Take Out the Trash



Last Monday, I performed a new story called Take Out the Trash. The audience laughed at all the appropriate spots, which I appreciate. The story was originally written four decades ago and has been one of my favorites.


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National Stress Awareness



My employer has a wellness program where they give advice for better health. These are notes from the email and the videos. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”- Marcel Proust

Where Do you Hold your Stress? Get Quick Relief!

  1. Do a body scan to zone in on which part of your body is uncomfortable or tense.
  2. Jenny Lu says: stand tall with your feet apart to align with your hips.
  3. Relax your arms and take a couple of breaths to relax.
  4. Close your eyes if it is safe to do so. scan your body for problem areas.
  5. Take note throughout the day and do quick check-ins to see if you’re tense anywhere.
  6. Consider when discomfort appears. is it before a meeting or when you’re nervous?
  7. if you have ongoing pain, consult your doctor.

Tension headaches: Jenny Lu says: Tension headaches are the most common headaches. It can be caused by worry, overthinking, or if you have been on video calls all day and have been scrunching your eyebrows that can trigger them. How to address headaches. Gently massage or tap the areas where you feel the pain.

Jaw pain: Jenny Lu says: If you are having a stressful moment at work. see if your jaw is tense. These are ways to address jaw pain. Open and close your mouth a few times. (side). next:  lower your jaw and move the bottom jaw from side to side.

Stress and anxiety can cause people to clench their jaw. This can cause jaw pain and headaches.

Shoulder and neck pain: Jenny Lu says: shoulder and neck pain can be caused by poor posture and long hours sitting at your desk or in a car, or looking at a screen. How to address this pain. Try a shoulder roll. You do this by breathing and drawing your shoulders up to your ears. Then relax the shoulders and you breathe out. You can do this several times a dy.

Hip and lower back pain: Jenny Lu says: Doing a lot of driving or sitting at a desk can cause this type of pain. or you might be doing a lot of standing for your job or lifting and moving things. How to fix. Sit on a sturdy chair. lift one leg up so your ankle is on the knee of the other leg. Press your palms and raised knee and ancle. Breath in. Slowly move forward as you breathe out. As you lean forward you should feel a tension in your bent leg. hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds. Then do the other leg. Do this technique as needed.

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General Conference Last Week




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Long-term Foods to Purchase from Your Grocery Store




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The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID



An interview of Dr. Sabine Hazan.


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The Difference Between Thy and Thigh



Thy is biblical like God. Both three letters

The thigh is part of the leg. The word is longer because one always like more meat on a thigh of a chicken.

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Create Audiobooks Like a Pro



These are notes from Get published summit by Derek Doepker. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Q: why should authors have audio books?

  • Some people will get your book only as an audio book.
  • It is nice to enjoy the book while you are doing something else.
  • Audio books readers tend to be higher income.
  • Can give the audio book for a relationship opportunity

Q: How has audio books helped our or bring in new clients?

  • $17K audio books made. He does not promote it but there is an option.
  • Just want to get book to as many people as possible
  • Run audio book while doing other stuff..

Q: how to promote

  • Inclusive e is only acx and they push book out.
  • Exclusive only has one avenue of promotion. .

Nonexclusive is not limited to that channel.  You can advertise any media .

  • Chirp has a connection with book bub. Can have audio book ads.
  • Less competition.
  • One nonexclusive > used is a lead magnet that brought in several subscribers to t heir newsletter.
  • You can create a short 40 pg. audio book 47 min can be a lead magnet shorter books can sell well. Pay $5 to get into your world.

How does an author start this process?

  • You are the voice of your audio book. If your hire someone it will cost.
  • If do it yourself you are in more control of process. You need right equipment and right process.
  • You need a good microphone. Dynamic microphone. Not a condenser microphone. Condense yeti is incredibly sensitive. Dynamic mic will not price up as many atr 2100 x, Sampson qt4u $80-$100. He has a Sampson Q9U mic. $120-150. Good for podcasts and webinars.
  • Pop file era few inches away from the microphone. 6-8 inches from demonic.
  • Standing during reading is ore idea. It gets the creative juices flowing.
  • Record in a small room maybe closes. Consider a patio umbrella and put in a blanked creates the perfect studio.
  • You can train for the editing.

Some of the biggest mistakes when recording audio books.

  • Not using the proper equipment. Do not cut corners.
  • Recording an audio using a condenser mic and not having a pop filter.
  • You want to avoid trying to fix bad audio.
  • Its jut overlook little things. Have a checklist. Ornaity.org software. Not have the wrong microphone selected. Check mic each time.
  • Not having proper feedback, training. Want short cuts like cutting breathing.
  • Has a book, audio books made easy.

Final Advice:

  • Find mentors and coaches who can help you. The advice that works for one person may not work for another.
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Maximizing Social Capital



The WLN part of my employer provide a webinar on the topic of Social Capital Event with Danny Jessop. The following are my notes some notes are from the slide show.


  • People will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust.
  • Dig the well before you’re thirsty – Jordan Harbinger
  • There’s a lot more efforts in creating Facebook groups. There are different groups on your different interests.

Linked in: social capital

  • Clearly tell my audience what it is that I do
  • Build authority and social proof (trust
  • Tell your story
  • Give people a way to contact you
  • Showcase your work.
  • Send people to your sales page, funnel and lead magnet.
  • Give them a call to action.
  • The headline: make sure you create a clear headline that tells people why you help, what you help t hem with, and how you help them.
  • Photo and banner: update our profile photo and banner with a professional photo that captures who you are. The banner can be a clean visual advertisement of you and what you do.
  • Intro video: Crate a warm, 30 second vide that says hello to your audience and gives them a call of action.
  • Customer URL: take advantage of the customer URL (link) at the top of your prolife page to send people exactly where you want them to go.
  • Creator mode: make sure your profile page is set to creator mode for additional reach and more focus on your content, and pick your five hashtags.
  • Analytics will see how has checked you out.
  • Resources: has a creator mode on. a. create hash tags. Give LinkedIn life, audio event, newsletters, follow tools. To follow someone you can go their creator mode and click on more to follow someone.

Posting Framework and Engage:

  • The hook: the first 1-3 line that captures attention and get the reader to dive into the about section.
  • The backstory and conflict: help your audience get to know you and build support. (The easiest way to write this is to tell people who you are doing before you started on your path and what was the conflict that had to push up gains to crate who you are today. This is usually the pain point that you had. It is your hero’s journey. What is your spider man story?
  • The epiphany & transition into a guide: this is where you tell about the breakthrough that you had and why you now help, other people solve the same problem you had.
  • The call to action: this is the last part of our about section where you tell the reader what to do net.
  1. is the hook a call with you. Tell them how to do this.
  2. do you want them to visit your site your testimonials, send you something
  3. be very clear on what you want them to do.
  • Post about 3-5 times a week for linked in. post Facebook each day.
  • You want to add a comment of 5 words or more. The algorism will pick up the comment.
  • A syndicate is where a group of people follow each other and post to each other.
  • A tool to post to all platforms at once? Hootsite. Microsoft garage is one. You can also schedule a post.
  • Many people will personally respond to ever comment.
  • Give four fun things to one right hook, which is the call to action.
  • Set up google alerts that match with your interests.
  • 50 content ideas: https://www.simonwparsons.com/50-content-ideas.
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Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge



These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • God has invited us to learn his truth.
  • Elder irence olege: why is it important to learn the pattern of achieving spiritual knowledge? The last days of evolved price of profits they shall deceive the very elect. Many Saints or falling on the wayside.
  • Elder Ballard says our children deserve more information.
  • Open the gospel library go to seminary and Institute. Look at the books and lessons. You can download them in the seminary area youth in download the doctrine Massey court documents.
  • What is spiritual truths? Think of the story of six line man studying different parts of the elephant the each had an interpretation spiritual truth is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Remember that heavenly father knows all things and is the source of all true. He has taught us how to acquire spiritual knowledge is established that principles we must follow in order to gain such knowledge.
  1. faith
  2. We examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective.
  3. Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.
  4. Act in faith as we seek to develop understanding who sends.
  • Elder Holland. When the air or unanswered issues in the gospel, and the answers are not immediately forthcoming. Hold fast to what you already know stand strong until additional knowledge comes. God has a plan for all things.
  • God is preparing you for the last days.
  • God does miracles Monday.
  • During times when we may not immediately find answers to a question, is helpful to know that God has not revealed
  • second Nephi 28:30.
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Why You Need an Emergency Fund and How to Get One




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