Is a health living series offered by my employer. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Set your feet about a foot apart.
- Stretch out your arms forward without locking joints.
- Rotate your wrists one direction and then the other.
- Keep your arms loose.
- You want to feel your forearms being stretched.
- Try different hand variety as you stretch hands, writs and arms.
- Stretch your arms to the side and turn hands and wrists.
- Bend your elbows like your flexing your muscles with hands in fists.
- Excel and rotate your fists in a circular pattern along the torso of your body.
- Revers the circular patterns in the opposite direction.
- Put fingers on your left shoulder than then rotate the arm in that position. Make them big circles for our arms.
- Do the same rotation on the right arm, fingers on shoulders. Front to back, back to front.
- Put hands on hips rotate your body in circles.
- Every time you go around bend deeper. As you go down excel.
- Relax hips by shifting the hips and by bending the knee.
- Knee: lift our leg ad rotate our knee.. hold on a chair if necessary.
- First left leg and then the other.
- Tap your hip joints to release tension.
- Rub palms to warm them put those warm palms on our knees rotate your knees
- Roll left ankle using the whole legs
- Left your leg to loosen all the tension.
- Do the other knee.
- Put hands on waist and breath in and out. Close your eyes
- Put one leg forward kneed bend.
- Hold a plate or freebee in your hand to rotate the page in circles near your belly and above the head.
- Put your free hand on the back of your back
Two plates:
- Bend you knees as if you’re going to sit down.
Rotate plates (one in each palm) in same circles near your hips and big circles above our head.