source: https://www.articleskill.com/worldwide/baking-ta?utm_medium=taboola&utm_source=taboola&utm_campaign=ta-ak-baking-15-des-us-safe-msn-26129&utm_term=theblaze-newsletter
– The following are notes from the source.
– Heartburn: Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, can be a truly uncomfortable experience. It can be caused by many different things, from overeating to stress and even eating certain types of fruits. Well, we have a trick to help you combat it. Since baking soda is an acid stabilizer, just drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda.
– Cancer Treatments: You’ve probably heard about chemotherapy and know that it’s used for cancer treatments. Well, one way to help it work even better is with baking soda. Baking soda has the ability to make the environment for a tumor less acidic, in turn helping strengthen the chemotherapy treatments.
– Fluffy Omelet: If you aren’t really a fan of eating eggs, you might not think of them as a good way to maintain your energy for the day. However, adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to every three eggs you cook will make the omelet taste lighter and fluffier. The reason for this is that the baking soda produces bubbles of carbon dioxide in the eggs, giving them that fluffy taste.
– Cleaning Drains: No matter which room in the house you’re dealing with, clogged drains can seriously ruin your day. To fix this problem, use vinegar, baking soda, and boiling water. Mix the three together and pour down the drain. Within 10 minutes, the drain will be cleared.
– Garbage Disposal Odors: When something that smells bad gets thrown into the garbage disposal, baking soda can save the day. Run hot water down the drain for a minute, pour a quarter of a cup of baking soda into the drain, and turn the disposal on for a few seconds. Then, wait 10 minutes and then pour one cup of vinegar down the drain. You should see bubbles, which means you can rinse it again with hot water. This will get rid of that bad smell.
– Whiten Your Teeth: We all love drinking some coffee or tea, but drinking these things too often will stain your teeth. If you don’t want to give up these delicious drinks but aren’t interested in spending a lot of money on professional teeth whitening, then we have a solution for you. Put a quarter teaspoon of baking soda onto your toothbrush mixed with water and brush away.
– Sore Throat: If you’re one who gets a sore throat often during the winter or even strep throat, this hack is for you. Taking too many antibiotics can start harming your body after a while. To help ease the symptoms, try gargling a mix of warm water and baking soda.
– Whiten Yellow Nails: Some people tend to leave their nail polish for too long, which can eventually turn them a yellow shade. To get rid of these stains, mix baking soda and a small amount of peroxide. Scrub the mixture onto your nails and soon they’ll look as good as new!
– Lighten Dark Underarms: One annoying thing that some people have to struggle with is having dark underarms, which can make them uncomfortable wearing tank tops. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem. Mix some baking soda with water in a bowl until you get a paste. Massage the area with the past for one minute and then leave it to sit for up to 30 minutes. You can repeat this process 2-3 times a week for best results.
– Chronic Kidney Disease; Over time, chronic kidney disease causes more and more severe consequences to the kidneys. What the kidneys do is remove excess water and blood from the body, so it’s very important to keep them healthy and functioning well. If you have this problem, try consuming some baking soda. You can take it as a supplement. It’s been suggested that it helps slow the disease’s progression.
– Kill Weeds: Finding a whole bunch of weeds all over the yard is truly an annoying this. Using harsh chemicals isn’t a good option both because of the high price and the unhealthy effects. What you can do is sprinkle some baking soda on the weeds. After a few days, you should be able to see a big improvement.
– Clean The Microwave: Grab a clean sponge and sprinkle it with some baking soda and warm water. Scrub the inside and outside of the microwave with it and wipe it off with a damp cloth. This should clean the microwave thoroughly, leaving it as good as new!
– Melt Ice On Driveway: If you live somewhere that has cold and icy winters, you must know the side effects of waking up with an ice-covered walkway or driveway. Well, if you find yourself out of road salt, try sprinkling some baking soda all over the ice. It might not be as strong as road salt, but it will help all the same.
– Cure Dandruff: Dandruff can be a real pain to get rid of. If you find that nothing is working, we have something new for you to try, and you probably guessed it by now. Try replacing your shampoo with a handful of baking soda in the shower for a week or two. You should notice a huge improvement in the way your scalp looks.
– Clean Your Hairbrush: After using it for some time, it’s normal for your hairbrush to start looking old and worn out. If you want to get it back to its old glory, soak it in a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of warm water. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Just make sure it dried completely before using it again.
– Make Your Grill Sparkle: Everyone knows that on a summer night, a barbecue is an essential for dinner with friends or family. If you live somewhere you can’t grill during the winter months, your grill might need a little pick-me-up before you start using it again. Use some baking soda on a damp brush, scrub the grate, and then rinse it all off.