These notes might be from the same talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. i believe these are from a BofM conference.
– Project
– Did stats on LDS org. the most read: 2 Nephi 2, Moroni 7, 1 Nephi 1,Mosiah 2, alma 5’ 2nt Nephi 9 1 Nephi 17, Incomplete list.
– Single most important scriptures 2 Nephi 31, President Bensen.
– The author of Chicken of the soul said, Most powerful concept people buy in a book is transformation. They want to be informed.
– D&C 93:1 most just released Boo of Moron videos
– President Benson: Mormon and Moroni: they saw our day and chose those things which would be the greatest worth of us.
– What concepts are taught 3 times in the Book of Mormon? Becomes the
– First tri theme example
– 1. Getting the plates.
– 2. The tree of life 1 Nephi 1-8
– Nephi – 1 Nephi 11
– Angle 1 Nephi 15
– Q: any video game from God.
– God inspired him. Mortal probation is my game.
– You need a map in a video game > connected it to the tree of life.
– 3. The brass ball is referenced 3 times.
– 2 Nephi 11> mentions the 3 witnesses again
– Who saw Christ.
– 4. E major antichrists Sheren, Nehor, Korihor
– Other try them examples are Other: born again? Mighty prayer?
– Murmuring? Complaining?
– Persecution? Contention?
– Wickedness? Iniquity?
– Secret combinations?
– Writers of the BofM were forbidden to write more?
– Murder? Assassinations?
– Bondage? Wars?
– Limi fight 3 times
– Humble, mighty prayer
– Why does the story of Alma the younger have to be told 3 times? > Jack welch did a great analysis already done by jack welch.
– Mosiah 26: 1-24> why we are having a hard time as teenagers. 1. They had never heard king Moroni’s speech. 2 they stopped believing Christ 3> could not understand, their hearts were hardened
– The contention of brethren (not leaders but brothers as in members.)
– Members upon seeing the contentions between the origins of BofM people may ask: Why don’t the brethren set it straight about where the BoM occurred. Christ could tell us? 3 Nephi 11 28-29. Christ said no more disputation. Some things we should answer ourselves by the spirit.
– 3 rd Nephi 26:9-11 forbidden to write more of what will happen last days. Not tell to try their faith.
– Tyre theme: is people are fighting over the Hill Cumorah.
– Ron suggests that with things coming down the pipe that will require people who do not need to be told things. We need our own spirit of determination.