Keeping from Sin


These are note from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.

  • In the book of judges, the Lord calls 12 judges to help Israel .they are more military leaders than normal judges are.
  • Fisherman will use a lure called a Man tige:  they use it to capture occupies. The occipus will grab the lure and not let go until it dies.  They will capture the occipus and toss it into the boat.
  • Social media can be used for good or bad.
  • If we don’t have spiritual perspective, we can forget.
  • We need to pass on what we know to those who follow us.
  • Telling personal stories of what you’ve learned to your kids. Stories from the scriptures can accomplish a similar goal.
  • Elder Belnore: you don’t help them feel empowered. You invite them to act.
  • God will judge us on our efforts.
  • You can dance but you need to fell the music.
  • Do not be Mormon enough to be miserable.
  • The Lord looks into the heart.
  • Each of us take individuals actions to influence others.
  • Why is the pattern of wickedness repeated? The nature of man is to wander without guidance. We may stop seeking direction. Satan uses our weakness to tempt us.  We often go back to where we feel comfortable.
  • Do not depend upon relying upon great leaders like Moses or Joshua. We need our own testimonies.
  • We are all experience our own pride cycle. WE are never too far to being too prideful.
  • Departure from the church can begin on one item that bothers us about the church. We let that item fester and it begins the passage of apostasy.
  • Judges 3: The lord put the Israelites amongst nation with other points of view.
  • Gideon was told to attach a big military target.  He wanted a sign from God, had drew, and fleece as a sign. The lord wants to show his power and whittles 20 K soldiers to 10 K to 300 (those who brought water to them to ring. The opposite military was 100,000. Each of the 300 was given a horn and lantern of coals.  The 300 blew the trumpets and tossed the coals on the ground giving the enemy the impression of an enormous army. The enemy is a mix of nations and stabbed each other.
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