Measurement Mark for a Foot and Inch


‘           foot mark

”           inch mark

There are 12-inch marks on a ruler and two marks.

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Understanding Contracts for  Writers



I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • What should you watch out for? How long until your material returns back to your jurisdiction. What of the intellectual rights in the long-term? If a publisher does not give you a contract and that is not good. Do not associate with them. Just walk away make sure the contract is addressed to the right person make sure specified how you will be paid.
  • How are they paying you? When do the rights return back to you? Do not have in the contract right of the first refusal. This is a prominent shortcoming of the small press. Maybe limit this to only a novel of the same universe. In some will take a long time to make a decision like 10 years. You must have a specific time for response. When offering rights. Specify only English US, Canada, Australia, England.
  • Do not sell the copyright. Work for hire sometimes will buy all rights but they already have ownership of that world. The author is playing in their sandbox.
  • If a publisher asked you to pay money then that is a publisher only want to make money off you and they are not interested in your success. That is a vanity publisher.

What things do you want to look for in a contract?

  • See what rights they are taking and when those rights are reverted back to you. Tell me how you getting paid. MI BN paid from gross or from net. Hollywood often uses net and it never seems to pay out to benefit the creators. Gross is the cover price. If you get an itemized list of what is net then you can see what you have been paid for.
  • For short fiction, you don’t get royalties. In a contract for short fiction tried it make sure that you are material revert back to your ownership. This is often done within a year
  • For novels see when the advances are paid out. Once you reach and meet the expenses of production. The gig and exit bands. The first advance might be when you sign the contract. The second might be when the book goes to print. Many publishers offer 10% royalty. Your advance is offset by your royalties. When you earn out your expenses you can get another dance. If you don’t earn out the publisher loses interest in you.
  • If there is a large advance the publisher is more inclined to make more of an effort to publicize you so they get them an investment back. Nowadays new authors are getting smaller advances.
  • Ask what is being paid for the e-book?
  • Ask what is being paid for the audiobook?

What kind of resources or their contracts?

  • SAIF LA: as a writer beware section that identifies scam publishers and agents. The author and publisher Katharine Roche has also done a number of posts on the topic of contracts.
  • A good agent will know what to look for about what is good and bad about a contract
  • always read your contract. If you don’t understand the section, you can ask the publisher. If it’s a contract for short fiction, any mention of Hollywood is a red alert. Have your agent review that section of Hollywood. It is anything related to Hollywood, then you need to communicate with a Hollywood agent. Those who write a contract to Hollywood will try to benefit themselves first.
  • Some contracts will say that they have exclusive rights to your work. If that is the case in a seven certain timeframe.
  • Have an option that if your story gets voted the best of the year it can be used in that anthology as it will promote their materials well. Get a definition of rights as long as the book is in print. Then needs to be a certain amount of print. Does include electronic. Nothing is considered in print it or rights lesson 2000.
  • Have a stipulation in your contract that if a small press closes its doors does your work refer back to you.
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Gardening Advice


I went to a patriotic meeting that hosts a guy who makes greenhouses. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

We need to teach our children and our grandchildren how to Gordon.

  • We need to show self-reliance to those who or hours to teach.
  • Time outside in nature is a cure of time on the screen.
  • Depression, anxiety, daily news, stress, and deadlines cause children to become more emotional. Resilience is in the garden. If you have a dollar to improve your garden, spend $.90 on improving the soil.
  • Self-heating greenhouse produces the most food per foot purchase of big glass or plastic bowl area is a good thing to put in the garden and to put plants seeds under it when the ground is cold. It will permit seeds to germinate under the glass. After a month lifts the glass by happening each.
  • On a plant in the largest pots, get 27-gallon pots at Costco that do not have holes. If you are worried about drainage poke a hole 5 inches below the top of the bowl for drainage making it a very tiny hole.
  • Milk cartons make good pots. No rocks and pots.
  • Fertilizer can be shredded bark or pine needles or dried grass from the garden
  • Don’t use a weed mat for the garden. Don’t use cardboard in the garden as it has chemicals that can hurt the soil.
  • Public culture coaling gardening on massive scale soil cool frame is the frame of wood.
  • Utah’s backyard homesteading is a Facebook group
  • If you have bugs in your garden, you are watering too much.
  • Black box garden boxes: Project Source Commander Large 27-Gallon (108-Quart) Black Heavy Duty Tote with Standard Snap Lid
  • If you have gnats in your house use nimcake. It smells bad so some people add cinnamon to make the smell not as offensive and then Philly dust the surface soil of the plant. You can purchase is chemical from Amazon.
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Spiritual Treasures


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Every woman and every man makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God. President Nelson.
  • Our receptiveness could be compared to a radio signal. We need to set our dial to viciousness. The challenges of life can be the static. We need to turn our lives to God.
  • We are endowed with blessings at the temple.
  • Females without husbands the women still have access to the power of the priesthood in the home. We can have good relationships with Heavenly Father and have access to his power.
  • We are each responsible to our own spiritual treasurers.
  • Story of Amanda smith> Dur8ing the Towns Mill massacre, her husband and son were killed. Her son Alma had his hip shot she asked the Lord to help her. He gave her step by steps instructions on how to clean the wound, the pulpous to
  • Fill the wound. Later, her son was able to go on a mission.
  • D&C:15 was a revelation to Dilma smith on how to receive the spirit to help in the translation of the book of Mormon.
  • There are things you need to focus on different things in your life.
  • Elder Urdorf referenced the hobbit but he is worried about his house being a mess. But he needed to devote his attention to his mission. Sometimes mothers may not be able to have a clean house all the time when raising kids.
  • As you shift your focus away from worldly distractions, some things that seem important to you will be prioritized.
  • Most certainly, the adversary does not want you to understand the covenant you made at baptism or the profound endowment of knowledge and power you have received or will receive in the temple.
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Orem’s New Smart Meters in April 2022


Got this email from a friend.


If you live in Orem you probably received a letter from Rocky Mt Power about the installation of new smart meter’s during the month of April on Orem homes.

I have long had concerns about smart meters  (see Ies/smart-meter.pdf plus some additional resources below) .  While this report was written in 2013, it is interesting to see how many of the goals mentioned at that time have been moving forward.  No doubt the technology has also been advancing.  It seems that many of the issues described then are still be applicable,  SO I just called the phone number on the letter 866-869-8520 to get more info from Rocky Mountain Power.

Although the letter states that there is a monthly fee to opt-out and a new fee for reading the meters.  Opting out is as easy as a phone call AND I was just told those fees do not apply if we opt out BEFORE the meters are installed.  . 

Here are a few more details:  I asked the service rep what the emitted frequencies will be and she didn’t know, but she did say that the meters could transmit readings every 15 min.  She said there was more info about on the new meters at On this website, under user insights it says, “Sign in to your account to see your energy usage broken down into monthly, daily, and even hourly levels. Business accounts can view their usage in even smaller increments.”  (like the 15 minutes she mentioned.)  Under smart grid, it states “Upgraded meters are just one way we’re modernizing our grid. Our new meters use sensors to adjust the flow of energy and flex with demand. It’s the infrastructure we need for clean energy ” Does this mean that they can control the amount and flow of energy into our homes and even turn it on and off?    It is my understanding that newer appliances can/do have chips that can communicate with smart meters.  Will the power company will be able to tell what appliances you are using and when they are running?  Will they be able to turn off and on specific appliances via smart meters?


PS Here are a few more resources

in this short video a couple of advantages of smart meters


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10 Words and Phrases People say Incorrectly


A friend posted this on Facebook. It post does not have an author. I thought I’d share it.


Supposably = supposedly

For all intesnive purposes
for all intents and purposes.

Irrgardless — regardless’

I could care less
I couldn’t care less

Expresso — espresso

Pacifically — specifically

Ex cetera — Et cetera

I seen it — I saw it.

Of upmost importance
Of utmost importance

I need to lay day
I need to lie down.

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How to Stand out When Selling your Books



I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. This is a continuat8ion of the previous presentation called selling your books:

Go to your table early. That will give you time to go around other people’s tables and see how they do their setups. If you like what someone does it’s all to your table to do that as well. Talk to your neighbors and other authors and see what they write so that you can promote them if that doesn’t mean what you do. This is good for your dog, not a good fit for what you’re is looking for. When others see you promote their work they will promote yours. Some may even post what you did on social media spotlighting you and what you did. That might influence some of their contexts to buy your material you also establish a relationship with those authors at future conferences and they may continue to promote your work and you theirs.

Bring a backup person to help mend the table if possible. Many conventions are willing to provide an extra set of badges.

Many authors are introverts. At the conference, You need to be out of character and be an extrovert rather than an introvert. At your table, you need to be high energy. Your audience will feel that energy and respond to it. At a bookstore start a conversation that talks about them, not about you. You are creating a value for them. You may ask what kind of books do you like to read? What was the latest book that you read? Why do you like that book? What brought them to the bookstore or the conference

the size of imagination is bigger than the budget of the world. While talking to them invite them to take a look and read that blog of the book. While the current person is looking at the book it would be a good time for you to add someone new what they like to read. You might say today at the conference the book is only $20. You create urgency with this.

If you have only one book, that might be a good time to share the convention space of the authors. Their popularity can bring others to the table and they might look at your books. If you have multiple books then that is the time for you to have your own table. If a buyer book, ask them, can I take your picture with me and maybe post it on my Facebook page? There might be friends of that person that sees the post and may buy your book.

Stand before the take your table you need to ask open-ended questions about what kind of books you like to read. If you can’t stand in the front of your table see if you can with the table back. Make sure you are standing. Be conscious of your presence at various events. You may have a certain kind of brand by how you dress.

If you are on the staff of various conventions, then they will want to promote you. They might even give you a prime spot in the dealer’s room.

At your table, you may have cheap candy, in the front. But as you establish a connection with someone maybe offer them the better candy from your private stock


one of the best freebies to put on the table? Many will put on the CR code that can be taken with the pitch of the camera. Many will have half-page flyers of their website. Some will have booklets of the first 25 pages of their book. MG: Mel was thinking that with multiple books I would provide the first five pages of several books. And then at the bomb of the book have a way to buy them. Maybe QR codes are assigned to each book. Conversation and a relationship are what sell the books. Being curious about the people who come. It does not hurt to be funny. If you can make them laugh that is a good thing. For example, if someone says that they like Western romance. Then say then you need to check out this book. This book has no romance and no Westerns. Invite them to read the blurb.

How do you address someone maybe even a fan from monopolizing your time? You might tell that you need to go to the bathroom and we’ll talk to them later. Or you may ask them to wait a moment while you talk to us of the customer. As the people that come if you could send them an email. You don’t want too many emails because I want up some unsubscribe. Only send an email when it’s relevant or important. One example of this might be if you could be appearing at a future event.

When pinching your fiction may be used movies or characters that people are familiar with. Be consistent with the brand of your presence. That way people will recognize you in future events.



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Balanced Snacks


I get health videos from my employer. Here are my notes on the one about Balanced snakes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Snacks need a balance of carbohydrates and protein to make a balanced snack for
  • If pick up a banana she will also take a protein shake
  • She takes any fruit with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese has a huge amount of protein .1/2 cup of cottage cheese has 13 grams of protein
  • Mix an apple with peanut butter gives you a more balanced meal .hack
  • Pair whole-grain crackers with an egg salad, tuna salad etc.
  • Get more fruit and vegetables in your diet.
  • Sugar snap peas and dip. High in carbohydrates. Low in protein so pair with an onion dip. With low-fat yogurt and onion soup mix. Greek yogurt is a great source of protein. Onion packets can be high on sodium.
  • Snack bites can include oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and coconut.
  • Anything with a nut butter base provides good protein. Oats give you carbohydrates.
  • Mini meals are interchangeable. Lentil soups and high protein macaroni and cheese that have pumpkin in it.
  • Lentils can be poured over rice.
  • Handmade meals and snacks have the advantage of you knowing what is going on in them.
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The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams


Randy Pausch offered a lecture to discuss his life and attitudes. He faces death from cancer. It is a good presentation. I was reminded of this video. It’s great.

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The Dark Origins of Communism Ep. Four


Rise of Global Tyranny

I found this on the web:

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