I found some old notes I took while attending a writer’s seminar several years ago at the Spanish Fork Memorial building. These are notes of counsel from Rachel Muses:
Insights gained by writing and publishing.
1. You need to educate yourself.
2. There is a price to be paid.
3. Education can contributing to your writing, but is not mandatory for successful writing.
4. Experience life, book Orinia is from a lot of experiences in her life. You individual memories and events in your life can influence your writing. For what you haven’t done, do research to give you important knowledge.
a. Write smells of different places, write descriptions.
b. Use other’s experiences in your writing too. “Nothing is as touching and forceful as the truth”
5. Reading is also a contributing to your writing. You can recognize what you like and you can determine what you like and thus how you might want to write.
6. Research: The internet has pages and pages on multiple subjects. Covers historical and conventional stuff.
7. Equipment: Equipment could make a big influence. A computer can help you write quickly and you can easily edit. Computer save more time than a typewriter.
8. Set goals and priorities. Writing must be set at a high priority. Writing is NOT a hobby when you want to make a professional life of it.
9. You make the time, it must be priority and you must meet a goal. Family jobs and responsibilities can be delegated. You must be willing to pay the price to accomplish the goad. You can’t wait for inspiration to strike. You must write anyway. When you’re writing the muse will come.
10. How much writing do you do? Set aside your hour in your time. Time verses page or word goal. Page or word goal may be more important than time because it may be more easily to be distracted. She writes 2000 words a day. When she began she wrote 2000 a week then advanced up to 2000 a day. Don’t make it unobtainable. She tries to not work when husband at home and when she is trying to hit a deadline then her husband is willing to tend the kids to help her with her deadline. Give yourself time several weeks after finishing the novel to give yourself time to self-edit.
11. Learn to say no to things you can’t do.
12. Surround yourself with support groups. Let others be a supportive to you. Writing groups lets you meet other writers. You can be happy for each other’s success. Groups and help books will let you avoid the common mistakes of ‘new writers’.
13. If you want to be a writer, you can be a writer, just get down and do it. No one can sit with you to get you to write.
13. Before you submit to a magazine or publishing company read what kind of stuff they are writing.
14. To be a good writer you need to have a big ego and a sturdy spouse. You need someone you can depend on. The fact that you’re writing something makes it worthwhile because you’re a person.
15. Pierce Anthony: took 10 years to publish his first book. Being successful will take a long time. As soon as your write and send out the first story start the next one. Despite rejection then send him something else and sent the first piece to a different publisher. Sending out manuscripts needs to be done. If you never send it out it will not ever got published, if you keep trying to get the story better. Write the best novel today and send it out and write the best experiences for the next novel.
16. Rejections that are not a form letter: hurry and send them something else immediately.
17. Publication eludes only those who don’t persist.
18. Find out what is in a contract and understand all the applications.
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