Follow the Prophet for Gospel and Personal Revelation


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • When he was invited to speak on a certain topic, he searched the Scriptures for references that would teach about that topic. He came up with examples from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the book of Mormon, and the modern-day.
  • Moses from the Old Testament: He used the Lord’s power to part the Red Sea. When the people first reached the Red Sea, the Egyptian army was pursuing them and they were trapped at the edge of the sea. They asked Moses, “You lead us out of Egypt so they die here?” Consider what Moses must have thought. The Israelites saw miracles, they saw the seven plagues, and still, they had doubts. He told them just follow God a little longer. Fear not
  • When Moses parted the sea through God’s power, the ground was dry for the Israelites to walk across. When the Egyptian army followed, the sea swallowed them.
  • Peter in the New Testament: Think what felt like when there are 5000 people that came to listen to Christ teach and the people hungry. And Christ performed a miracle to feed the 5000. Matthew 14. Once the sermon was taught, Christ told his disciples to on the boat. He then took care of the 5000 so they can return home. If we in the modern-day one now turn to shake the hand of a modern-day prophet, think what it was like for the 5000 Saints that wanted to shake Christ’s hand.
  • When Christ and his disciples were on the boat, there was a bad storm. It was during the time of the fourth watch, which is 5-7 in the morning. Think about it raining hard. The disciples are wet, cold, and tired. The disciples even saw a spirit approaching them. They will Christ to seek his help. Christ told and be of good cheer. Be not afraid. As Christ walked on the water, Peter wants to do it too. When Peter comes to what Christ is walking on water but then becomes afraid and sinks. Christ was now the water. He tells Peter, ye of little faith.
  • The book of Mormon: the language is changed and people go their separate ways. The original language is maintained for Jared and his family. God mutates to the brother of Jared. They build saucer-type ships, and go across the ocean. The trip took 344 days, which is almost a year. Those on the boat have collected a lot of food seeds and other resources for the long trip. They were humbled before the Lord.
  • The modern dispensation, Brigham Young. Bigamy unfollowed Joseph Smith’s footsteps. In D&C 136 is a revelation for the Saints to organize and go west. They do not get a specific place. We don’t know when you get to see a big miracle. The desert that they arrived at was a bunch of dirt and scrawny trees. Today the territory of Utah is a prosperous place.
  • Today we have the proclamation of the family. This is to counter the world concept of family. The family proclamation states, that the family unit is ordained of God. Children should be raised by a father and a mother. make sure you’re here for your family. Let others on their own paths. When we follow the family proclamation, we will find miracles.
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