Recommended food Portion sizes


My company offers healthy living webinars. Today’s subject is on portion sizes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • For the size of the fruit we recommend to purchase at a store Is usually baseball
  • Apples have different colors. We recommend no bigger than a baseball.
  • The peach should be the size of tennis ball.
  • Banana about six inches long about the size of the pen. (Not counting the stem.


  • One cup of cereal is about a third of a bowl. It is about the size of a baseball.
  • Pasta should be the size of a baseball.


  • Cheese: Four dice is about an ounce and a half maybe 170 calories.


  • Peanut butter series size is two tablespoons is about the size of a golf ball.
  • Fifteen cashews are about the size of a shot glass or it’s about the size of an egg.


  • 3 oz. of protein is about the size is about the size of a deck cards. Match the height, width, etc.


  • Potato is the size of the computer mouse. A bigger size would be more calories.


  • One oz. is the size of a floss container.


  • One serving for two services for men. It might be a third of a large wine glass.
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