Thoughts about the Holy Ghost



These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note-taker.


  • John chapter 1426 – 27 how the Holy Ghost can overcome the world.
  • God can use others as instruments
  • Each time you see and follow the promptings of the spirit or do the things that God wants you to do, you can overcome the world’s questions present Nelson
  • Going to the temple is not the way to overcome the world. Temple covenants is a way to find. Center your Heavenly Father more in your life by following the covenants of God. Every time we take covenants, we receive blessings. They can give us rest and guidance
  • The pleasure of the flesh does not bring happiness.
  • The gospel brings joy. We can get these when we pray, read the Scriptures, attend the temple, and do service. We can feel peace.
  • On the covenants and see how they can help you overcome the world. He: come to Jesus.
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Down Grid Power Up




It costs a $1. To access this documentary.

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Spelling Jurisdiction



bad:    jusidiction

Good: jurisdiction


There are two words in this word Is and Diction and follow the pronunciation of Jury without the Y.

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How to Polish, Format, and Submit Your Short Story



This was a presentation offered at the 2023 LDSPMA writer’s conference by John M. Olsen. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Why write?

  • Learn new skills
  • Fulfill burning desire
  • To get published
  • To sell
  • To test a magic system or plot concept.

Polishing tools (each has pros and cons)

  • Clean up your manuscripts.
  • Word Review/track changes,
  • Schriver (best for big structural texts)
  • Hemmingway (useful for small sections of writing. has a nice color code interface.
  • Grammarly
  • Prowriting aid (has a bunch of reports at the top)
  • As you try a new tool, see what you like. Give the tools time to try.
  • Tool fails: some tools give wrong data. You need to know tolls and use the tools for verifications.  If you have a clean manuscript, you will be heads and tails before your competition. Learn from the suggestions and research anything you don’t understand.

Structure analysis tools:

  • Is for high-level structure. Does the story flow? Analyze the story by words in the story and could label their mood. John M Oson created his tool software. The graph is created by emotionally charged words.
  • You can design your story in advance of challenges in the story.

Polish with people:

  • Online critique groups Critters, Scribopnile, Melva> critique circle
  • Local critiques and writing groups (league of Utah writers)
  • Workshops (maybe available at conferences)
  • Family and friends (with many grams of salt)
  • Editors (maybe or maybe not for short stories)
  • A short story has a main crisis and a little minor crisis.
  • You need to have a thick skin to receive honest reviews.
  • Feedback helps you become better in your craft. They catch things you don’t.


  • Why do formats matters? Editors are looking for ways to reject.
  • Follow the publisher’s precise instructions.
  • Shows that you can follow instructions.
  • William Schenn has a suggested format page. Has an electronic version line:
  • or

Common requirements:

  • Font
  • Marines
  • Line spacing

Things you didn’t’ know you needed to know:

  • Author bio 50 words, 100 words, and 250 words.
  • Headshot portrait (square room to be copped. A high resolution suggests you have a media kit on hand.
  • List of previous publications if you have them
  • What are your qualifications to write this story?
  • List of expertise? Special expertise. Does it rate to your writing? Sciences hobbies or anything else that can apply to what you ae submitting.

How to I learn where to send my story?

  • Search Facebook and other social media groups.
  • Open call for SF and Fantasy
  • League of state writers
  • Ask fellow writes
  • Network at writing events and conventions. Ask people where they submit.
  • Writer lunches with Alli Cross and friends
  • Ihop-con with Dave butler at IHOP. On Saturdays at iHop in America fork.
  • Start your own group.
  • Bookstores and libraries. Look for short story collections/anthologies, and story collections on the shelf. They are a place to submit.
  • Amazon may present anthologies as well
  • The grinder (submission grinder) you can track where stories have been submitted.
  • Submit stories first to the high-end markets.
  • Some higher-paying markets have a faster turnaround.
  • As you work with publishers, they might move your submission from the scrap pile. If they turn a story down, ask them, what are you looking for next?
  • Some publications will do reprints. (Send after you have the rights back) document when rights are back when accepted.

Submission methods:

  • Clark’s world is fast
  • Fancy electronic forms and status tracking (larks world)
  • Email attachments in doc, docx, rtf, or pdf format.
  • Include it in the body of the email.
  • Every editor will have instructions. Follow them.


  • For some author editors and agents, this is a full-time career.
  • Respect their time.
  • Keep commitments
  • Be easy to work with
  • Expect the same professionalism from others. At cons, you need to have professional experience.

Tracking your work:

  • It’s your job to know what you have written, where you have sent it, and what their response is. Include rights
  • Spreadsheet and text documents
  • Submission grinder free account. (Have your own copy besides on the software you use)
  • Regaining the rights, you sold. Exclusive periods will vary often 3-6 mo. When you submit reprints let them know it is a reprint. Make sure, when you submit no one has a current exclusive
  • Some pay on royalty share some publishers will have funding to pay upfront and no royalties. Royalties keep coming in as long as that story is in print.
  • Magazines usually pay upfront.
  • Anthologies usually have their own isbn.
  • Fiction you print yourself is considered a reprint. You can post samples but not more than 10% of the manuscript. Publications posted on amazon are seen as reprints.
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My employer offers webinars on different topics. This is one is about goals.  Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker


  • Create a goal that is the right size. Makes you stretch and then track your progress.
  • If you are not tracking your progress, you deny yourself the feeling of success at getting near your goal.
  • If you look at the steps for retirement and feel daunting. You concentrate on other goals that can also contribute to your positive retirement.
  • By lessening expenses, take care of other retirement goals.
  • How to prepare for unexpected roadblocks? Some can be planned for.
  1. plan out what to expect and how to prepare.
  • Cut down on credit card debt. You need to figure out how much to pay each month.
  • Which debt will be given priority? (Melva> cat down the height % debt first)
  • Set a goal that is easy for you. It must be realistic.
  • What are some ideas to use your money in a good way?
  1. using benefits offered by her employer.
  2. she forgot about an annual fee she gets from a credit card she is not using. Stop the card.
  3. she will automat bills because sometimes she will forget and get a late charge. What other things can be automated?
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The Covenant



These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note-taker.


  • God’s priority is for us to live with you in immortality. He wants us to enjoy each of our lives. Live life as God lives it with the same power and knowledge that makes God happy.
  • After two requires a lot of divine help.
  • What gives has God given us to help us on our journey? The Savior
  • be the Holy Ghost
  • see his priesthood
  • The prophets, seers, and regulators, stake presidents, primary, and ministers. Page article blessings
  • Temple Attendance.
  • The Holy Ghost has the ability to communicate with the father in heaven.
  • The covenant path is strengthened with ordinances.
  • Signs of the true church. They are essential to the life of the Savior. There are usually highs in the ritual that or highly symbolic and help link you to the Savior.
  • It is through the ordinances all the priesthood that the power of God is illustrated. Baptism: is one of the covenant path.
  • We covenant to always remember you to take his name upon us. 2B is a bass others. To let him live to us. And to keep his commandments
  • Confirmation of the Holy Ghost: we can have the Holy Ghost with us at all times. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He has promised to be our continuing companion in our life if we let him. He is a comforter. The Holy Ghost is a purifier. As we take the sacrament and become obedient. The Holy Ghost with the atonement is to keep us free of sin.
  • Priesthood: ever and has the opportunity by the power of the priesthood to inherit all that God has.
  • The Holy Ghost teaches us what to do to get back into God’s presence such as obedience, charity, and sacrifice. They are stairways to heaven.
  • Sealing: covenants or not check the box. They help us become like Heavenly Father. To get into the highest level of eternity we need an eternal companion to strive to put others’ needs before ourselves.


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The Medical Profession Has Been Destroyed



Here is an interesting lecture. Dr. Richard Amerling on Following the ‘Guidelines,’ Research Malpractice, and the Medical School Paradigm

When a doctor wants the prescribe a drug, ask these questions?

What disease is this drug for?

What is my risk of a serious outcome?

What is the effect of this drug? How does it reduce risks?

What are the side effects?

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Spelling solidified



Bad: solified

Good solidified

Remember the word solid is in solid-fied.

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Getting Readers to Invest in Your Characters



These notes are taken from the LDSPMA writers’ conference of 2023. Any misinformation in the notes is the fault of the note taker. Presenter by Kaela Rivera


The importance of character investments:

  • Plot characters and world-building are the trinity of investment in writing.
  • Plot, motive, world-building makes people believe. Readers stay for the character. That is because we thrive on connection.
  • Example series: TV series, The Mandalorian. The protagonist protects baby yoda and acting as a Dad.

The scale of character investment:

  • Flat and unmemorable. Harmful stereotypes. Flat objective (they are not interesting. Character is reduced to a plot, a tool for another character’s motivation. Wish fulfillment. Cliché characters. As they move away flat they move from cliché.
  • Quirky and fun but with no substance.
  • Characters that live rent-free in your head. Life-integrating character. Character is a fully rounded human being with their own motives, wants, and needs that are a meaningful impact on the story. book; hey Arnold.

Markers of flat character:

  • Flat character’s problem often boils down to these main issues.
  • No personal characters arc. The love interest in James Bond females. The wife killed to motivate the protagonist to revenge.
  • Do they have personal characteristics?
  • Exist solely to motivate the protagonist
  • Exist sole to instigate the plot
  • Examples: most loved interests of James bond movie and Cinderella (1950)

Character and the plot 8 character roles:

  1. Protagonist
  2. Antagonist
  3. Love interest
  4. Confident
  5. Deuterogamist (the actor next in importance to the protagonist.)
  6. tertiary characters
  7. Foil
  8. Impact character
  • In function, they all revolve around what they do for the protagonist. Separate the role from the character themselves. Make sure they are distinguishable. They are their own separate people. Otherwise, the character becomes a stereotype: the mean girl, cute guy in the book
  • Separating roles from characters. the character themselves should not just be their roles. Not doing they can lead to stereotypes (particularly harmful ones)
  • A character’s role may be defined by how the protagonist perceives the way they intersect with their lives, but the character does not exist just for the protectionist.
  • The TV series the air Binder is Avatar the air bender. irao is the mentor and impact character for prince Zuco. When zuco leaves, he has an entire world plan. Take over the city for the rebellion. He has great motivations on his own.

Why flat characters are a real-life problem:

  • Can send a message that other characters are objectives that exist solely to motivate the main character’s plot.
  • Defines the character’s worth solely by their relationship to the protagonist.
  • Often perpetuate harmful and hurtful serotypes. (This can cause a lack of worth in characters.) No one is just one serotype.
  • At best, demotivates the audience investment because there’s no connection to character (because you can’t connect to what you don’t know or understand)
  • At worse, reduces the value of the story overall because of weak plot character arcs. and even suspension of disbelief
  • No one is just one stereotype.
  • At best demotivates audience investments. Because there’s no connection to characters( because you don’t connect to what you don’t know or understand)
  • At worse, reduces the value of the story overall.

How to avoid those Issues?

  • Character Dignity: first building principle of companion arch
  • Characters must not be used solely to generate plot points or be a lot points.
  • Characters must not exist solely for another character
  • The way the characters is viewed/depicted should be challenged at least once in the story.
  • Respect your characters. They do not exist just as a vessel to the house you and your reader’s wish fulfillment 22.

The relationship between characters’ dignity and human dignity:

  • How we treat them in often proactive for how we treat real people.
  • As we practice respecting characters and building dignity in their stories. We build space to do the same for real-life people.


  • Not taking ‘no’ for an answer (which can lead to abusive relationships)
  • Entitlement thinking our desires sound dictate other’s actions
  • Viewing others’ lives as less “real” or “important” compared to our own.
  • This is a chance to put more good into the world

Principles of balance power: relationships between characters.

  1. The power balance in the story: one character shouldn’t be sown as inherently better or more valuable than the other. Both should how their value and be needed to accomplish the end goal.

Example Miraculous: tales of ladybug and cat Noir vs Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. (Annabeth and Percy rely upon each other to need each other to get out of situations.

  1. The power balance in relationships: relationships require equal turns of helping, offering vulnerability, and in some cases romantic overtures. They shouldn’t be one character’s responsibility.

TV series: gravity falls. In the last season, one twin has to give up everything to her sister, making the relationship unbalanced.

Bringing together the companion arc.

  • Paralleling the plot development and individual character growth of both the protectionist and their companion
  • The companion arc: paralleling the plot development and individual character growth of the protectionist and their companion.
  • Principle 1 character dignity for protagonist and companion.
  • Principle 2 balancing power between protagonist and companion.

Examples of companion arcs:

  • Castle in the sky- 34 – Patsu and Sheeta (friend/romance)
  • Spirited Away – Chihiro and Haku (friends/romance)
  • Whispers of the heart -Shizku and Seiji (romance)
  • Cece Rios and the Desert of Souls [ Ceci and Coyote (best friends)
  • Cece Rias and the King of Fears -Cede and Juana (sisters)
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone = harry Ron, Hermione (friends – a triple!)
  • The Irregulars (episodes 1 and 2) – Bea and Jessie (sisters)
  • Ever after – Danielle and Henry (romance)
  • Freaky Friday (mother and daughter)
  • Quote from Hayao miyasaki. They’ll need a friend or a supporter, but never a savior.”

The companion arc. What it looks like in action:

Checklist to test your story:

  • Characters share thematic and plot relevance.
  • Characters are individually motivated and both grow and develop.
  • Characters take independent actions for a shared purpose.
  • Overall, united in purpose, but both should be individually integral to the plot and theme, and thy should have their own character arcs. They need each other for the end goal.

Companion arc in the diagram:

  • It would be easier to combine the inciting incident.
  • Also good to combine the climaxes. One character’s strength helps the other.
  • Separate the belly of the beast. Separate their individual motivation.
  • Suggest separate falling actions where we see the consequences of each character for their behavior.
  • Movie: whispers in the heart is a good example.

Sharing the spotlight: Main, secondary, and tertiary characters:

  • Not every character can be the same amount of time, and the Companion Arc is best suited for main and secondary characters. So what about tertiary and other side characters? The vignette approach is a good way to address this.

The vignettes approach

  • Is a series of small glimpses into a character’s threat that builds a full character’s arc once put together?
  • Three vignettes at least are typically needed.
  • The principles of a character’s dignity all apply, but the most important guiding rule in this: the characters is the main characters o their lives they make choices according to their lives’ motivations. (The butler has a family)


  • Q How to organize these characters’ suggestions? Create an after map of the book after the first chapter. Then see what plot points are missing to full the above suggestion. Had to review each character-to-character beats and then revise the text.
  • Q: How to find the theme? See what others readers took away from the story. Sometimes takes soul searching of what takeaway you want from your story.
  • Q: How does balance between characters? You need half of the chapters for the first character and their companion/ adventures. You need another set of characters for the second characters.
  • Q: When not happy with character arch should an author stop writing and start over? No. finish the book and then revise in drafts. Let the text sit to give you perspective. Have beta readers.
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401 K Move After Retirement


My employer offers webinars on different topics. This is one about 401 K.  Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker


–           Consolidate all accounts

–           By diverse your profit to spread out risks

–           Get info from a fiduciary who wants to help you not sell their products.

–           Can keep 401 with your last employer or combine it with another 401

–           Keep track of all your account access info.

–           You might want to choose a 401 K spot that has fewer fees.

–           You can take a loan from your 401 K and there is no interest. They expect you to pay it back

–           Need to start taking money out of 401 k by 71

–           Take care of yourself for personal wellness so that you do not have additional medical costs.

–           Create and implements your financial plan with a professional. It is more than just investments. What are your goals?

–           Delay taking social security prematurely.

–           Follow a systematic withdrawal plan for social security.

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