The Beginning Middle-grade Novels


These are notes I took from a wonderful writing symposium called Life, the Universe, and Everything. We have a lot of talented people in Utah and visitors with a great deal of knowledge. Any Misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Middle grade> finding their place in (family) their world. YA is finding out who you are.
– Check out the book, boy. About a kid who has a lot around him. The man bought him and the man is stealing real religious artifacts. Boy needs to do what he has to do.
– The middle grade faced something that is hard. What is the right thing to do?
– Want to read books about people the child wanted to be.
– Some like character stories. Kids are learning to combat hard emotions.
– Who is your target audience: go beyond age such as the type of kid or interests. When you view a target audience> some books will also have a target audience would be librarians.
– Once you sell> pay attention to what the fans want the book to be.
– Some write books that they want to read, the horses don’t get killed.
– There is a shortage between chapter books to teen. There is not a lot of in between these two ages of books.
– The first audience should be you.
– Write for a group of kids who want to do things that are bold, but they’re too good to do it.
– Middle-Grade books are about actions that the kids would want to do. Book: searching for superheroes. Kidd tries to become a superhero by exposing with bad spider and other things superheroes became heroes.
– Middle Grade will accept they want to happen or imaging but not beyond like a moral issue of needing to kill someone.
– Melva’s book title: it seemed like a good idea at the time.
– A child Thief using a wad of chewing gum on a string to get things.
– Age reader wants to read up. 9 yrs. told will read up to 11 yr. old. Want to be cooler than you.
– Don’t have too powerful of a character. You don’t want someone who can do everything, has a bunch of powers and is a genius. He needs to have a flaw. Like a can fly but scared and throw up because they are scared of heights.
– Keep in a kids imagination suitable for their age group. They are not thinking of death but grounding or getting caught. Breaking a leg.
– In middle grade, one of the big places to be is in the library> how to make exciting and still pass the librarian check.
– Different publishers have their own taste. Other publishers are grittier.
– Was told by adhering scholastic book orders. They have very restriction
– Books can be dark as long as they win in the end.
– Violence on monsters is fine; but not a person on person. Fantasy violence is acceptable.
– Things that make an MG grey area (YA kill each other in Hunger Games) mg kill monsters. Or family.
– YA: speak imprint does YA of stronger themes.
– How balances: Want to be a responsible writer without being preachy?
– Have characters honestly trying to be good people.
– Apply consequences. The consequences should happen

Want any suggestions to add to the list? Please do so in the comment section of this blog.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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