This was from a Sunday school talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- God took away the priesthood when the people didn’t use it.
- Cranel commandments: would be the things you do on this earth such as servicing others such as the Law of Moses.
- With John came the baptism fulfilled the Mosaic Law.
- Priesthood is preparatory to return to God’s presence.
- When saints are not ready for the higher law of the gospel (at the time of Aaron), God gave the 10 commandments to Moses to aid us in the level they were at.
- The revelations shows why this is Christ’s church with the restoration of the priesthood. That separates this church from the others. Other churches are not the complete church. They are missing the power and author to acting under the authority of God.
- Without the priesthood, we could not see the face of God and live. We prepares all parts of us body and soul, to see face of God.
- Priesthood holds the keys/mysteries of the kingdom of God.
- In the temple found out being blessed by the power of the Priesthood in her life. Nelson said you have the power of the priesthood. The priesthood can be in our hoes.
- As temple worker, we have the keys to perform temple work.
- With the priesthood, we have the opportunity to server others, by healing, comfort, service.
- A woman in an airport needed a priesthood she approach a stranger and asked for the priesthood. He was a bishop.
- God cannot break his end of a promise/ convenient.
- We can become the elect of God.
- President Ballard: talk “men and women and the priesthood power in 2014. Those who have the priesthood keys make it possible for those who serve under, exercise priesthood power. Men and women have unique roles. We can be eligible to receive personal revelation.
- Melchizedek priesthood book: women are not ordained but four ways they are setting apart women have power to magnify their callings.
- Receive blessings and power by ordnances.
- Women who pray and act in faith have regular access to God’s authority.
- Each male getting the priesthood can provide a linage of priesthood holder to priesthood holder to the original source of the priesthood.
- One can feel comfort when god refers to us as his friends.
- Patriarchal blessings are personalized of promises, calling and blessings.
- God’s promises: my angels will bear you up.