I went to a political meeting where a doctor discusses his concerns on how corvid 19 was being handled. Any misinformation of my notes is the fault of the note taker.
– I’m very frustrated about what I’ve seen in the medial on cv19. Tried to talk to the health dept. and sent a letter to the governor no one will respond.
– Q: you observations of the Hydroxychloroquine drug?
– The government has had gotten involved with the medial industry. They are doing the same thing for covid19.
– 1970 debate on dr. what causes death Sugar or cloistral. Harvard professor was bribed by the sugar industry. 10 yrs. ago looked at the data > not look at it again. Sugar was the cause. Today huge bureaucracy has objectives and a lot of politics. Keep in mind just because they have a position in med they are not experts. They don’t treat patients.
– Most viruses such as corvid will follow an infection curve. If there is nothing to stop infections eventually, it hits herd immunity and it’ll go away. Organizations have gone beyond lower transmission they want to wipe it out.
– The same number of the high curve or low curve will be infected
– Our immune systems vary from person to person. Younger strong because of the T cell. If you inhale a virus, the body recognizes it as a foreign body. B cell the virus comes in the body recognize it produces antibodies to destroy. Get vaccine gives you b ell immunity.
– Samwell % under 45 gets sick from Corvid 19. Most people 85+ or 65 who have risk factors.
– Steps to be healthy eating, exercise lose weight is how to keep your immunities up. Content against diabetes usually avoid cv19
– 2017 influenza virus 50-80 % success.
– Did things in Jan and Feb put sick people back into nursing homes?
– Things have been used to control the population through history.
1. Faith> and religion. Get ahold of religion is a way to control.
2. Food controls.
3. Fear
4. Education: if kids are not taught correct principles.
– What happened with the epidemic?
– Everyone was nervous.
– How do we go from red to yellow?
– Decided to not restrict people. Got emails from out of county and state asking what you doing?
– Went to. Understand there is an executive order, decided did not adopt it
– Yellow status: most state of emergency is because the area has gone beyond a support system. Utah County did a state of energy and the government gave 101 million in the bank acct.