These are notes from a talk at church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note-taker.
- A pioneer is one who goes before to prepare the way for those who follow.
- A director of the church history dept. said “As I see what they did and what we do for them. We see the special power they had. It can e a boost for our own lives.
- Though our challenges look different than the pioneers across the planes, God still. expects us to succeed.
- It still takes faith to keep our covenants with all our heart and strength. ‘
- Being a disciple in Christ can still give us a fire in our hearts. (paraphrase)
- We need to commit to serving the Lord in our communities as those pioneers.
- We need to be honest and trustworthy in all we do .
- Today’s pioneers need t live Christ-like lives.
- We can get strength and experience miracles today.
- We have latter-day pioneers examples in our lives today.
- We can seek the lord to guide our lies.
- We never know who we influence by our examples.
- Philippians 4:9 “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”