This is from some training at toastmasters. Any misinformation is the fault of the note teaker.
- Earn credit toward advanced leaders bronze.
- Pride in competing and following through with commitments.
- Security & integrity-you are one who kept the promises you made. You are an example to others.
- Need to transition club to new membership
- Enjoy voting in new officers.
- Celebrate with club-final distinguished club goals
- We have the opportunity to developed leadership skills.
- Encourage others to finish strong.
- We are judged by what we finish not by what we start. Finish
- We learn how to push forward.
- Enjoy social event with club members
- Take a break. Let others help. Delete some duties.
- Conduct officer meeting over dinner.
- Remember it only a few more months.
- Begin to cultivate a successor of your position and other positons
- Attend district training events.
- Read the toastmasters magazine you are worth it.
- Send handwritten notes –officers & members.
- Know you are not alone. Connect via social media.
- Muhammad Ali, said “I hated every minute of training but I said don’t quite. Suffer no and live the rest of your life as a Champion.