These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– The atonement is to suffer the penalty for sin. It allows us to return back to God.
– Jesus Christ was the only one who could do it as he was the only one without sin.
– Elderberry nor asked: do you know the Savior? Or we increase our efforts to know him?
– How to get to know Christ: the story of a man who died at the end of the room and another minute man entered. The second man asked the first to tell me about Christ. The man told about Christ’s works in miracles and events of the New Testament. The first man gave a whole bunch of facts about Christ. He was born of Mary, had told disciples, etc.
The second man says that is true but tell me more about Christ. The first man cited more facts about Christ.
The second in says that is all true but what is really the price?
The man says Jesus Christ is our Savior. The second man says they give very much and as the second man was leaving the room the third man into the room and immediately fell to his knees and not as a savior. Then the man saw that the strategy been talking to was Jesus Christ.