I don’t recall if this is from the LTUE writer’s symposium or from a storytelling conference. Any Misinformation is the fault of the note taker. Julie Newman is the presenter.
– Discuss how these work in my life. The ideas of the stories we tell ourselves and how they connect to the archival stories.
– Honono pnoo: Hawaii is the Hawaiian idea of taking responsibility to take responsibility for self and for others.
– Jorden Peterson: tells archival stories. Check out on YouTuber. Tell stories and how they work with the human story.
– Jewish proverb: a good story is truer than life.
– What is myth: is a story that is believed whether it is true or not. It is true because it I believed.
– A story you tell yourself: often negative stories we told ourselves. Could still story we our potential successes. Can tell yourself positive stories. Sometimes we make comparisons with others.
– The stories we tell are influenced by our cultures
– The culture we live in shape by the stories we tell.
– How do we position ourselves in our story? Are we the hero in our story or are we the victim?
– Think of yourself as a story; what colors are in it. Is it heavy if you take off the coat what would you put on instead?
– When you tell your negative things it can suck out the joy of life.
– You interpretations of events are like a myth. You can feed the myth in a good way or bad way.
– Your myth controls you more than you realize.
– As storytellers, we can shape anything we want. Some will tell their stories with a different ending.
– Hero and warrior are good ideas.
– Do you disempower other people so you can be a hero?
– Think of every time you feel judged by someone. Think about how you think they are judging you. And you are judging yourself.
– When doing storytelling we get nervous about telling our own stories.
– It’s amazing what happens when hard things happen in your life. How those challenges are interpreted by how we feel about ourselves.
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