The First Commandment


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Thou shall not have any other gods before me.
– Elder oaks Oct. conference 2013:
– President Nelson challenge for the youth: youth battalions. Give ourselves a break from fake. This includes the media. Do a media fast for 7 days in a row. Think about the things you stop doing or start doing as an alternative.
– Make a sacrifice of your time to the lord give up sometimes you like to do for 3 weeks and do a service.
– Keep on the covenant path
– Pray for all to receive the covenants of the gospel.
– Stand out one copy for the strength of you. Cold change the strength of you (
– Beware of recreational pursuits that take you away from God.
– Think about what your ultimate priority.
– Some will instant to the scriptures on the way to work.
– Mosiah 2:22 keep his commandments you will prosper in the land. Ye do as he hath commanded you.
– President monsoon: let us have the courage to defy the consensus. Courage becomes an attractive virtue. A moral coward is someone who is afraid to do what is right.
– As you read the scriptures more you will see a change in your life and you’ll be happier.
– Don’t let the temporary challenges of life let us forget our eternal destiny.
– Do not have any other priority before God and his son Jesus Christ.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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