Protecting our families from pornography Part B


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In the previous week, we were discussing bounderism and this is the rest of that segment.

    What to do if someone breaks their boundaries

1. You need to establish the no trouble bubble. When the child is in that bubble, kids won’t’ get in trouble for what they admit to. Kids need to tell parents they need to go to the not trouble bubble
2. Immediacy explains what precisely happened. Be as details as you need to be. If you need to use a stuffed animal to illustrate what happened.
3. If the event involves inappropriate texts, videos or notes do not delete them. A trusted adult needs to see them.
4. A trusted adult will help you determine what action needs to be taken. They will help you navigate the emotions you are feeling. You should be respected and not be mistreated.
5. Boundaries are there to keep you safe.

    Internet access

Website Americnfamly;ages/default.aspx
This website lets you determine how to control media. Helps you define media use.
Don’t let children have devices in their bedroom.
57% of teens access or setup apps without their parent’s knowledge.
One parent has a child use Instagram that can only be used through a parent’s phone
Parents set that app to restrict their child’s use of the internet etc. within certain hours of the day.
Filters are good to prevent accidental access to pornographic sites, but people can still access such stuff if they look at it intentionally.
Ask other friends/ parents what they use. Use a filter for home devices that filers at a VPN level. Filers give a false sense of security. The further away to filter bad content from a home, the better. Teens can get past a lot of stuff. Find restrictions/ filters at the Wi-Fi level.
Some parents will collect all phones at the end of the day.

    More resources that teach about boundaries.

Why are personal boundaries and why are they important
Parental Roles: how to get healthy boundaries with your child
-A lesson from Dandy by David O. McKay google it.
-Blessed and happy are those who keep the commandment of God. By Elder Von G. Keetch
-Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-gego > Danial 3 (Old Testament)
-What should I do when I see pornography? (Mormon channel) Video
-WE need to talk… about Pron. Fight the new drug) Video
Testimonials of people’s experiences realt4ed to pornography
– My story: a Christian Woman Struggling with Pornography – Cassidee Hankley
Dan’s story: “I feel human Again” after quitting Prn – Fight the new drug
Travis & Emily’s Story: How porn almost ruined our marriage – fight the new drug
How pornography wrecked my marriage – Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.
How Prn is destroying young men: Gary Wilson Quick talks
Elisabeth’s story: My earliest memory of being traffic xxx old – fight the new drug
Beggar’s Daughter: Jessica’s story
Matt’s story: I quit watching Porn and I’ve Never Been Happier – Fight the new drug
Elizabeth Smart Speaks for the first time about pornography – fight the new drug
Lexie’s Story: the first time I was sold for sex, I was 11
Jessa’s story: I survived being sold into child porn and sex slavery
Coco’s tory: familial traffic survivor and aspiring…
Documentary: Brain Heart World. On the website, fight the new drug.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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