Spelling Carbohydrate



Bad:    carberhidrites

Good: carbohydrate


I get the first part right carb.  Remember the O as an open mouth always eating.  Hydrate > if pronounced correct I may get the last part.

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Paths to Publishing


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • 16 New York Times bestsellers came from the rising of the future competitors.
  • Don’t go for contracts that charge. They only want to make money.
  • Writing novels and short stories flexes your author muscles.
  • Seven pass the publication: A. The Lone Ranger/DIY why ( do it yourself) publishing. You publish your own manuscript and you do everything yourself. You do a lot of work. 30% of the work is the writing itself. Many authors may not want to invest their time in this manner.
  1. General contractor. Is the most popular of self-publishing. It’s where you hire an editor, marketing director, artists, etc. you keep all the rights.
  2. Hybrid publishing: this is controversial. You will agree with others that they will get part of the profits with a certain amount of time at reduced prices of their services. They will get the profits to a certain point and tell everything is paid. For example, one editor is in pain 6000 UK 2000 and the editor get 75% of the profit and tell you to earn out the rest that you owe them. these are to be agreed to on both sides.
  3. Vanity/subsidy/self-publishing. Is associate self-publishing this is where you hire a vanity press to do all the work? At one point they may ask you do want some hard copies? If yes they’ll be an additional $12,000. The full cost may range from $6000-$30,000.

E: Small independent press

  1. Big publishing house.
  2. Crossover product. Someone made I write your book so they can make a videogame of it but not publish the book.
  • You need to network you need to be sociable. Don’t we have notches with others? Strike a conversation with those you appreciate. (Maybe take notes on things you learn about that person so you can very be reminded about them later.)
  • Editors and agents are interested in you attending the convention. Because you invested money incoming as well as time. Don’t connect with agents while the Macy’s. Or they may leave a letter on their hotel bed. That particular author was blacklisted.
  • Sufficiency to follow the instructions of the website. If the management is under over word count will automatically be skipped.
  • As you give a pitch get their car at an ident on that card when you gave your pitch to them so that you can give that time and date so that you can document that information when you send an email. When you can contact them keep your letter short telling them this is when we met and here is the manuscript as promised.
  • Jody Lynn Nye is the next coordinating judge to rise the future. She might live in Texas.
  • ConTinual is an online convention. It has great panels. Check to see if it’s free?
  • Strong with the stars is doing panels and presentations. You can post questions on Facebook for them.
  • Sometimes you may network with somebody who does not benefit you personally. But keep their contact information because her you know may help somebody else.
  • Wherever you live their original writers’ groups. Maybe volunteered to be sent to them. Writers sanctum is an alternative to the super organization.
  • Google Facebook groups that are looking for novels and short stories.
  • Check out rise of the future podcasts. It is weekly. Maybe LT&U, we should have a panel with all the agents and give a list of what they want. And then after the panel, they stay there so that people can get pitches that are relevant to what they were looking for. At that panel, they can tell you how they prefer to be approached. One may say don’t approach me while I’m walking. Or don’t interest me if I’m in a conversation with somebody else.
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Tax Advice Part A


My employer will occasionally offer financial webinars. Met Life provided this one. I listened to this between calls so any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • If in tax-deferred account 401/Ira
  • If pay 100 in Roth you pay tax of 25% then but no more tax later.
  • Pay tax on interest of bank savings. Pay tax on interest, the same with stock.
  • If get a lot of money back from refunds> better to reset tax deductibles to have fewer refunds.
  • 401/K limits > $20,500 under 50 over $26000 over 50.
  • Flex spending is attached to health insurance spending. Take money pretax and deposit to a flex spending account for medical needs. Max starts Jan 1st over the year every paycheck will hold set aside money to make up for build throughout the year. Need to spend the full amount for the year. Get big discounts on medical expenses.
  • HSA is more flexible than FSA. Make the pretax contributions and act balances are over them. Don’t have to spend an amount at end of the year. $7,300 per family. Invest in long-term growth. Pay medical out of pocket, keep your details and you can get the money you send yourself and use funds matching that amount for yourself.
  • Put money in tax-deferred and take out without tax.
  • IRA: 6K under age 50 limi5, 7 k over age 50.
  • Life insurance: cash value > accumulate tax-deferred. Withdraw has a special tax treatment. Tax-free. They grow based on how well the company is doing. A dividend is usually 6 % that can draw on money when the market is down.
  • See home: we can exclude 500K if married > npt lay on a capital gain. Need to live in home2 of 5 yrs.
  • When inheriting a home or stock there is a step on basis. > inherit. Can sell it all same day no tax.
  • Standard deduction on taxes: if single exclude about 12k married 25K.
  • Money set aside for kids and grandkids education can be tax-deductible.
  • AMT: alternative minimum tax: tax system run parallel to the existing tax system. It is used to prevent financial engineering. Alternative tax system.
  • The federal estate tax can be given before you die and not be taxed. (I think) after death 40% (maybe).
  • Some use trust to shelter assets.
  • Receipts: keep receipts of everything including cashed checks.
  • Understanding brackets of taxes. A. One is charged taxes by amount’s first 12K b. after that 10K etc. that gets charges percentage by.
  • Diversifications can help your finance plan.
  • You to cut your tax bill today legally.
  • See what is coming in the future.

Got this additional info from an email from the presenters:

  1. Remember it’s your effective tax rate, not your tax bracket that matters most.
  2. it’s important to be tax-diversified: that means a little bit in each of the taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free buckets.
  3. Think of the HSA as a “Medical 401k” if possible.
  4. If you have children prepare for what the changes to the child tax credit might mean for you and consider utilizing the dependent care FSA.
  5. Consider the back door Roth conversion technique while it is available.
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These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • President Nelson: happiness and struggle and the balance in between the two.
  • Wickedness was never happiness.
  • You can suffer and never know joy but you can have joy without suffering.
  • A prime example is Christ. He suffered physical pain and spiritual.
  • We suffer in that we sacrifice to serve others.
  • We can suffer see what we can learn from it and become closer to Christ.
  • 2 Nephi 2: 1 > none shall come to this land save they come by the Lord.
  • With one 1000 people coming a month, we can share the gospel.
  • Some may have been asked many times. The time may not be right but a time
  • Dc 123: many on the earth. Who are blinded by ma. Who are only kept from the truth because they have not been shown the light (paraphrase)
  • The Roman temple is a hinge point > things will move at an accelerated pace.
  • A hinge point is related to a door.
  • It’s the first temple built in any New Testament land. Where the original apostles would have –walked
  • Advice to missionaries > think of your investigators in white. Many think of baptism but it can include temple endowments.
  • The temple is sacred and a gift to us.
  • The Sabbath is a gift to us. A gift of time.
  • As we think of a chance to minister do it now. Miracles can help.
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Coming Collapse Q & A, for April 7, 2022


Found of this web.

For those who are religious when you see this. Think of the revelations that we will have the inability to cross the oceans.

King James Bible: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood.

There is also the revelation of grasses and plants being burned. Could this report in this video be the contributors? Much of the destruction stated in the last day may be due to the behavior of man.

Revelation 8:7; Then the first angel sounded his trumpet, and …

A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass. … When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire were mixed with …



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The Difference Between Loose and Lose    


This great info is from the ProWritingAid website:


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Giving and Receiving Criticism


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Where do you find constructive criticism? When does it start and end being constructive? If you can fix what they suggest, then it is useful.
  • You can tell what works well and what does not on criticism if it makes you think about your manuscript in a critical way.
  • If criticism gets you jazzed then it is useful.
  • Some reviewers will give a criticism on one specific weakness. If they have a chance to review the manuscript again they will then select a separate weakness to concentrate on. It lets the reviewer help the writer skill set by skill set.
  • Give feedback with open ended questions.
  • As someone is week is settings asked them how they can better ground the reader in sense of place. It is an area of the manuscript that shows a good example of setting place in reference at example.
  • Never start a review with I would.
  • Point out areas that you like and why. Maybe state seven process 21 criticism. Especially for new writers.
  • Separate criticisms from story.
  • How to receive feedback with grace. Gracie say thank you for their time in the review. New writers may need to have a lot of encouragement.
  • If an author is close to publishing quality tell them one thing they need to do to pull them up to that level of professionalism.
  • One storyboard artist excess criticism this way. It’s not my circus is not my monkey. You do things to help your employer.
  • Look for a pattern in the story that needs to be fixed for example how many adverbs.
  • The way to be a better writer is just to keep writing. The know behind the note. You might be asking for a clown to put in the story but what the reviewers really wanting is some humor. Find ways to address their need. It may not be stated clearly.
  • Authors should put the critique on a shelf and give it time and distance. Then when you come back later you can often see with a coming from.
  • How to shift from prejudice to bias.
  • You may have to definitely reviewers that specialize in certain areas. For one author to have one reviewer that concentrates on weapons. For another reviewer they concentrate on grammar.
  • Writers and readers or different. One author will ask their readers to tell them when the B for boring boring, the D for don’t believe it when they don’t believe it, the C when the confused when the confused, and put those letters along the text. Maybe in either indicate the letter E, I’m excited to read more.
  • If you don’t have a solution to fix a problem, then brainstorm with your friends.. When you receive a review that hurt, put that material on a shelf and work on something else. Then come back when you’re ready to address that readers concerns.
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How to Organize a Garage for More Space.


Found on this web.


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Missionary Work


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Family history: is Extending convenient making.
  • President Mckam has encouraged us to do 1 hr. a month. We’re Seeing a lot of temple work for family members.
  • Talk: standing by our covenants. We made an agreement in our preeternal life that we would gather the ten tries both living and dead.
  • We need to be convenient keeper people.
  • When we realize we are children of the covenants we know who we are and what is expected of us. President Nelson.
  • Those on the other side of the veil also wish to make covenants to God. Our keeping covenants -bid us to God.
  • Family hoity is the greatest defense against the temptations of Satin.
  • See people not as interruptions but as the purpose of my life
  • Share your missionary experiences good and bad with your family.
  • Dc 136:31 we must be tried in all things (check).
  • Dc 18: the worth of souls is great to God.
  • Mark twain the two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you learn why you were born.
  • We get credit for trying even if we do not always succeed.
  • We will always get the best in life when we aim for heaven.
  • Dc 29:7 called to bring my elect.
  • Dec 136:31 > not easy.
  • Hard times bring us to our knees and we turn to God.
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How China Can Capitalize on the US Patent System


I found this on the web: How China Can Capitalize on the US Patent System to Advance Its Advantage on Inventions


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