Henry Schein One is Hiring


They are looking for:

  • Finance Operations Jr analyst
  • Sales development representative lighthouse
  • Sales lead development rep.
  • Senior Manger Sales
  • Support technician III


Please spread the word to anyone looking for a job. Many people are working at home. If someone applies, please have Melva Gifford as his or her referral.


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Spelling Parentheses


Bad:    Perencies

Good: Parentheses

I consistently spell these wrong and just realize that the word ‘parent’ is in the word. The left ( and right ) could be seem as parents.

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Calories vs. Physical Activity


My employer offers a video, healthy living series and here are my notes on this topic. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • World health organization suggests we have 150-300 moderate minutes per week. Or 75-150 vigorous exercise per week
  • Moderate exercise is when you are breathy but you can hold a conversations.
  • Vigorous exercise is when you are breathless. It is hard to maintain a conversation.
  • Everyone physical activity is different and moderate to vigorous exercise is different.
  • Moderate may be a brisk walk, dancing, hiking, playing doubles tennis or pushing a lawnmower or roller blading
  • Vigorous exercise is jogging, running, swimming lap, biking up hill, playing soccer when our are running around or jumping rope.
  • On weight loss, think of calories in, not calories out. Diet and exercise got hand in hand.
  • What you eat affects what weight goals you have.
  • People start exercise they start feeling more hunger. We need to make wise decision when we eat.
  • Burring calories depend on your body size. The suggestions re based on a150 lb person.
  • Grilled chicken for 150 for 3 oz. fried chicken is 210 calories for 1 fried chicken 3 oz. Yom would need to do 12 stories of steps to burn off the different between the two chickens.
  • Do you want cheese? It is nice calories for a slice of Swiss cheese. You would have to jump rope for 7 min to compensate for that calorie choice.
  • A New York slice of pizza is about 400 calories. Instead of taking a second slice, go for the side salad. It would take about 60 min of brisk walking to cut off the calories for the second 400-calorie slice.
  • Ice cream. A waffle cone would be 150 calories. You would need to work in the garden for 30 min to match the calories of that sugar cone.
  • French fries: A small order is 230 calories. It would take 45 min of kayocking to burn those calories.
  • The goal is to spend less time sanitary or sitting at your desk. Stand while you can.
  • Sixty min of yoga can cut 180 calories. Work on being more active. It is recommended that we have 150-300 moderate minutes per week per week or 75-150 vigorous exercise per week.
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More on Charity


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Having charity for others is a commandment.
  • The story girl walking for a thesis about says all the chicken. Says that is a peacock. This is an example of how we could judge another was insufficient knowledge.
  • Jesus says love one another.
  • The greatest charity is to those who are hard to love.
  • Luke 13: Christ washes all the disciples’ feet including Judas who would betray him that night.
  • Luke 6:35 love your enemies.
  • It is not our place to judge others but the love them.
  • Each person is doing their best to face the challenges.
  • There’s a story of a man who is at an airport. He is letting his kids run wild. A person ask about his children and he says I’m sorry my wife just died at the hospital.
  • All the charity is forgiving the mistakes of others.
  • God does not expect perfection but to improve one day at a time. As you love others, we will change and become better people.
  • Christ knows all our wrongs but still loves us perfectly.
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Free training: Storytelling Basics


There is an eight-hour Free course offered by Story Crossroads.



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An Interesting Article on Spraying Chemicals into the air.  Also, Prop 2



We Could Spray Cheap Chemicals in the Air to Slow Climate Change. Should We?

  • https://www.livescience.com/64183-solar-dimming-air-spray-climate-change-cost.html


Some people who want to vote No for pro 2 are being sneaky.
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Spelling Geyser


Bad: Gizer

Good: Geyser

Geyser will erupt more than once so remember the two Es.

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Create an Author Website that attracts readers


Presented by Thomas Umstattd Jr

At the bottom of the email is some storytelling hosted by Coyote.

  • Cater your website to your audience.
  • Answer questions that your reader’s audience ask. The answers can become blog posts.
  • CS Lewis spent hours’ corresponding with his fans. He answered questions from his band.
  • Answering need questions, it makes a good tool for search optimism. Your reader, maybe timely asks the questions and you answer it. Others with similar questions can find you when searching the same questions.
  • Authors can ask what I have to offer to your ‘timely’ reader. You write down his possible questions, how he can interact. Might want to know about me.

The home page.

– A. put the home page in third person. Blogs can be first person. You need to rank your own name. You can put in your name on your home page.

– B. decide what re the problems your website is solving .geared around why others might seek your website.

– Some want to contact you. Have a contact page. Journalists need to have a press kit. Someone want to do a book cover. Have a speaker page.

– C. you can have a category that fits different posts.  Write posts for your readers first and then cater to google search.

– Good website grow organically.

– If join your email list: provide an immediate reward (reader magnet) to motivate people to be on your emails list and a long-term reward.

– You do not want your website to be cluttered.

– Photos: it’s the content and photos (Imagery) that sell the website.

– Readers want black text on a white background.

– Video: Many readers read from the toilet. If you don’t have good quality, video then don’t provide it.  How is the video useful?

– Instant gram: is good for people who are attractive.

– Many authors don’t use much social media. Authors become famous first before building their social media.

– Audio on the website: > suggest you do a podcast to combine visual with audio.

– Fiction author websites: readers want the status of your upcoming book. Have a sign up button so that people can be notified when it’s available. Do you have a cover?

– Each book needs to have its own page. Have cover, title and then link to get more info.

– Is your page on your book better than amazon? Readers guide, arts that makes readers made, questions guide.  Get info on buying the book

– DVDs have bonus content and provide that for each book. Your website is the bonus features.

– If you took an interesting trip. Share research like if you visited castle or such.

– You can google questions on websites on google.

– Website is not a brochure it is a conversation.




Storytelling hosted by Coyote:



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Destress through Breaths and Movements



My employer offers a video, healthy living series and here are my notes on this topic. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • When stress happens it is our body’s response to the triggers and stress. Stress affects different people differently for most of us we will feel some sort of discomfort. it might be our heart rate going rising. Our breathing may become shallow. Our shoulders tense or chest gets tighter. Our blood pressure may rise or we may feel exhaustion.
  • The one that is easiest to control is breathing. Our breathing can slow down and clam our minds.
  • Always breathe in to the nose by breathing in and blow out thought the mouth and blow out the air takes a long time to breathe out and make a sounds as you exit. Let the vibrations let you get your heaviness out.
  • Try next with your eyes closed. Breathe in through the nose and out through your mouth. Make an audible sound as you release air from mouth. By making, the sounds your chest can feel lighter. It can relieve tension in the shoulders and neck.
  • Make your hands into fist and gently tap about two inches below you belly. This technique is called the ocean of energy. Have your back straight. When you tapping you are moving vibrations into hour body. . You can close your eyes to limit the sensory that comes by vison and concentrate on the tapping. This can release tension. Breathe through the nose and breathe out of the mouth.
  • Move your head from side to side and can move the emery from the base of your spine up. . With your feet on the ground, you feel supported and you can feel safe.. Even do it this from a minute to 5 min can be causal. You can gently tape about your belly.  You can up your hands and make clockwise motions with y the palms of your hand. Finish up by rubbing you belly. You can finish by sitting there with hands and fingers locked over the belly and breathe in and out. Before you open your yes think I am safe. I am supported.
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Filled with Love


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


A man filled with the love of god is not content to help his family but becomes engaged to bless the world.

We may want to see the love of the world. To fill the love of the world our just live their rules.

Make a mistake in our past and the world will reject us.

Christ’s love is not conditional, it is ever lasting.

God cares about that you are striving to bring others to his Son.

Book of Mormon encourages us to forget ourselves.

How to fix ourselves to help or fix others

Lord says we cannot serve two masters.

To the youth, Popularity will not answers be enough for you.

In the tree of life vision, those who partook the fruit felt joy. The fruit was most desirable.

Each of us can improve our scripture study. The Book of Moran can be yur saving aide.

As you share the gospel, you will feel more love for others.

This church is led by the Savior.

Joseph smith was not stimulated by the various sermons and revivals he attended prior to the vision. What changed him was translating the Book of Mormon.

We need to reinvigorate our study of the Book for Mormon. Some of that can by reading the words of the prophets.

We need to consider overcoming the world that means overcoming our favorite sins.

We need to take charge of our own testimony of the Gospel.

Reading the Book of Mormon can help us become more like Jesus Christ.


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