Q: What is the idea of a perfect book?
– There is no such thing as a perfect book. Someone will not like your book. You need to finish it and it will be perfect enough. Some hold themselves back and need to see it is perfect enough/
– Some fear of inp0erfection is due to fear of criticism. Even the greatest book has errors or plot holes. There is no book that appeals to everyone’s period. Some say sections of the book are not accurate even after the research you’ve done. The sounds of a sword coming for a scabbard are from Hollywood.
– Seeing an imperfect of goods provides an excuse to not finish your book. You are going to learn from your mistakes as you can learn from your perfection.
– Your first draft is not your end story. You have to rewrite multiple ties. The first draft is the time you can get n ideas out.
Q: If you’re a self-professed perfectionist. Are there methods you do to reign in that tendency?
– RIMO (https://nanowrimo.org/) is a good tool because you have to write a book under a deadline. You don’t have time to fiddle around.
– If you spend time with a first chapter you’ll never get to chapter two. The solution is to move to the next project. Keep working for the next thing in your head and move on. That way you always have something else to look for.
– Took 15 yrs. to finish the first book. Rewrote it 7 times. Left that for another project that not perfect. Do you want to be an author or be perfect? Don’t want to be an eternal writer who wanted to be an author. For those who self-publish you can actually upload a modified version. Set a goal I want to finish. Wet publication dates.
– Once you’ve finished one project due to a deadline it can motivate for the next thing. The deadline prompts you to finish. Give yourself a firm deadline and tell others about it. In money is laid down that can motivate you.
– Some use a piece of tape over a key to show that you are not in editing mode just writing mode.
Deadlines and accountable
– Perfection takes the soul out of things. Readers are flawed we don’t want to read about perfect people. We want to read about people who they can relate to.
– Readers come into your story with baggage you can’t control. They experience your story as influenced by their life experiences. Want characters that are flawed and struggling. Have heroines who are insecure because it reflects the author’s experiences. Write the book you want to write about. Understand that your readers don’t come in with a clean slate. You can’t control your reader’s history.
– Give a mighty wizard who has an obsession with Binni babies. Embrace a character imperfection.
Q: How to handle plot changes?
– Maybe delete chapters 1 and 2 if not needed.
– As soon as you have something that will change the plot. Continue the future plot in the new direction. And then go back and fix the previous chapter. As a hybrid plotter: she will write notes about what needs to e foreshadowed in the next draft.
– When deleting something from a book and save it somewhere else. If you love your child you will discipline them and thus you need to discipline your own book. It makes your book better. Some will start at the good spot and then reverse engineer the previous chapters. Ask yourself what needs to lead up to this and that becomes the new beginning of the story. D
– Keep track of things you want to change in a separate document. Wait until you’ve written the whole book to determine what to keep and change.
– Let time pass before coming back to review the manuscripts with more lack of emotional attachment. Some will write a chapter and the next day’s revises that chapter and then write the next. And do those steps each day.
– The first draft is shoving sand in the box b before you can build a castle.
Q; how to give character plots?
– Maybe match them to a real person you know. Everyone has insecurity.
– Crime in a surveillance world:
– Any criminal who seriously wants something you have you can’t keep them out.
– Technologies can be compromised. TV fools us thinking they can be caught
– One crime can be lost amongst so many other crimes. We are lost in the numbers. The loss of cash
– Nuel networks: there are ways to fool work. It will give you back what you are asking for. Way to alter your face to be unrecognizable. Selling masks to fool facial ids. Clothes with led lights is washes out the section around the face
– The drone cameras can be used by criminals to watch the patterns of staff movements and plan their escape.
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