I went to a patriotic meeting that hosts a guy who makes greenhouses. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
We need to teach our children and our grandchildren how to Gordon.
- We need to show self-reliance to those who or hours to teach.
- Time outside in nature is a cure of time on the screen.
- Depression, anxiety, daily news, stress, and deadlines cause children to become more emotional. Resilience is in the garden. If you have a dollar to improve your garden, spend $.90 on improving the soil.
- Self-heating greenhouse produces the most food per foot purchase of big glass or plastic bowl area is a good thing to put in the garden and to put plants seeds under it when the ground is cold. It will permit seeds to germinate under the glass. After a month lifts the glass by happening each.
- On a plant in the largest pots, get 27-gallon pots at Costco that do not have holes. If you are worried about drainage poke a hole 5 inches below the top of the bowl for drainage making it a very tiny hole.
- Milk cartons make good pots. No rocks and pots.
- Fertilizer can be shredded bark or pine needles or dried grass from the garden
- Don’t use a weed mat for the garden. Don’t use cardboard in the garden as it has chemicals that can hurt the soil.
- Public culture coaling gardening on massive scale soil cool frame is the frame of wood.
- Utah’s backyard homesteading is a Facebook group
- If you have bugs in your garden, you are watering too much.
- Black box garden boxes: Project Source Commander Large 27-Gallon (108-Quart) Black Heavy Duty Tote with Standard Snap Lid
- If you have gnats in your house use nimcake. It smells bad so some people add cinnamon to make the smell not as offensive and then Philly dust the surface soil of the plant. You can purchase is chemical from Amazon.