These are notes from an online video town hall. Any misinformation is the fault o the note taker. This is a submission to caucus corner.
Was in the Marine Corps for 30 yrs. (?). I went to BYU 1979-82 and went back to the marine core.
Fist became involved with politics by hanging flyers on doors on behalf of the caucus system. Eventually became an appointed delegate now a member of the state central committee. I became part of the adjustments. Got to know the country commissioner. He got a master’s degree in public relationships.
– Q: What do you see are the largest issues facing the county and how address them?
– A: Want to see the greater teamwork. I don’t like the under headed talking about other commissioners. Don’t like the infighting. Want county to be fiscally responsible. We will have 19 million at the end of the yr. and plan to use $10 million and put money in reserves. Not using projected income wisely.
– Q: What would you use the extra 9 million for?
– A: Would not mind if we rollback so many taxes for homes and equipment. Push back by 30%
– Q: Opinion of revised Utah county government.
– A: The 3 commissioners serve with mayors and others in another capacity when discussing growth or infracture. 9 council members in 2018 were proposing a tax increase for the cities. When they were turned down they proposed that county increase taxes. One event was the council voted against a certain business contributions (I think SLC) council and people voted against it. But some of the council wanted it and the Mayer agreed and taxes increased. Don’t have a good answer about why there should be a 9 member council.
– Q: What are our thoughts on the signature rout for candidates rather than just the caucus system?
– A: He is not doing signatures. Prefer all candidates to go through the caucus system. Understand why the governor made it easier by electronic signatures.
– Q: What do you see the most pressure need?
– A: We need to tally commission to get along. Allow someone who disagrees with you to voice their opinion. Never criticize another without considerations of what that can do to you as a body. He has the experience to help to address conflict.
– Q: Whose policy do you agree with on the commission?
– A: Bill lee. He spent a lot of time-related to the bus system. He is the most conservative of the group in Tom’s opinion. Anything business can do for the community should be done by those private businesses rather than the federal government. When considering a tax increase need to consider other options.
– The county conference center, Bill promoted it, we pay 1.3 a yr. and will take 20 years to pay if off. We are getting involved in things that should be devoted to the public sector. Other areas could be cut.
– Q: More established communities often push their will over less established communities?
– A: tom had not thought of that. Some of the city councils are paid high salaries and don’t work full time.
– Q: What is your opinion of building a bridge across Utah Lake?
– A: First heard of it. I don’t like it. Prefer not to do it as it would interrupt the use of the lake. Have EPA do a fund to clean up the lake. I would rather keep it open.
– Q: What to introduce to the job.
– A: Supreme judge Roberts was criticized with how conflicted they are. Roberts said they go around and shake each other’s hands. Avoid criticizing one another. It can cause contentions in other departments.
– Q: Will tax decrease due to the virus?
– A: That is a possibility. GAs at under $2.00 is hurting our country. In Provo district wants to do a 4 million bond for a school. After the first quarter of every year, we should have a pretty good idea where we are in each department. We should do a town hall and express these are the issues.
– He does feel the virus things will be short term. There will be a ripple effect as we get back to work.
– Q: How would you address the tax increase?
– A: 67% increase some set to rainy fund other parts are for restricted funds. They don’t generally don’t use 3-5 milling that was slotted. There is $8-10 million may likely not be used. The increase should be about 30% instead. Talk to our county state delegation to have a round table meeting and talk about the use of travel and recreation funds. The tax for recreation is earmarked to promote tourism.
– 10 million is a tourism tax. It is used for state marketing. As a county two, Utah County is you can use the tax for tourism. Want to devote some of that money for sheriffs. We should part of that tax for country use and the sheriffs.
– The county sheriffs support certain towns that don’t have their own police force. Their responsibly is dedicated to crime, homelessness in the state parks. Reducing crime influenced tourism. They lost money in their department. I would like to fix the funding for sheriffs. Only one sheriff has been trained if the county faced a terrorist incident. I would like to use the funding to train more sheriffs training.
– Q: Last election you promoted minimal government?
– A: There are things we do as a country is not needed. SL county commission is bigger than Utah. And that is not because they have more residents. The government should not be large. When SL residents vote against tax increase parts of the government still arranged for the increasing count to the will of the people. We should focus our energies on only essentials, utility, fires, snow removal crime and security and other emergency services.
– The US constitution is like a picture. Put it in a frame. The declaration is the frame of that picture. City councils are your first level of representation. Counties should support the cities.
– Q: Few years we had a bad apple commissioner. If we have a few on the commission?
– A: There are no recalls for a commissioner. See what has been going on at Washington DC. It does not matter the size of the government, there are issues. With life’s challenges, we have a hard time we can’t stay on top of things. What we want is a government that is as lean as possible. Be as close to the people as possible. Did help promote the ideas of 5 commissioners but they would be part-time. IF we could just have the current three commissioners get along then we don’t need larger government.
– Believe we can have a strong and principled county government and focus energies on the basic needs and security of the people. We want to encourage businesses to come to Utah. Eagle Mountain brought Facebook. We can help the limit of the population by not being so centrally located.
– Q: There appear to be preferences for certain large businesses? What is the incentive for small businesses to come to Utah County?
– A: Since the Olympics we have worked to draw business to the state. Small business needs to go to a Mayor and say I can do this for your city. Tell the mayor to let me see your 10 yr. plan for the city and see how I can help. Small business needs to be a squeaky wheel.