These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of all belief
- Without faith, it is impossible to believe God
- Every blessing relies on faith.
- Jesus Christ has the power to cleanse us.
- If we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.
- It ok to be mad at God and cry tears of frustration One lady said. Ok to be sad and feel weak and to feel God was nothing my life. she still went to church found faith. Attending church was a leap of faith her newfound faith.
- God understands our weaknesses.
- The Lord does not require us to have perfect faith to access him.
- Faith in Jesus Christ will help you overcome trails in our life
- What are some personal challenges?
- Physical pain
- Loneliness
- Not able to have children
- Economic problems
- Political or national strife
- Increasing your faith in Christ takes effort.
- Suggest developing a relationship with Christ.
- Study: Book of Mormon, engaged earnest study scriptures to understand Christ’ ministry know the doctrine of Christ. The atonement of Christ applies to you.
- Miracles: moving our mountain may require a miracle trust hi will.
- Chose to believe in Jesus Christ. If you have doubt in his validity of the restoration, chose to believe and stay faithful. Take your questions to the Lord and to reliable sources. Do not seek flaws in the prophet’ life. Follow the Lord to lead you is spiritual discovery.
- Be active in faith. Do something that requires more faith.
- Partake of sacrament ordnances of faithful.
- Ask in the name of Jesus Christ for help.
- Faith takes work.
- Knock and the door will be opened.
- Faith is the power to enable us to accomplish the impossible.
- Nelson: don’t minimize the faith you already have.
- When blessings are not answered accepted God will ad trust in God’s timing.
- God never slumbers he never sleeps.