2000 Mules, a film about the 2020 election



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Reply-All: How to Respond to a Group Email with Confidence


Grammarly is a useful edit program sent me this email and I thought I’d share it.


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How to Make a Character Likable?


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Make that character sympathetic.

  • Focus on something that the character is really bad at. For example, if the character is a scholar personality they can be very self-centered. They can be very blunt on how they communicate. They can hurt other’s feelings. A good example is iron Man.
  • A protagonist has to be morally good in the framework of that universe. In the movie the Godfather, you see the evolution of the protagonist. You see the importance of family in that movie.
  • Storytellers often tell tales that the audience can relate to. For example when they relate a husband who says my wife got the last pop port before I did.
  • In a book series, there are many kinds of challenges. Each character has a trait they can’t control that comes in conflict with their world. One example is in one world a person has blue eyes is – considered evil or illegal. And a character has blue eyes.
  • The most interesting protagonists or those with someone must break their moral code to accomplish the overall mission. For example, in the Godfather the family is an important objective.
  • The false protagonist. Marion in Cecilio an example of the false protagonist. he is murdered.
  • How to build upon the killing of the protagonist?
  • He had been another character who might be killed. Leave hands about dying in as foreshadowing in the text.

Q: Can you have more than one protagonist without them being a part of a big team?

  • We have to protagonist run different plot lines and they might come together near the end of the story. The Lord of the rings is a good example of multiple characters having different experiences. Brandon Sanderson also does this well in his books.

Q: What types of mistakes can you make regarding a protagonist?

  • Make them boring.
  • Not having a clear goal or objective for the character to achieve.
  • Making them too good with you have nothing to lose or nothing to gain.
  • The protagonist fighting against the antagonist. They both have the same skill set but he still wins.

Q: How do you deal with the conflict of multiple protagonists’ priorities?

  • Have an objective that they all have that is higher than their individual preferences. In Star Wars Luke and Han have different goals. At the end he saves Luke.
  • Q: How to fast-track the likability of a character? Give him something that makes the readers sympathetic to them. For example, they show kindness to an animal or they are nice to a child.
  • Find a way to build character strengths in the introductory scene of that character.
  • Have the character say or do something funny. Humor always endears the reader to a character.

Q: How do you motivate a passive protagonist?

  • Luke in Star Wars, Luke’s family is killed. He has nothing to hold him to home.
  • They get a call to arms.
  • Events are zipping them to the breaking point.
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Three Ways to Know the Savior


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Learning about here is the most important thing to learn about. As we learn the Scriptures they will become our words.
We are improving the understanding that the atonement in the excess and that we need to get rid of the house.
Words of the song: there is a green hill far away
It isn’t the words that preach the sermon. It is the way we live our lives. It is also the spirit that conveys to our hearts the sermon people’s lives.
The speaker talked about taking a walk with his wife that morning I saw the sunrise and you gave me joy. I wondered if the son did will happen is not rise. There are two times in history that the sun deviated from its course. The son did not set for one night at the birth of Christ in the Americas. Decided not to rise for three days in the Americas at Christ
The sun became one of the greatest symbols of the atonement of Jesus Christ. It is the mechanism that will always be present. Without the sun of Crawford grow. We would freeze. Man would die. Why do it either you told it Westmark to cleanse our souls. Strengthen us in our weaknesses
Because God wanted us to know Jory God gave us the atonement.
Life is not about fairness if life was fair we would not have tragedy and sorrow in our lives.
If granted to the atonement of Christ we will have an avenue for Christ.
Help forgive people.

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Leaving Communism


A lot of Chinese are leaving communism. This may interest people who are pro socialism and communist.


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Spelling Incapacitated


Bad: incompasitated

Good: incapacitated

Something that may help remember the first part of the word. The word cap is the head of something. In CAP Is to cut off or disable the cap. For the ‘Pac‘ part of the word, if pronounced correctly may help me remember the middle.

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Map Making


I attended the Live the Universe and Everything symposium. These are notes from one of the panels. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • When building a map, keep track of distances, as well as the time of travel.
  • Maps change as geography changes.
  • Matt is a snapshot of time. It is not quick to accommodate new construction.
  • Maps help you understand geography. Don’t have the sunrise and sunset in the same forest. Some will even map out a town or building to keep track of events in the fiction. The mass of a town or building is only for the use of the author.
  • One religious map has Israel as the center of the map.
  • Keep maps as simple as possible.
  • Maps need to be reader-centric.
  • Amazon has a tool called x-ray where you can give maps to embellish your fiction. It can also give external attributes of your book. Amazon will charge a larger price for the more images or megabytes you have on your manuscript.
  • Obtaining map sources: campaign CA geode GA HCR makes maps. It has a fractional feature. It can arrange and drop symbols to identify different aspects of the landscape there are also a lot of free map-making resources up on the Internet for free. Google the phrase ‘mapmakers
  • You can also alter the current map. A fantasy world might be in an altered map of Texas.
  • Some people make maps in layers. Geography bottom layer of streets and roads and rivers their own layers and buildings is a layer.
  • A map is a relationship to what is happening.
  • If your story overflows the width of the map then change and create a new map to suit your new needs. If you put a high mountain or high building in your book people want to visit that mountain and building. Your map is never finished until you go to press
  • How do external elements influence your maps? Volcanic stones, the weather, floods, wind.
  • Label East West North and South on your map.
  • Geography and land obstacles can add complications for your characters. Some areas of the country may be influenced by drought or flood.
  • Iceland was named Iceland to discourage people from bothering them.
  • All maps are subjective and influenced by culture.
  • Study geography to see the in and outlets of rivers that work.
  • Not everything may be on a map. One person was traveling in Germany and encountered a small town. They went past that small town to another small town that was also not on the map. Some people will draw their world on a ball.
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Gardening Advice


At my church, a fellow who has a lot of experience in gardens gave advice. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Quote: One comes to God who tilling and harvest than anything else in life, Brigham Young
  • Don’t plant things you don’t eat.
  • Corn takes a lot of room and is not space-effective.
  • Ask neighbors who grow well and where. You can grow strawberries under tomatoes.
  • A Garden is like a relationship, the more you put into it the better it will be.
  • Check out the video kiss the ground available on Netflix.
  • Use a commercial ground protector. Got a hole in the cloth where you want the plant to be. Make a mulch on the top of your garden beds to prevent weeds and keep moisture.
  • The more non-caked the soil, the better it will grow.
  • To help people’s soil lose you can use straw. Do not use hey you can mold.
  • Use cloth bags or potatoes, they breed.
  • Some garden centers have recycled begins. You can sometimes get some good pots and other things from that recycle bin.
  • Get organic steer manure, available at Lowe’s.
  • You should go organic. Avoid chemicals. Your sorrows are composed of 25% steer manure 25% make a mulch and one-half dirt.
  • Don’t use grasses been treated with chemicals.
  • Proceed in a bottle and put it in a dark (I’m not sure this is what it said).
  • A good source of free soil might be Springville but other cities also have soil locations.
  • Search on interest the title for the best ways to fill the raised bed. Interest would be a good source.
  • Tomatoes experience transport shock when moving from one location to another. One way to prevent this is to put a palette of the Moss under it and that will prevent it from heaven so much shock.
  • When burying tomatoes, bury the plant to the bottom stems. Some will lay the tomato flat, horizontally.
  • Tomatoes like climbing, tie them along the trellis so that they’re easier to manage.
  • Someone uses discarded Windows against the side of the house and uses the outside been to the dryer to keep it warm and moist.
  • Grow, cucumbers on chalices.
  • Use old blankets to keep plants warm in the fall.
  • You can test your soil for a minimal fee to suit the needs more or less pH.
  • Once a week fertilizer tomatoes.
  • Banana peels are good for tomatoes.
  • You can compost everything but meat and citrus.
  • Worms like coffee.
  • Spray plants with vinegar. But check first as some plants to like vinegar,
  • You want to buy the ladybug larvae as they eat bugs, its not the ladybug themselves.
  • What attracts bees? Mental goals. Buying 80 packs of miracles.The book square foot gardening is recommended.
  • Bamboo can be used to hold tomatoes.
  • Mix a package of carrots with non-sugar Jell-O to deliver the seeds more evenly.
  • Any timber plant grows better and uncompressed soil.
  • Being is love sweet peas.
  • Check out the book: Survivor Gardens for herbs. There are many flavors of rosemary.
  • Pete Moss pellets is a good use of the garden. Put some at the bottom of your tomato plant and when you transfer the plant it will shock the plant. The peat moss helps prevent that.
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Christ’s Atonement


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– The atonement is to suffer the penalty for sin. It allows us to return back to God.
– Jesus Christ was the only one who could do it as he was the only one without sin.
– Elderberry nor asked: do you know the Savior? Or we increase our efforts to know him?
– How to get to know Christ: the story of a man who died at the end of the room and another minute man entered. The second man asked the first to tell me about Christ. The man told about Christ’s works in miracles and events of the New Testament. The first man gave a whole bunch of facts about Christ. He was born of Mary, had told disciples, etc.
The second man says that is true but tell me more about Christ. The first man cited more facts about Christ.
The second in says that is all true but what is really the price?
The man says Jesus Christ is our Savior. The second man says they give very much and as the second man was leaving the room the third man into the room and immediately fell to his knees and not as a savior. Then the man saw that the strategy been talking to was Jesus Christ.

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BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?




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