- President Nelson: it is vital to know how to receive revelations from our heavenly father to survive through the last days.
- As a child, speaker to Disney world. At the end of ride is a store. As a child, she told her father, she ws old enough to not hold father’s hand. she got lost. Old woman held her until dad came and got me.
- Have a strong relationship with God. As a child, she was separated from father.
- We need to choose we want to be close to God.
- We need to act upon it.
- In the mission field, we learn the importance of faith and belief.
- Once we have faith through prayer and learning we need to act of faith.
- D&C: 42:14 the spirit will be given to out by the4 prayer of faith
- D&C: 18:18 ask the father in you have faith believe that you shall receive you shall have the holy ghost that will reveal all thing.
- God’s answer will come n his time and his way.
- Elder Romney: the importance prayer is shown by how often it is referenced in the scriptures.
- Because God loves us, he wants us to talk to him.
- Analogy: prayer is like practicing the piano, instrument sports. It takes practice to get good at it. Same with prayer. If stop practicing and we don’t put effort it in. we can’t expect to have a profound experience.
- We need to let sink in who (God) we are talking to.
- It is easy to be caught in the motions and just echoing the words. We need to remember whom we are talking to.
- Need to have Christ like behavior. Was not being obedient.
- We need to be worthy to receive revelation.
- The atonement is the center of God’s plan. He went through too much for us to not make use of that gift.
- First Christ like us to receive revelation is humility.
- To be able to recognize and grateful our depending upon the lord. To realize we need his constant support.
- We need to recognize that gold is all-knowing and knows what is best for us.
- His commandments are for our good.
- As we, re humble we understand more of what god has what is in store for us.
- President Spender W Kimball how we can be more humble as soon as you think you’re humble you aren’t. We must constantly be reminded upon our dependence upon the lord. We are remained by mindful prayer.
- Obedience: When we receive revelation, we need to be obedient to god’s revelation. God needs to trust us we follow
- 1 john 3:22: what we ask we will receive. Do things pleasing in his sight.
- As we are obedient to his commandments, we will be blessed. We will be closer to him.
- We will become the people god know we can be.
- Heavenly Father will not force himself upon us. If they don’t believe, they will not receive revelations. If they rely upon their own limited interpretations, the Lord will leave them to their chose fate. Spencer Kimball.
- God has blesses us with agency.
- Pray and think of the different ways you can receive revelations from heavenly father.