Interview of author Teresa Funke


Some notes from a webinar hosted by write for kids. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Begin with persistent getting our first books out
– Later be persistent in business like maybe a new agent or edit.
– Need to have a mindset of resilience.
– Need to be strong because there are a lot of ups and down
– At the start of the pandemic, some dived into their write and others stopped for a short term but the others come back.
– If writing gives you energy, keep g9ing. Other days you might read a book to rejuvenate.
– Hike up a hill involves twists and turns so it odes for a career. It is not a straight line
– Some people will just read a lot and it gives them the chance to replenish themselves.
– Some authors will access things that had been put on the shelf
– Some authors will try different things to stimulate their brains in a different way
– Get excited about books getting published and authors advance in their careers.
– You need to read a lot, read competing, read current books read in genera.
– The host suggests if you have a weak area in your own write read others books and see how they handle that issue.
– Strengthen your writing community.
– In a breakout room, via virtual meetings, shy writers might feel more inclined to communicate among small groups at break out.
– Book clubs online can expand your horizon.
– Virtual meetings gives writers who live in small towns can interact with others at a distance.
– Learning how to accept feedback. to develop a thick skin. Some writers’ groups help break bad habits. We don’t see that much of an issue to talk over each other.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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