought a lot of githws ween him as a teen.
  • Friend of mine served in stake presidency. While the speaker was in the elders quorum in single ward. He had no guile. Not certain he had graduated high school because he gave such wisdom.
  • Bishop bily: served with in single ward. He had no hypocrisy and without guile. Reprove at time with sharpness and then an increase of love. He could reach people that others could to reach.
  • His friend was stake clerk. He was 83 yrs old who served every position in the church. No matter what calling he did, he magnified it. He was in a jazz band at 93.
  • The church it does not matter where you came form the lord calls us to server in your calling we can have a powerful effect to others. And we will be sustained through our difficulties.
  • Answers to other prayer will often be answered by my own prayers.
  • As you server you will be strengthened.
  • D&C 46: Holy Ghost shall be your constant companion.
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Restoring Liberty, Pt. A


These are notes from a presentation offered by Utah County Liberty Forum. The organization is part of the eagle forum. The speaker was Steve R. Christiansen is a state fep for district 47. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • We are in a battle to save our constitutional republic.
  • Delivered 12,500 copies of his book to every household in my legislative district.
  • Presents Podcast under the same name, ‘restoring liberty rumble/podbean/apple 1 hr. a wk.
  • The purpose of his presentation is to educate!
  • Seeks to be a reliable source on international topics.

Why am I doing this?

  • The country is slipping away. I want to prevent that.
  • I am in a positon of influence.
  • I’m not afraid to cast ‘hard’ votes.
  • Ex: awards: defender of liberty from liberitus (focus on liberty)
  • Prolife Utah 1 of 3 guardian lf like award.
  • Friend of the taxpayer award in top three as mot physical conservative.
  • Believe courageous leadership is needed to address one of the biggest issues of our history.

Key legislative efforts:


Critical race theory ban.

  • Forward resolution to ban. Asked how state will prevent critical rce theory?
  • told that state board has control over how schools. > To state board of educations to rule in education. Still loopholes in the rules that need to be closed.
  • Civics and U.S. History reform. We are in the midst of civils crisis. We’ve been doing a poor job in civics in Utah and the nation. School choice: time is right to try again.
  • There is a lot of effort to indoctrination of our kids and upset parents are upset enough we may have a change.

Election integrity.

  • audit and reform. Trump won in Utah, so why check it out? We need free elections. Last election was significant flawed. 30 people are helping me. Filed an audit request of audit of election that voter list is up to date. Next year present a bill to reform election.
  • 250th anniversary of declaration of independence. 2026 will be 250 anniversary. Start right now and prepare for 2026 can be an amazing year for patriots.
    1. Tax reduction: Our tax is growing about 5 times faster than population growth. Pushing our government in an oppressive mode.
    2. Civics crisis.
  • Only 26 % of citizens can name all three branches of government. In us -33% can’t name even one branch.
  • Only 13% know the year the constitution written
  • Only 26% could pass the US citizen test.
  • Most concerning 74% of senior citizens could pass the test
  • Only20 or 45 and young could pass the test.
  • Seniors in Utah have to pass the US citizen’s test.

Constitution crisis;

  • We are in the midst of one.
  • The constitution will hang by a thread. That prophecy is being fulfilled.
  • When we see the policies being pasted in DC, we are in the midst of a crisis. Attached on every front.
  • Teton dam was constructed in 1976 and a few days later, it broke.
  • 13K cattle were killed, 80% of property damage
  • Just line the dam. Just like the damn, the constitution is compromised.
  • A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates” Thomas Paine
  • Principals our government were founded.

Educated Citizenry is essential. We are not as educated as we need to e.

  • Quote: if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be Thomas Jefferson
  • Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives –James Madison
  • If you don’t have a pattern of being educated- then improve that pattern
  • Get and stay educated
  • 20% of those 45 and younger could pass the citizen test.
  • Mainstream media is biased and often untruthful
  • If thing don’t fit the media agenda, it is not reported or it will be altered.
  • How may unarmed black people killed by police? Police killed 13-27 blacks in 2019.
  • Very conservative guess 80%
  • Very liberal thinker 53 % think 1000 or more.
  • Be wide on chose your source of information.
  • What percentage of pole killed by police re black? 25%
  • What percent of people who had corvid were hospitalized? Was 1-5%.
  • Republican 10% or fewer
  • Democrats thought 41-50% or more.

Limited government:

  • 40 of book:
  • “It’s not tyranny we desire; it just, limited, federal government. Alexander Hamilton
  • 30 trillion in debt, plus unfunded liabilities 200T
  • “The most precious of all possession is power over ourselves” john Locke

Personal responsibility:

  • The US constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the purist of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.” Benjamin franklin
  • Never trouble anther for what you can do yourself. Thomas Jefferson
  • 22 Trillion is spent on entitlement programs over the last few decades, and the percentile of poverty has not changed.
  • Listen to episode 9. Interviewed Robert woodson.
  • Episode 11 interview David martin historian

Morality and religion:

  • Can it be that providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue” George Washington.
  • “We have no government arms with power capable to contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other “john Adams.
  • The more we are moral the more we will feel the fire.
  • God ‘expelled’ from the classroom; christens in the US are 65% down from 85% in 1990
  • abortions incased from 5 to 15B.
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Spelling Impregnable 



Bad:    inpregmanalbe

Good: impregnable


I mess up on the second part of the word. Impreg-N-ABLE It means you are Not ABLE to get in.

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The Blueprint to Craft Your Speech, Pt. B



This is a continuation of my notes from a presentation given by Mark Merrill. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


How to find people: network with other speakers.

  • Follow other speakers. Brag a lot and find out where they have spoken. Write down where they spoke so you can see where you need to pitch.
  • For Utah: financial planners’ conferences. See when conferences are. Find the meeting g planner.
  • It is the timing. If it is two weeks before hope week.
  • Start a conversation you know someone is doing a meeting. Send a short email to begin the conversations to give them some bait.
  • One sheet: tell who you are what your topics are your cover, and past clients, testimonials. And attach to an email.  Maybe include it in the follow-up email.
  • Pay agencies to find a gig. Gig masters bid on projects.
  • People will look at the most professional.

When you are bidding

  • Teaming up with others help.
  • One responded with immediate email and then did a phone call after. The early bird gets the worm.
  • To find out who your competing against create a fake person and offer a gig and see how others respond.
  • Gig salad: website


  • On your website list what you’ve spoken at for the last year.
  • 3 websites Nameauthor; Namespeaker ; Namestoryteller
  • Email needs to list how your speech can help or benefit their conference.
  • The best marketing is a great presentation.
  • People will hop from topic to topic around their speech and not focus.
  • Relationships take time to develop.
  • Facebook to follow: Nasmountain west, Toputahspeakers, Speakers, authors, coaches network
  • Toastmasters
  • You’ll never know who follows you.
  • Groups; Favorite speakers, Women’s conference


Example of a website:

  • On her opening page, she has a video with no volume.  So that sounds does not pop up when someone might view the video while in the office. (but have a button to turn on the volume.
  • Offer her book 7 cookie skills for free. Give it to free if they join the email list.
  • Shows different genera’s of speeches.
  • Lists best speaker’s events.
  • Demo videos and see her in action.
  • Another website has a picture of the speaker. Button call to action: make an app.
  • You have 8 secs for a website to load.
  • We want to see a benefit. A subtitle or title need to promise something.
  • No greyscale on your website.
  • One website shows icons of business she’s speaking for.
  • Need an idea of what topic of speeches
  • Photo face viewer or face in.
  • Does it pass the cavemen test? In three grunts have what you want? Understand your skill
  • The website shows you who and what you are.
  • Some may have a YouTube channel.
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Book Design, pt. B



  • These are a continuation of my notes from a writing conference the LDS writers’ conference. The Presenter is Marney Parkins. Any misinformation of the notes is the fault of the note taker.


  • for block quotes, you will align the left text to the indent of the paragraph indent of the text above it. Paragraph breaks d\will not be the defaults .5 indent offered by word It would be shorter. They may be smaller in text or not. Match the size of the footnotes.


  • Don’t need indents. Usually, just have a number and a period at the end. Normally the size is regular font as the text. You have the option of making it smaller text and also less letting.

Back matter:

  • Acknowledgments
  • Information about the author.
  • Some books have an excerpt.
  • Appendix says index or a bibliography etc. The appendix needs to be the same kind of title structures and the same kind of drop and first paragraphs as the rest of the book. Indexes are the smallest thing in the book. Same size as footnotes. They also have smaller letting. The bibliography can be the same size or smaller text than the regular text of the book. Make sure they’re not hard to read. Everything needs to be consistent.

Table of contents:

  • Most fiction does not have a table of contents. For nonfiction a table of content is essential.
  • You don’t need to say a table of contents just contents.
  • You don’t need a list of illustrations just illustrations.
  • Sections would also be listed under TofC.
  • Page numbers for TofC. Then are on the right either jagged or lined up on the right.
  • Recommend numbered pages for pre-book pgs. and Arabic numbers from the body of your text.
  • Format for English readers’ views from the top right down to the bottom left. Ads should follow the same format.
  • Titles: Chapter titles will be bigger and more splashy There needs to be plenty of white space around the title.

Page text:

  • The font is usually between 9-12 size texts.
  • Lettings is the space between letters of a word. Letting ranges between 2 to 4. Letting would be the same for quotes or bibliography and footnotes. Items in the book are going to be very similar ou don’t need to have a lot of different sizes. You also don’t need many different typefaces.
  • Younger readers and older readers will have larger text and more letting between letters.
  • Normally your line lengths should be 10-12 words on a line. It if its biggest text and fewer words.
  • Typeface needs to be easier to read such as old-style Sarah Fs headers: the first header is bold or a Letter in caps for bold italics.


  • Will be aligned with paragraph indent of the page. Can use numbers are bullets but they need to be flushed with the edge of your text. Would be nice to have a little space between each listed item.
  • Captions work well with a different font for contrast.
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The Covenant Path



This was from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • The path that leads up to the celestial kings
  • We start on the path at the gate of baptism
  • As we follow the savior’s example, we follow the convent path
  • We get personal blessings unique to our personal needs.
  • Reading scriptures, prayer on our own and church attendance are thing we can do on our ow.
  • Siblings can help each other’s prayers and scriptures reminders.
  • We can walk the path together as families and friends.
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The Speech that Defined a Presidency



Found this on YouTube. It was very interesting.

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Difference between Suit and Suite


Someone pointed out that these words are similar; but, that suite has an E at the end. So the way to remember is that many suits may occupy a suite.

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The Blueprint to Craft your Speech Part A



These are notes from a presentation given by Mark Merrill. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • Money is not everything unless you don’t have enough to fight a specific battle.
  • Monetize your mindset so you have the resources to battle whenever what happens happens.

High five of effective speaking.


  • 1. Attention intercept.
  • Ask a question. Are you a goldfish? That can catch an audience’s attention. It refers to the attention span of an adult. Usually, 8 seconds and a goldfish has the attention span of 9 sec.
  • You need the high five several times in your speech.
  • Your attention intercept may not be related to your speech.


  • 2. Engage: gave a personal story that connects you to your audience. Got call from wife she might have cancer.
  • Your personal stories connect the reader.


  • 3. Establish credibility and trust: by how you speak. Know your audience.
  • Some audience will not appreciate spear words. Other audiences might feel ok.
  • What makes you an authority on what you speak?


  • 4. Educate and inform. What do you do? What do you like to do? How can you monetize what you like to do?


  • 5. Call to action.
  • Have them steps take place throughout your speech. It will refer to your open.
  • Just like a speech when you go on an airplane you know you’re going to land.
  • What do you want people to get out of the speech?
  • What are your anchors or diamonds? Monetize your mindset.


Get paid to speak

  • When you speak have a short bio. It gives you credibility
  • How to get the gig if you don’t know where to get the gig? Websites.
  • The reasons do occasional slides in their presentation is that people are very visual, but don’t -have too many.
  • Slides can keep you on track.
  • Important to have a website.
  • They will check your footprint, who is commenting on your blogs.
  • Your website needs to show that you are a speaker, a demo video, testimonials.
  • Demo video needs to see you in action.
  • If you look good, you’ve already won the battle.
  • If you’re not good loin you need to be funny or interesting.
  • Need to do video needs to be 2-3 min of your best stuff.
  • Have you done a fireside or presented at work. Or speak at toastmasters.
  • NSA will for once a month $40 meal. And film you for 7 min.
  • Testimonials need to be on website as well they are social proof you know what you are doing.
  • If a testimonial has a title of that person’s position then include the title of the one giving the testimonials.


Creating your story blueprint:

  • Pre-open: are you a goldfish? This may have been a tory or talking about the attention span of a gold fish. Note taker does not remember.
  • He gave a personal cancer story that enables the audience to relate to him.
  • Pre-close: anchors   (check head count.
  • Close: pond filled with pig poop.
  • Why are a people like
  • Be ready to adjust. If you have 5 steps cut down to 3 to fit in a short period of time.
  • May have a key phrase that you will repeat more than once to remind the reader of the theme/subject of your story.
  • Write down your experiences and put them in your stories for a story box. They might be used later for a speech.
  • Write all stories down, sometimes memorize them some not. Have them available for reference that may match the theme of the story.
  • Some will record themselves.
  • Practice in front of your relatives or kids in the community.
  • Surround yourself with people who are supportive. Toastmasters,
  • Get a mentor.
  • Join the NSA (national storytellers association – I think).
  • When you follow a speaker do not try to imitate their style.
  • You need to be vulnerable. You want an audience to leave who want to discuss it at home. One speaker never admitted never graduated high school what pain was there when not graduating in high school the sooner you are vulnerable the sooner your audience will connect with you.
  • A story of pushing buttons for customer support.
  • If you’re not funny, try not to be funny. Or don’t be a storyteller.
  • Know early on who your strengths are.
  • Do not create fake emotion duringa story.
  • Putting a pause after your personal story can give the audience time to relate.
  • Many will memorize a collection of quotes to put into speech.

Mitchell: educator and counselor. Award winning

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