These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Then the devil sends his mighty waves… it shall have no power over you… because upon the rock .. is a sure foundation.
- We are safe on the solid rock of our savior with daily prayer and scripture study
- Rock of the prophet.
- Rock of living righteousness.
- These three rocks strengthen our spirits.
- There will be storms
- Think of the iron rod, we need to hold fast with our entire physical strength. If we stay on the rock of Christ, the devil has not power of us.
- Stay off the unsteady. slippery slope. Stay close to convent behavior , the rock of our savior.
- Grasp with all our strength of the Book of Mormon.
- Diligently follow the prophet
- Follow our covenants.
- Remember promise the rock of Christ we build our foundations.