I got access to some videos from Writers of the Future and these are notes from Jerry’s advice.
Writers need to write. They need to put their tail in the seat and fingers on the keyboard. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– You need to finish what you write and send it to someone. You need to send it to someone who will pay you for it.
– Rewrite it when someone (who buys it) needs it.
– If it does not sell, write a new book.
– Write about subjects you know. don’t try to write about things you don’t know about.
– Don’t spend your time on old texts. Write a new story.
– If you finish what you write and send it out at some point you’ll learn to write.
– It takes about half to a million words to learn writing. That amount of writing teaches you to write. Until you get to that point you have a chance.
– Heinlein advised him if you’re going to choose grammar and style write regular high style grammar. Learn grammar and spelling. Follow all the rules. Only when you know the rules can you begin to experiment.