Coming up with ideas


These are notes from a webinar hosted by Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– As you live life, look around you and ask, “what if?”
– Carry a notebook and observe things around you.
– Relax and see what speaks to you.
– Write down ideas and see which are your favorite ideas.
– If you meet an interesting person/child write them down in your notebook
– If you hear interesting dialogs write it down
– If you find an interesting news article write it down. Document the source so you can reference it again.
– What do you remember about school or what observations about modern school
– If you see a piece of art or hear music how does it inspire you?
– White a list of the first time you did something that left an impact with you.
– Mix the above ideas and ask what if? There are no bad ideas at this point.
– Take your favorite idea and write a blurb about it.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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