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Using Learnt vs. Learned Correctly



The Ultimate Guide (Including Examples)


Found this and wanted to share.

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Every Word Matters, Revising your Picture Book Manuscript Part A


These are notes from a writer’s conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


“I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” Shannon Hale


  • Read 100 or more picture books published in last 2-3 yrs.
  • Found 3 or more mentor text and typed out each one.
  • Analyzed mentor text to see what’s working.
  • Examined and revised in our own text: Main character, heart’s desire, problem, stakes, kid-appeal, hook resolution, satisfying ending, core emotions, and story structure.
  • Create a storyboard as many times needed.
  • Created a book dummy (as many time as needed (your simple illustrations
  • Read each draft out lout
  • Had others read it out loud (adults and children
  • Played with points of view to determine the best narration
  • Tired various tenses to determine best one
  • Ask through each revision:
  1. Am I feeling the core emotion?
  2. How does the story relate to a child’s emotional world?


Trimming and Finessing:

Tine-tuning language through:

  1. Knowing desired word count.
  2. Trimming word count
  3. Choosing wondrous words.

A picture book is a partnership between words and mages. Pictures tell the large part of the story. Words (if included) tell the other part of the story. Words should not tell the full story.



Types of picture books:


  • Board books: for youngest readers. Have cardboard pages to withstand wear and tear.
  • Ages 0-3 are under 50 words, 8-24 pages.
  • Ages 2-5 is under 200 words, 24-32 pages.


  • Fiction picture books
  • Ages 3-5 (sometimes 8) between 300-500 words, 32 pages
  • Ages 7-10: under 1,000 words. 32 pages thought occasionally 25, 26, or 48


Nonfiction Picture Books:

  • Ages 4-8, maybe up to 12
  • 1500-2000 words including back matter.
  • 32-48 pages and sometimes longer. Based do curriculum tie in.


Remove visual Descriptions:

  • The text should not tell the whole story. Leave room for the illustrator to add to the story. The more you leave out, the more space you crate for the illustrator and the reader.
  • Illustration notes: use sparingly. Only include if the information is essential to understand the story.


Trimming word count:

  • Thomas Jefferson: never use two words when one word will do.
  • Simplify your manuscript to create crisp, clutter free sentences.
  • Does this _____ directly contribute to the plot? (Line, scene, character, setting action.) If it does – not move the story forward, cut it out.
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5 Tips on Starting a Business With a New Baby in Tow



[Image Source: Unsplash]


Daisy Jones contacted me and volunteered to feature an article on my website. She has some wonderful information. Please note.


Welcoming a baby and establishing a business at the same time is intimidating, especially if you’re doing either one for the first time. However, as daunting as it may be, not only is it doable, but it can also be incredibly lucrative. Keep reading for tips from Melva Gifford on balancing a newborn’s needs while building a business from scratch.


Put Things in Writing

Starting a business with a baby should never be taken lightly, and this is true whether you’re starting up on your own or with a spouse or partner. Most successful entrepreneurs suggest putting everything in writing from the very beginning. Relying on vague thoughts or handshake agreements only leaves room for interpretation and can lead to disaster down the road.


Drawing up a business plan will force you to deal with issues upfront, figure out a salary, your schedule, responsibilities, and commitment. It may be uncomfortable to work out these things at first, but it’s better to have them early on when there’s less stress and emotion involved.


Get a Formal Business Structure

It’s important to shelter your company into a formal legal entity, like a corporation, proprietorship, or LLC. The LLC model is an excellent choice for small businesses for liability protection — sans the extensive paperwork that a corporation comes with. LLCs also get taxed as pass-through entities. Arguably the best place to register LLCs is through an online service like ZenBusiness, which streamlines and simplifies the process. You could also do so on your own; either way avoids having to pay expensive attorney’s fees.

Spend Carefully

It’s easy to get caught up in necessary business expenses, enough that overspending can quickly become a problem, particularly when you’re a harried parent managing your baby and your business. The importance of a budget can’t be overstated. Not only will this help you avoid falling into the red, but keeping close track of your expenditures gives you a solid idea of your cash flow.


When planning your budget, look for ways to cut costs. For example, do you really need a new wardrobe? What about office equipment? You can buy refurbished or used items like furniture, filing cabinets and chairs for a fraction of their original cost.

Ask for Help

Entrepreneurs are eternal optimists. A new baby? No problem! Work won’t be difficult, the family won’t suffer, and money won’t be an issue. We’ll just never sleep, and we certainly won’t have babysitters raising the kids!


Although positivity is rare nowadays, Today’s Parent suggests that you should know your limits and ask for help when you need it. If you experience sadness or guilt, insomnia, a change in appetite, anxiety, or just don’t feel right, it’s crucial to get help.​ Family and friends can be invaluable, but also consider outsourcing every task you can. Delegate stuff like cooking and cleaning to focus on your responsibilities, like spending quality time with your family and building your business.


Balance Family and Business Time

The stress of running a business and taking care of a new baby can wreak havoc on a relationship; thus, as Wellness Mama points out, it’s essential to take a break from business to also focus on your family and de-stress. Make it a rule not to bring business into the discussion at the dinner table or during family vacations. Of course, it’s OK if you need to break these rules occasionally for a quick check-in at work, but try to keep a balance to succeed in both life and business.


Creating a daily schedule also helps you balance business and family time, as well as developing routines. Make sure to include breaks, self-care practices, and quality family time throughout the day.


Remember that although your company may take off during a challenging time, you need to take everything about it seriously — in the same ways that you also need to prioritize being a parent. However, don’t overwhelm yourself too much, seek help when you need it, and start things on the right foot to avoid issues down the road.

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The Savior is Our Rock


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • Then the devil sends his mighty waves… it shall have no power over you… because upon the rock .. is a sure foundation.
  • We are safe on the solid rock of our savior with daily prayer and scripture study
  • Rock of the prophet.
  • Rock of living righteousness.
  • These three rocks strengthen our spirits.
  • There will be storms
  • Think of the iron rod, we need to hold fast with our entire physical strength. If we stay on the rock of Christ, the devil has not power of us.
  • Stay off the unsteady. slippery slope. Stay close to convent behavior , the rock of our savior.
  • Grasp with all our strength of the Book of Mormon.
  • Diligently follow the prophet
  • Follow our covenants.
  • Remember promise the rock of Christ we build our foundations.
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Being a Utah Delegate



Hosted by Platform Republican Pac. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • The organization started in 2000
  • Those who expect to reap the blessing of liberty must also participate must like man under the fatigue of supporting it. Thomas Pain.
  • Encourage you to attend your caucus and consider running for a position.
  • March 8th precinct caucus toe night of 2022.
  • Over 2000 precinct in Utah
  • -Elect precinct officers state and county delegates. Serve for two years.
  • Each precinct has four officers.
  • Chair is member of the central committee. The meeting meets quartly
  • Vice chair also member of county central committee.
  • Delegates attend two conventions nominated convention and organizing convention at odd years where chose officers. State vote for officer state nominees. State chose state party officers.
  • Utah County delegate nominees for county choose central committee, rule change proposals, and resolutions.
  • Delegates must understand the party platform and choose candidates who adhere to that platform.
  • Events at your caucus meeting: welcome, prayer, pledge of allegiance, read party platform, review of rules, review of duty of delegates, dates of upcoming meeting and conventions. Then nominate of precinct officers and delegates. Names of volunteers who will act as election judges. If you want to run of a position, plan in advance, why you are running a 1 min presentation. Tell them who you are and why people should vote for you.
  • Delegates run for 2 years.
  • Useful links:
  • There are YouTube videos on how to be a delegate.
  • County delegates needs to vet candidates. Candidates take you very seriously.
  • There are YouTube videos on Roberts rules.
  • Be familiar with state bylaws, or state platform etc.
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Spelling Genre (again)



Bad: genere

Good genre


Ways to remember. Some people REad everything or different types of book thus genRE.

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Maximizing Productivity and Time Management



How Editors Get More Done without Working More Hours.


These are notes from LDS writes conference. The presentation was hosted by Suzi Bills. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


Getting into the writing / editing mood.

  • Listen to specific songs.
  • Repeat mantras that set up in a positive mindset.
  • Sit in a comfy chair. Maximize your writing area.


Set habits for starting the work period

  • Read a blog/ article related to your career
  • Review a section of style guide/ grammar (learn new rules). Sites the edit accesses are; lesis harmony and Denise cowl blog. Edit boots podcast. Delivery Freelance by Mel… editing or writing Facebook. Editorial alliance, editors of the earth. Diction editors of the earth. Copy editors list serve,
  • Open up marriam-webster dictionary in a browser tab


Become focused:

  • Determine what times of day you are most focused. Some people productive may be split at different times of day.
  • Prioritize the most important things you need to do. Do them first. Do less intense work during your time of low productivity. See what time of day you feel most alert. Track yourself for two weeks and journalize the times you feel the most energetic.
  • Identify your ideal working environment. (Silence or background music. desk etc.) Your place for work is only for work not other activates like TV watching.
  • Create a plan for working with others around. (Might be editing rather than writing new fiction.) For kids you might need to work around their schedule or how to keep kids occupied. Establish boundaries by setting a time aside for talking and a time for work between members. You may need to set some quiet time. Have an open income that this is your job. Shut the door on dedicated spots.
  • Try a 50 min focus session. Then take a 10 min break. Without your breaks your accuracy level can drop. You may need to build up for 50 min sessions.
  • Put your phone on silent. Maybe set up a ring tone to identify important people to who you can respond to.
  • Block social media, email, and phone access. Do chores or social media on 10 min break. Maybe set a timer so you do not go over break time.


Getting organized:

  • Create a week-long schedule. Exercise, reading, writing, social. If something is bumped then rearrange what is bumped. Build in some buffer time. Maybe set up calendar by 30 min increments. Knowing what needs to be done so we can decrease stress.
  • Make a to-do list of what you need to accomplish that day or work session. Prioritize the most important first. Schedule important things at your most productive time. Some like checking something off to give a sense of accomplishment.
  • Try phone apps, an online calendar and excel spreadsheet, a paper calendar etc. See what strategy works best for you.
  • Use a spreadsheet to keep track of a project due dates, details. or access links to important sources. Spreadsheet can help with management of multiple projects. Maybe even backup relevant info in an important email.


Avoiding procrastination

  • Overcome the fear of imperfection or hot knowing how to start. Often occurs with new projects. If edit a book for author get a synopsis of the book.
  • Skim the document to get an idea of the topic. \Conduct a little research on the topic. Wikipedia can be a source.
  • Edit the first several pages lightly; making comments about anything, you’re unsure of. Return to those pages later. Some will put a name or initials to do a global search later if needed. Can bring it up and fix.
  • Set a time limit for the first sessions.
  • If you are feeling a reluctant, try to find out why


What is slowing you down\fixing typos, graphics, formatting

  • Try find and replace. Macros. Memorize hot keys that can save you time. Create a short cut key if there is not one.
  • You need to determine when a task is done. You can’t be perfect. Macros resources: google macros. Book: macros for editors by Paul Beverley. You tube.
  • YouTube channel:
  • Micro list website



  • Care for yourself physically:
  • Exercise 30-40 min. help you perform better.
  • Get adequate sleep. If you have issues how can you make your situation better.
  • Eat nutritiously
  • Mange stress
  • Strive for work/life balance
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Tax Deed Info



  • Delinquent taxes (redemption period begins)
  • Foreclosure notice to anyone associated to the property.
  • Must be paid by a deadline else foreclosure begin)
  • If not pay bill property will show up for state deed sale.
  • Previous claims on property becomes non and void (except for IRS etc.)
  • Any lean or installment for taxes installments/taxes. liens on property or special assessments.
  • Special assessment <county should tell you about it call them)
  • Government claims rights to use property for a certain purpose.
  • Opening bid includes all tax penalty and deeds
  • Overbid/overage is any revenue collected yond the opening bid is known ( if home owner does not pick up over money from what the bid amount was stays in acct.
  • Look up country record info of the homes you’re interested.
  • If you use google maps it will bring up the home.
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Judgement Day


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • Meeting God causes fear. We need to remember that if we are prepared we shall not fear. God is so merciful he will save us all regardless of our sins.
  • How would we train others when we know that we will once be judged by God.
  • First resurrection will be all those who earn celestial and Terlsteral glory. A thousand year peace and second resurrection will be those who earn the telestral glory.
  • The temple recommend is a preliminary judgment of us being finally being judged by God.
  • When we take the sacrament, we judge ourselves to see if we are worthy for the sacrament.
  • The judgement is an event and a process. We have a bunch of mini judgments by our actions and decisions in our lives prior to the final judgements .
  • God shall judge the world with righteousness, with his truth.
  • We will be judged by an objective truth and law of God.
  • Our words will come into judgement. This can include what we post. Tweet others as you would be liked to be tweeted.  Our hearts will be judged.
  • What we listen to and what we view as media is one way our hearts can be judged.
  • God will apply to use the same judgements that we judge others.
  • Our experiences on life is tailored to us individually.
  • Because of the savior we will receive more than we deserved or earn.
  • Christ is more a defense lawyer than a judge as he talks on our behalf to God.
  • If you come unto me, you will have eternal life, Jesus Christ.
  • The most important thing in life is choosing to follow Christ.
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