These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- The speaker talked to women in Yolanda 1 million of her people were slaughtered and murdered. Years ago. She says she’s happy because of Christ.
- The prophet Joseph Smith while liberty jail was told by the Lord peace be tonight to the vessel.
- Adversary diversity is not evidence of the Lord’s disfavor nor does he withdraw a blessing
days in these changing times: - Personal peace? When I face challenges I think about what I can learn from this experience.
Go to the closest priesthood for the blessing of protection from the adversary. And as for peace.
Psalm: did you think of prey?. This refers to a ball of Gilead. That is an ointment that is usually the daily law: we could never get peace in the outer world until we get peace in the world. - Article: she holds a cup full of water. For the first 10 minutes is okay with a lot of shows that the heavier that comes to wait long enough in the civil burden could be because of extreme pain.
- Allow the goodness of Christ to feel you with.
- John 14:1 don’t let your heart be troubled.
- Think about how stressed you are in your life to help compensate can talk to a trusted friend or spouse and know that God loves you and will be seen challenges
- 4 suggestions:
- Love God, and live his commandments. Love everyone.
- Prejudice spirit is love and. Goodness: meet.
- goodness – meet beer in one another’s burdens can point you to heaven.
- Exercise agency Christ can help us endure our challenges. Let go of pride and control. The atonement is a way to fix all of the events in our lives.
- Build Zion in our hearts and homes. Families can create peace and determine kind of boundaries or are you creating to create peace in your world?
- Certain turn-off the phone follows the current counsel of our prophet.
- Universal peace happens voluntarily from the inside out.