The Difference Between A while and Awhile


This great info is from the ProWritingAid website:

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Selling Your Books


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • Plan on what events – conferences you’re going to attend. Some will see you at one conference but will buy your book at the next conference. If someone says I want to buy your book, tell them I’ll be at the next conference.
  • If going to an event that is at a bookstore. The staff will put you anywhere they want, including putting you in a genre that doesn’t match your books.
  • Added convention talk to the office around you see what they write. If people stop by your desk and tell you what they want and is not your work then recommend them to authors that were near you. As you start becoming friends with those around you they will sell your books when they see you sell bears. Be willing to promote others besides yourself.
  • What challenges are there when going to an event? You need to see how you can leverage a standalone bookstore visit. You need to advertise. If you ask 100 people to calm only about 10 will come. You need to use your own word-of-mouth to invite people to come to your bookstore event. See what resources are already there. Other writing groups in the area, and contact them invite them to come.
  • One strange benefit is relocated near the bathrooms or the food court. People are standing in line so you have a captured audience. You can go up the line and of every five people asked them what kind of books do you read? The other four people near that this person can hear you what you’re saying.
  • When you go to an event. Have a realistic expectation of how many books to bring. You can have extra books in the car if needed. We had a smaller event don’t bring as many books. When people see a large stack of books on your table they will think that those books and not selling well. Consider having a low pile of books.
  • MG: maybe have a picture of a book with the pitch printed on cardboard so that people can read the pitch of each of your books.
  • Have a barcode on your table set people can scan it.
  • You want to be the person who stands out. There may be restrictions at an event that you can’t push a table against the wall. But if you can. Move the chairs to the other side. People will want to sit down to rest and that gives you a chance to engage them. Maybe have three chairs. One for you and to for others. Only the fourth chair for a slip something come to the table and look at the contents of your table. That way chairs are not restricting access to your table..
  • Set yourself some goals of how many books you want to sell. Adjusted while you’re on the site. Determine how many books you want to sell. If you achieve your goal then set it for a higher number you can sell more books than expected.
  • When going to a convention research work on the audience will be there. Consider going to conferences that are not fiction but other topics such as quilting or a Farmer’s market. That way you don’t have competition with fellow authors non-fan or writer conferences usually have less expensive costs.
  • If you add a quill conference then know your audience and alter your pitch to match the interests of the audience.
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How Medicaid Works


I attended a webinar that was offered to employees of my employer. The presentation was given by Barnum financial group. They talked about how Medicaid works. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • 65> primary fine of health insurance.
  • The average month call set by each recipient ranges from 9-13 K
  • To get Medicaid > you can have nothing in your name. if married can have 137 K.  a home if relatives are there, once care, cash value of life insurance of $1500, and personal effects.

Long term care insurance:

  • If you sell your assets in less than 5 yrs. you do to Medicaid > you will need to pay something to the government.  if you give your asset before 5 yrs. you won’t be fined. You have no more rights over your assets.  Kids have the right to sell the house. If kids sell the house and if you have a high appreciation they will be fined for the house increase of worth.  from what you paid> you remove the tax benefits. kids have to pay capital gain on the house.

Other info:

  • With a life estate: you can occupy the home
  • Transfer to protection trust: after 5 yrs. equity in the home should not be considered a Medicaid asset.
  • Parent has rights to reside in the home
  • No loss of step-up costs basis
  • No of star credit or other tax breaks
  • The property is protected from liens from the debts of the transferred


  • Property is vulnerable to liens for the debts of the transferees.
  • Trustees: must manage the asset; they are the beneficiary. the trustee must approve a sale.
  • irritable trust > can be protected but an unrevolkible trust can’t be protected.

Transfers that are not penalized:

  • Given assets to a child who cared for a parent for over 2 years.
  • Given assets to a disabled child or a trust for a disabled child.
  • Give the home to a sibling who has an equity interest in any amount and in the home and lives in the home.

Testamentary Medicaid marital trusts:

  • Enbetteded into will. the recipient can use the funds as wished. the income and principal can be used for their benefit but the assets are protected for Medicaid.
  • Home equity: is exempt as long as the owner or spouse or minor or disabled child lives in the home.
  • Life use in a child’s home: when a parent and child combine homes, another strategy is for the parent to purchase a life use in the child’s home. this is a way for the parent to transfer funds to the child without a penalty period.
  • The parent must pay a fair market price for the life use. that is calculated based on the parent’s life expectancy. The parent must live in the home off at least a year to avoid the Medicaid penalty period. You then have a legal right to live in that home.
  • Check out the pros and cons to reverse mortgage. research
  • You may have a one-time appreciation tax exception > (check) you have to live in two of last five years in the home.
  • What singles should do? need to get a power of attorney.
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Free Agency


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Moses God gave a great vision. In that vision, he showed Moses the world and all his creation.
  • In the first vision, God and the rest of the Godhead appeared to Joseph Smith. This was a response of when Joseph read James chapter 1 verse five which prompted Joseph Smith to pray. When God communicates with man, he addresses us by our first name.
  • Christ discusses our earthly nature in the sermon of the mount.
  • Kings Benjamin speech: Messiah 3:19.
  • The task of revelations or things will be hard.
  • Book: a time to choose, by Neil Maxwell
  • we are righteous if we decide that we will do the hard things.
  • Joseph of many colors. Genesis 50: in Joseph’s experience, God intended Joseph’s trials for good. Joseph showed a great example of forgiveness toward his brothers who sold him into slavery.
  • Our purpose is to be happy:
  • Joseph Smith wrote an 18-page letter to Edward Partridge which became doctrine covenants 121 through 123. At this time Joseph Smith pleas for help
  • 121:7 God conference Joseph.
  • God discusses the rights and the powers of his priesthood. The priesthood is connected to heaven, and connected to the principles of righteousness.
  • DC 121:41 – 45: charity
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China’s New Digital Currency Is Tool for Mass Control, in China and Beyond


I found this on the web:

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Spelling Vicinity


Bad:   Vincinity

Good: Vicinity


I pronounce the word with an N. Vicinity does N want the N. so maybe that will help.

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Using Modern Theories of Culture for World Creation


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. This presentation is about Scott Card Speaker for the dead, a case study. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Orson Scott card and Robert Jordan are Masters in creating a culture in the books.
  • When you look at a map you can see the separation of Israel and Egypt by how green the landscape is in Israel. Israelites have the concept that they have command over the land and so their efforts are different. They feel a blossoming like a rose. Egyptians feel that they are subjected to nature and so efforts are not as intense about making it a greener landscape.
  • In Speaker of the dead culture is taught
  • Culture is taught from parent to child.
  • Culture compels you to do what is right. An example of this is that when you are driving at 3 AM in the morning do you still stop at a stoplight? China and Brazil are not as inclined to stop at a light when people are not around.
  • Good and bad is a cultural construct. For example in the United States citizens interpret dinner between 5 to 7. We expect to be out of the restaurant in about an hour. In France, dinner starts at nine. And it takes a three hours to eat. The French interpret dinner as a social time.
  • We each assume that everyone thinks like us.
  • The ERM I versus ETI C: The EM I see perspective refers to the result of the native interpretation. The EL IT I see perspective is the observation of culture.
  • When you go to a new culture you need to get a new set of glasses else you will get a cultural shock.
  • Many cultures show slow messages. Slow messages is open to interpretation, often more than one interpretation. An example might be while driving home the wife asked the husband are you hungry. The husband says no and continues driving home. When they get home the wife is mad. She was given a subtle hint of asking the question that she wanted dinner.
  • Americans communicate too fast messages as clear and unambiguous. Understanding a slow message is like getting a Joe or grasping an illusion or understanding of point..
  • In many languages, they have the informal you in the formal you. Be careful not to use the informal you or someone you do not know.
  • In communication, there is the high versus the low context. How much info do you need to function in a given cultural context? A lot or very little?
  • Verbal or nonverbal. Body language is a role of silent language. In France, you don’t smile at someone because they may interpret that as you make a pass at them.
  • Individualism or collect and listen:
  • identity is rooted in the system, the group, the try. In Japan the group unit is important. Because the whole family had to be involved in hosting the rice when it was ready.
  • In the United States, it was colonized by people who came to the country to start their own life. They can only rely upon themselves. That influences the mindset of the country.
  • Internal versus outer direction describes how people relate to the environment around them. It inserts the basic questions. Can you control the environment is the environment controlling you.
  • Well-written novels or the vivid case studies of the human experience. They can tell the variety and complexity of life. He detailed specific, and susceptible to a thick understanding.
  • Create a vicarious learning experience.
  • Before you go to a different country, study the culture.
  • Robert Jordan was a master of cultures. He was asked how to describe his time series. He said quote “I’ve written a few million words so far, and you want me to summarize the six words? Well here goes. Cultures clash world’s change cope. I know I only gave five but I hate to waste words.”
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Taking Care of Your Finances


At work, companies will offer webinars on various topics. This webinar was about suggestions when buying a home. Bank of America presented this webinar. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

You can use BofA resources if you have a job check deposit.

Bank of America has a BetterMoney website has suggestions

Finance goals:

  • 62% of people meet their goals if you write them down and monitor their progress.
  • Determine your finance goals.
  • You need a hard end date to reach your goal
  • You need a specific dollar amount you want to save.
  • If saving for college> you don’t know the dollar amount. Older kids are easier to predict finances while younger kids it is hard. Try to estimate potential costs.
  • They recommend breaking goals into small chunks. If you want to buy a car. See what you want to buy. Look at the interest rate, months later put down the down payment.
  • You want to prioritize the most important goals are more? Do not have too many goals. It is easier to concentrate on your goals if you have top
  • Top three goals. Determine the short goals coincide with your long-term goal.
  • Stay motivated.
  • Include a family member or friend of your goal, so you have someone to be accountable to.
  • Think about what might divert you from your goal.
  • Quote: If you don’t know where you’re going you end up somewhere else.

Set up a savings plan:

  • Keep track of your current expenses on a spreadsheet.
  • Write down your take-home pay.
  • Bank of America online bank is available by several banks.
  • Categorize your expenses as essential and nonessential and essential.
  • Find out how to reduce price plans like a phone or maybe use cheaper medications or discontinue services you don’t’ use.
  • MG: some companies provide sharing of accounts such as Netflix. A family might be able to combine accounts.
  • Tracking your spending will keep track of your spending patterns.
  • Maybe compare utilities with neighbors to see anything suspicious. Speaker found out they have a water leak.
  • Tip: if you want to buy something, wait 48 hours, so that you resist impulse spending. If you still want it after 24 hrs. then buy it.
  • At the end of the month, review your income and expenses.


  • 44% of holders in the United States carry a credit card balance each month. As a result, they pay a high-interest rate.
  • You feel the pain of paying if you pay cash. Credit card delays the pain.
  • Ask why you are paying using a credit card. If for points and you have a balance you may be losing your point in high interest
  • Before you pay, ask yourself, it is a want or need. This will help with a spending plan.
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Follow the Prophet for Gospel and Personal Revelation


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • When he was invited to speak on a certain topic, he searched the Scriptures for references that would teach about that topic. He came up with examples from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the book of Mormon, and the modern-day.
  • Moses from the Old Testament: He used the Lord’s power to part the Red Sea. When the people first reached the Red Sea, the Egyptian army was pursuing them and they were trapped at the edge of the sea. They asked Moses, “You lead us out of Egypt so they die here?” Consider what Moses must have thought. The Israelites saw miracles, they saw the seven plagues, and still, they had doubts. He told them just follow God a little longer. Fear not
  • When Moses parted the sea through God’s power, the ground was dry for the Israelites to walk across. When the Egyptian army followed, the sea swallowed them.
  • Peter in the New Testament: Think what felt like when there are 5000 people that came to listen to Christ teach and the people hungry. And Christ performed a miracle to feed the 5000. Matthew 14. Once the sermon was taught, Christ told his disciples to on the boat. He then took care of the 5000 so they can return home. If we in the modern-day one now turn to shake the hand of a modern-day prophet, think what it was like for the 5000 Saints that wanted to shake Christ’s hand.
  • When Christ and his disciples were on the boat, there was a bad storm. It was during the time of the fourth watch, which is 5-7 in the morning. Think about it raining hard. The disciples are wet, cold, and tired. The disciples even saw a spirit approaching them. They will Christ to seek his help. Christ told and be of good cheer. Be not afraid. As Christ walked on the water, Peter wants to do it too. When Peter comes to what Christ is walking on water but then becomes afraid and sinks. Christ was now the water. He tells Peter, ye of little faith.
  • The book of Mormon: the language is changed and people go their separate ways. The original language is maintained for Jared and his family. God mutates to the brother of Jared. They build saucer-type ships, and go across the ocean. The trip took 344 days, which is almost a year. Those on the boat have collected a lot of food seeds and other resources for the long trip. They were humbled before the Lord.
  • The modern dispensation, Brigham Young. Bigamy unfollowed Joseph Smith’s footsteps. In D&C 136 is a revelation for the Saints to organize and go west. They do not get a specific place. We don’t know when you get to see a big miracle. The desert that they arrived at was a bunch of dirt and scrawny trees. Today the territory of Utah is a prosperous place.
  • Today we have the proclamation of the family. This is to counter the world concept of family. The family proclamation states, that the family unit is ordained of God. Children should be raised by a father and a mother. make sure you’re here for your family. Let others on their own paths. When we follow the family proclamation, we will find miracles.
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What to Expect on Caucus Night


I wanted to see how I could prepare citizens for caucus night that will occur on March 8th, 2022. It will be at the Orem high school at 7 pm. Please feel free to share this with other citizens you think would appreciate it. This is a submission to caucus corner.


Caucus Training 2022-02-09


Know the Truth about Utah’s Neighborhood Caucus Election


What Is A Caucus Meeting?


How to become a delegate and participate in a caucus in Utah


How To Become a Utah State Delegate



Becoming a Democratic Party Delegate in Utah


Utah Democrats Explain How to Become a National Delegate

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