Here are some notes from a church meeting. Any inaccuracies is the fault of the note taker.
– Elder belong: come from the word radiance
– Brilliance and sense of direction
– Darkness cannot override even the smallest light
– it’s more than your conscience. When you have the desire to help someone that is the light of Christ.
– When you want to do good, it is the light of Christ.
– Light prompts us to do and be good
– As you follow prompting the light will grow within you
– If you disobey your light will fade
– D&C 50:54? He that receiveth light…
– Spirit of Christ
– Moroni7:16: the light of Christ is going to all man
– Light of Christ we all have
– Helps us decide what is wrong and wrong similar to conscience, enlightenment, lightening
– In the parable of the 10 virgins, the light can be compared to the light the Christ
– Let your light so shine
– Ephesian 6:13 put on the whole armor of God.
– The war in Heaven did not end it just extended to Earth.
– Some will read the script uses just to have peace.
– Like a bike light generator when you peddle to get light. Reading the scriptures and light our lives.
– Light of Christ and help with your life with the savior
– We are all called to serve. We can all share the light of Christ
– We are here to be tied and to be tested.
– Christ did not suffer just our sins but felt every moment of sorrow and pain associated with sin.
– You are making progress keep going. God sees all your progress. Your work is not in vain.
– Speaker said: when I was severely tested> my relationship with Christ increased
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