Missionary Work


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

Missionary objective: the perfecting of the saints, the redeeming of the dead, and the gathering of Israel.

Why now?

  • We need to share the gospel.
  • We need to love God to be willing to do his work.

How do missionary work?

  • We need to experience a change of heart. Alma: have you been born of god. Have you experienced a change in your heart? Do you feel so now?

Why now?

  • They world is crazy now
  • We need to share the love of the savior through our actions.
  • Elder Holland’s talk: the first real commandment. After Christ died, his disciples returned to fishing. Christ asked Peter, why are you doing the same thing?” we need to go forward in the holy ministry of Christ.
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