The Book Launch Formula:


The creator, Jen foster, of this workshop invited me to attend the workshop. Here are my notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. Check out her site.  their website:

Book launch team: create a team of people who want to buy your product. You need to create a community. Kids and nonfiction need a team to lead to support groups before it is released. Could be fans, blogs leaders. Social media and blogs are important for updates.

  • You want to build connections.
  • When to start:
  • Now start collecting names, emails, and maybe phone numbers for texting.
  • How many on your team will be influenced by how many books you want to sell.
  • Try to get 50 to 500 people on the launch team. They will help them become a best seller.
  • Set a target number of how many people you want on your launch team.
  • Your website is a good place to collect names and emails. Put them in a spreadsheet. Mg: an outside source of names is a good backup if you lose access to certain social media
  • Select family and friends who are your main supporters.
  • You also want your target readers. What is their age group? Include colleagues, community members, and clients

What to do if no one wants to be on your team. See who would support you.

  • Figure out who your biggest following is on social media. Who joined your Facebook page? (Include website and YouTube channel.
  • You need to let your team know when it is ready to launch books.
  • Ask them would love your support. I would like you on my launch team.

When to reach out:

  • Three weeks in advance, sent emails, invites, and targeting date of events.
  • This is like a wedding list. You could give them some benefit. Sign a copy of the book. or other gifts. Maybe a workbook or signed book. or digital asset or something you’ve done. It’s easier to have something digital, ease of distribution
  • Use them effectively.
  • Open the book and read it and comment. Want a launch day. You might have advanced copies and still put reviews on amazon.
  • They need to have them tell others.
  • You never know how far one is willing to help unless yo7u act.
  • See if the people that you could share the info with?
  • Ask them why they want to be a part of their team. What skillset can they contribute?
  • Can friends have items to offer as an incentive?
  • See if others are willing to post a blog about your book.

Q: how many sales can we expect?

  • If you have 100 people who commit, maybe 50% people who follow through.

Q: launch on click starter.

  • start members have to buy a book on amazon.
  • If a hard copy book has, have them hold the book in a picture and post it on amazon. Do a free eBook day as a bonus and post a review. That sounds like a verified review.

Q: they did not create eBooks from her publisher who is doing her hard copy. How do hardback books and eBooks?

  • Sell at 99 cents promotion day. More people are willing to buy a dollar a book. Picture books need to be $2.99. Because Amazon wants income from bigger file books that, have pictures. So more people will buy it. Amazon: kindle and hard copy. Book launches are easier. Reduce price on the book launch date. Hardback needs a bigger commitment.
  • Amazon update bestseller every 1 to 3 hours. Response times id getting logner. We want to be on the top of the lists. You want to claim the bestseller awards and take screenshots of your book being the best seller.


  • Buy the book,
  • Write a short review on amazon (required)
  • If you get 100 reviews in the first-week Amazon will promote your book more.
  • Spread the word about your book.
  • Can give advance reader copies for early reading and review on dt4e. Give a deadline in the first week.
  • Give frequent communication and give expectations of what to expect. I might communicate with our cone a day in the last week.
  • Give them fun trying to participate.
  • Read the book, review, and share with others.

Triggers for a team

  • Empathy and community. Asking for a favor pole wants to do favors.
  • Be authentic to yourself.
  • Some will create a Facebook page for the book launch. Depending upon readers and the book. Emails and text are better.
  • Post on a private Facebook page is easy for posting

Q: How soon after eBook to post paperback for hardback two to three days. It comes out within a week.

  • Kids can access eBooks through their Kindle readers.
  • The goal is to be a best-seller, which is good for bestseller. Request categories in multiple counties in multiple countries.
  • Chose all 10 possible categories to maximize Canada, UK, and Austria. You can see all the people listed. That way you are in more places.
  • There is a lot less competition in some categories.
  • Chose categories that are relevant.

Q: How to schedule beyond the launch date.

  • Start with a big launch for 50to 100 to buy the book in the first two weeks. That is needed to hit the bestseller list. Keep momentum by following up on the campaign.
  • Go to book stores and show your hits.

Q: Are eBooks handled the same things as a hardback

  • Each category is good.
  • Nonfiction authors like to be introduced as bestseller authors.

Q; can we call ourselves a best seller when it is a small category?

  • You can call yourself a best seller.
  • Categories are different in various countries. They don’t match.

Social media;

  • The success of the launch team is to keep everyone connected and informed. Use posts and email lists.
  • 3 wks. Prior, announce my book is coming soon. Share tidbits. Post or Facebook live
  • 2 wks. before launch give out the launch date. I want to give you a sneak peek. Tips of how they can help you.
  • 1 wk. before. The launch is next week is the big week. My goal is to be number one in any category. I can’t’ do it alone
  • 3 days before launch? Can I count on you?
  • One day before launch.
  • One day before, tomorrow is the big day. I can’t’ do this alone
  • Book launch day
  • Launch day: I bought my book. Give a list of bonuses.
  • Tell them how to do a search and find the book.
  • Do a book launch live. Say we hit four best sellers, help us reach #1.
  • Tell them what to do.
  • Website up.
  • First three chapters.
  • Two days after launch> thank you for your help. Please feel free to share.

Live events; provided by various social media

  • One author shared kids’ reading books (with permission) talking about eBooks. If a kid likes it, have them give a verbal review.
  • You can practice going through life to get used to it.
  • Live Facebook can repeat more than once, so people can see it later.
  • Advertise a live event.
  • Others you are connected to will be notified and may check out what is going out in curiosity.
  • Go in tick-tock and ty0pe in a book launch and you will get a lot of ideas.
  • You can talk about your journey.
  • Maybe you share a favorite scene or someone might.
  • Maybe assign people in advance to ask a question.
  • Record the event and put it on YouTube.
  • Have a call of action to buy a book and give a review.


  • There is a bunch of book clubs or book bub.
  • There are Facebook groups to promote your eBook or children’s books.
  • There are a lot of readers groups. They want to save money.
  • Get listed on Wall Street sales needs to be 10K books in a week.
  • New York Times may only feature hardback.

Q: What to do to avoid social media anger:

  • You can put your link on your bio is the only place to do a link. One link can point to a link tree where there are other links.
  • Facebooks don’t like links because they want them to stay on Facebook. You can put the link in the comment section.

Other ideas for melva

  • character interviews share articles that may relate to your book.
  • short stories inspired by the book.
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Tai Chi – Warm Up Exercises: Cloud Hands


My company sends out health videos to help employees. Here are my notes from one of the videos. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

This technique is good for:

  • It can help release tension.
  • Good for gastral intestine system
  • It’s good for the nervous system
  • It’s good for memory and concentration.


  • Separate your feet and make them as parallel to your hips as possible.
  • Bend your knees slightly
  • Lean your body, hip to one side, and turn your pelvis in the direction you are leaning.
  • Lean to the opposite side and turn your hips in the same direction.
  • Slowly move from side to side with the hip twist in the same direction on each lean.
  • Include hand movements by extending your arm. Have top hand with palm facing the heart area of your body.
  • The bottom palm is cupped opposite the bottom of the belly.
  • When your body leans to one side, your arms follow suit in the lean. When you move the body to the other side the bop hand goes to the belly area and the bottom hand/palm goes to the top. . Do it in a slow flowing motion.
  • At the end brings both hands to the chest and then slowly lower them to your abdomen. Separate your hands and move them into a circle outside of your body. Lower those hand down the middle of your body and repeat.
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Follow the prophet:



These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– First, doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. Faith is the component when he followed the gospel.

– In the first three years of being present of the church, present Nelson made 39 changes to the church.

  1. He changed the age of missionaries of when they can go on a mission.
  2. People can attend the Temple within a year of getting their civil marriage.
  3. Home teachers and visiting teachers are now ministers.
  4. The full name of the church is now the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  5. The church announced the home study program (which was before the covert pandemic).

– We must pray for confirmation and then act in faith. Those nearest us may not agree with our behavior.

– Remember the divine love and gifts that come through Christ.

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Week four of 2022 Utah Legislature



This is a submission for caucus corner. This is an email from Senator Keith Grover. I am forwarding it in its entirety. .

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway through the session! This week, an additional 33 bills passed in both the House and the Senate. These bills, some of which are described below, will improve our healthcare, transportation and education systems and will improve Utahn’s way of life in many ways.

Week 4 Update

Though the 622 bills and resolutions keep us very busy, we always appreciate taking time to recognize honorable and inspiring people across the state. This week, we recognized world-renowned Olympic athletes, the 2022 Utah youth of the year, and reformed former prisoners who embraced a second chance. In each recognition, I was taken back by the phenomenal strength, resilience and talent that is present in so many forms in our state. I am humbled to be surrounded by such excellence and am proud to call myself a Utahn!

This week the Senate honored the Utahns who bravely carried freedom’s banner at home and in foreign lands, paying the ultimate price defending our country.

As I continue to work hard to represent you, I want to keep you updated on our progress in the Legislature. Below is an update on a few bills we are currently considering.

Tax Amendments

We unanimously gave final approval to S.B 59 State Income Tax Rate Reduction, which reduces taxes for Utahns by $192.9 million. S.B. 59:

Reduces the individual and corporate income tax rate for all Utahns from 4.95% to 4.85%. A $163.7 million reduction in taxes.

Increases the eligibility for a social security tax credit for seniors. A $15.4 million reduction in taxes.

Establishes an earned income tax credit (EITC). A $16.1 million reduction in taxes.

Utah’s booming economy and fiscally sound tax policy provide us with the opportunity to reduce taxes for Utahns while increasing funding in education, infrastructure and social services. The Senate concurred unanimously with the House’s proposed changes to S.B 59, and the bill was signed by the governor. Listen to the latest bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Early Literacy

Helping our students read is a foundational task that sets the trajectory for the rest of their lives. Students who cannot read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade are less likely to graduate and more likely to be on public assistance long-term. Currently, half of Utah students are not reading at grade level by the 3rd grade.

S.B. 127 Early Literacy Outcomes Improvement addresses this issue by aligning existing literacy programs toward a common goal, equipping teachers and administrators with evidence-based methods, placing literacy coaches in lower performing schools, and providing resources to support parent, family and community efforts. S.B. 127 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. Listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Special Education Amendments

As we continue to study how to better serve special education students, we have found that some students perform best when they are included in general education classrooms. However, local education agencies can run into an accounting issue when special education funding follows students into general education classrooms.

S.B. 134 Special Education Amendments requires a local education agency to provide special education in the least restrictive environment, regardless of whether the other students in the classroom are students without a disability. The bill also permits local education agencies to use state special education funds on special education students, even if doing so provides an incidental benefit to students without a disability. This bill clarifies state law to ensure special education students can learn in the environment that is most beneficial to them. S.B. 134 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. Listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Division of Consumer Protection Amendments

Fraudulent business opportunities harm our economy by discouraging individuals from participating in commercial activities. S.B. 26 Division of Consumer Protection Amendments will strengthen Utahn’s trust in commercial activities by requiring sellers to disclose certain information to protect consumers from fraudulent businesses or bad actors. This bill was drafted in response to recommended changes from an audit of certain provisions of the Business Opportunity Disclosure Act. S.B. 26 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. Listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Prescription Cost Amendments

Expensive medication can place extreme financial burdens on patients with medical conditions. To combat this financial burden, many drug manufacturers offer financial assistance through coupons or copay assistance. S.B. 139 Prescription Cost Amendments would financially benefit patients and their families by allowing financial assistance from a medication’s manufacturer to be counted against a patient’s deductible or out-of-pocket expenses. S.B. 139 passed in the Senate Business and Labor Committee and will now be considered by the full Senate. Listen to the committee presentation here.

Citizen Digital Portal

The state of Utah has over 400 websites. Many of the websites are controlled and administered by different state offices and agencies and have varying levels of usability. S.B. 169 Citizen Digital Portal Amendments is one of a series of bills run over the last few years that move Utah closer to achieving data integration between all agencies. The goal is for Utahns to be able to buy a fishing license, renew their driver’s license or pay their taxes from a centralized digital portal website. It would be designed to provide the highest level of customer experience while protecting the data and privacy of users. S.B. 169 passed in the Senate Transportation, Public Utilities, Energy and Technology Committee and will now be considered on the Senate floor. Listen to the committee presentation here.

Protection Against Extortion Amendments

There is a current gap in Utah law that allows certain acts of sexual extortion to go unpunished. Right now, a person can only be charged with sexual extortion by coercing someone else into producing intimate images. S.B. 156 Protection Against Extortion Amendments changes the law to also allow for sexual extortion charges if a person threatens to distribute existing intimate images to extort money or other items of value from someone. S.B. 156 passed in the Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee and will now be considered on the Senate floor. Listen to the committee presentation here.

Limitations on Employer Liability

Formerly incarcerated individuals in Utah face many barriers when searching for employment. One of these barriers is employers often worry that hiring these individuals could result in legal action taken against them. S.B. 95 Limitations on Employer Liability resolves this concern by ensuring certain legal actions may not be brought against an employer simply for hiring a person previously convicted of an offense. This bill does not prevent legal action against an employer when there is cause to believe the employer negligently hired or failed to adequately supervise an employee. S.B. 95 passed in the Senate and will now be considered by the House. Listen to the Senate floor discussion here.

In conjunction with this bill, on Thursday, we were joined by 16 former inmates who turned their life around and rejoined society. It was incredible to see the work these reformed individuals have put into improving themselves and becoming productive members of their communities. You can watch their recognition here. Learn more about the bill here.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I’ll continually keep you informed about my work on the Hill – likewise, please keep in touch – I’d love to hear your insights and opinions.

I can be reached by email at My mobile phone number is (801) 319-0170. You’re also welcome to join me at the Capitol any time.

If you’d like to meet with me in person outside of interim or the legislative session, you can reach Jason Gould at He’ll help us get in touch.

I’m truly grateful for the opportunity you’ve given me to serve in this capacity. We live in a unique and special place. Thank you for all you do to make Utah the best state in the nation – and thanks for paying attention.

Until next time,

Senator Keith Grover


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Health Freedom Part B


This was a presentation offered  by Christen Chevrier. This is a continuation of my notes.

Any misinformation is the fault of the not taker.

  • Many people do not feel that vaccine is spiritually acceptable.
  • Health concerns of foreign DNA into the body.
  • Vaccines are reporting as causing paralyses, chronic health issues in children, asthma etc. in children.
  • Multiple medical professionals lose their standing to express vaccine concerns.
  • There is a group of criminal investigators> the retractions for vaccine studies that oppose the standard of care or vaccine are overwhelmly retracted more than other retractions. (Hints of pressure) censorship is not just for medial
  • Almost always the unvaccinated are not getting the conic illnesses.
  • Informed consent has to be the cornerstone of medial practices.
  • Informed consent can’t exists of inform that has been manipulated.
  • Adverse reactions listed at the top on vaccine inserts are the most mild. If you read the entire insert there are other reasons that are more severe. Adverse reactions are in small print.
  • You can look under google scholar you can read the safety trial data. Through the safety trial data, you can see what prebo has bene used.
  • When confronted by employers. Public schools have three exceptions google Utah school exemptions. You only need a dr. signature only if want a medial exemptions.
  • Pfizer was  approved by FDA> only 4 16 and older. Emergency use was renewed for 12 – 15.
  • Trials of Pfizer do not end until 2023.
  • OSHA has made a special rule that shots are not reportable.
  • No jab no job > if employee dies from effect the business could be liable.
  • Kate dally> video of forcing hospital to incorporate her requests.
  • Legislation is planned for the state legislator to not have business become the enforcer of mandates. From vaccine to mask mandates. That is not the role of business. It opens the employers for penalties or lose their license or lawsuits by employees. Looking for freedom organization is looking for businesses that will sign on to this legislation.
  • Title 7 of 1964> can’t discriminations of religion. If you need to know how exemptions do, you can go to health freedom. Or a religions exemption.
  • Sugar neutralizes the T cell. To be healthy, eat the rainbow. Take care of our bodies. She gave suggestions on how to prevent yourself from getting sick. Sugar harms your health.
  • video> Dr. Julie>.
  • When aids > were not allowed to ask people if they had aids. Why does not apply7 here. At the time of the rise of aids, people were prevented from asking, do you have aids? Going through cycles of fear mangling.
  • com homeschool blog.
  • org
  • Cofounder our health freedom in Utah.
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Another Difference between Principle and Principal


A friend named Eric, forward this to me.



has LEgs.




This info is posted on by Sara Brosinsky,

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10 Overdone Fantasy Tropes


Found this on the web.

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Paul Hunt a Comedic Gymnast


This guy is great.

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The Power of Prayer


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • We pray for ourselves
  • We pay for our leaders.
  • We pray before a big trip.
  • We prayer before we go to bed.
  • We pray when we are sick or when others are sick
  • Sometimes our prayers are not answered in the way we expect. Often later in our lives we can see how God answer to our prayers was a better thing then what we wanted.
  • There is a story of a man who was on top of his house because of a flood. He prayed for God to help him, a boat come by to help. Want a ride? No thanks he said. God will help. A motor boat comes by. Ho hanks God will provide. A helicopter came by to offer help. NO thanks God will help. The man drowns and meets heaven’s gatekeeper. Why did God not save me? We sent a boat, a motor boat, and a helicopter and you turned down all.
  • DC 10:5 pray always.
  • DC 19:28 pray always
  • DC 46:17 we are commanded in all things to ask God.
  • How do we pray always> we can have a conversations in our hearts
  • Mosiah 3:19
  • We need to still our minds to hear the spirit of God
  • Matt 8:26
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Health Freedom Part A


This was a presentation offered  by Christen Chevrier

Any misinformation is the fault of the not taker.

  • Promotes consumer rights and health freedom
  • > products and policies. To give people info to have informed consent.
  • People desire to have people informed before accepting procedures.
  • Have rights to accept or decline treatment
  • Belmont report> expose the ethical ramifications without consent. expnsd what informed consent.
  • Way to educate was symposiums. Sept 11th symposium up in Layton, venders and speakers.
  • Scientist and doctors across the country presented scientific data,
  • The problem in health care is the lack of complete information.
  • Businesses most affected by corvid are business who work with the public.
  • Want to prevent business to become the enforcers of medical mandates. We need to counteract that.
  • Those who have not been vacated don’t have chronic health issues.
  • 1962: a family got three doses
  • 1983: a family to 24 vaccine does
  • 2019: 72 plus vaccine doses
  • Dr Paul Thomas > is on the the conference board certified petitrionts. book the vaccine friendly plan. author or multiple peer reviews.
  • What does the organize advocate? Concerns about vaccine.
  • Vaccine manufactures exempt of liability of death or illness. The only option is counter measures.
  • The claims via counter measures are sitting on a shelf.
  • Vaccines on childhood schedule are not tested as plabos.
  • Vaccine is not held as biologic and is not tested by the same standard as other drugs.
  • Often items such a drugs that are FDA approved are frequently recalled. i.e.: the drug biox and the Olympic figure skater Dorothy hammil. A lot of people died. It was recalled after FDA approval.
  • More than 21 vaccines include Celine that are port of aborted fetuses. They use child fetus in their processing.
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