This Saturday, state delegates are choosing the leadership of the state Republican party. Here are some notes I took at a meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
This is a submission to my caucus corner occasional blog.
Derek brown, chadwick fairbankds, sylvia miera fisk, phill right
Vice Chair:
Kera Birkkeland, Lane Ronnow, Aaron Starksk
Kendra Seeley, Lisa Shephard.
Video: https://www.facebook.com/andrewakacobra/posts/10158317050803056
Q: lance vice chair: Washington
Aaron Starks: 12 yrs. involved. Worked in Washington DC. Currently works for Franklin Covey. The party needs a fresh perspective.
Kera Birland: running for VP chair. Preschool teacher. Has been a referee for basketball. Member of the SCC, delegate.
Phil right: 20 yrs. in the party, Davis CT chair, value caucus system, promote the Republican platform.
Sylvia manfesk: not afraid of hard work. Had 11 kids. we can work through conflict.
Chadwick bearbanks: military intelligence was state party chair. Republicans need to pump out national leaders. Involved with the party for 27 yrs. has attended all meetings,
Q: article 5 stance: all are against it.
Q: CO. and NV both have caucus systems, UT is different type.How to avoid turning blue like other states.
Candidates go to delegates to deliver fliers and promote the Republican candidates.
There is nothing like Utah. It is truly grassroots.
Phil: electronic clock in. web portal for every precinct. Make caucus elections on a Sat.
Lance: communicate with delegates,
Caucus can be a chance for the citizens to discuss the issues. Our identity comes from our platform. People leaving membership.
Q: how will you unite the party? How will you expand voter numbers? 3 how to expand the donor base.
Phil: promote the platform. Focus what we have in common. If we don’t ask we don’t get.
Sylvia: we value the worth of individuals. Seeing values in others starts by example.
Military: chairman is the figurehead. Create a mission and lead by example. Need to have safety in disagreement. Need trust. Make the party hip and cool to attract the younger voter.
Lisa: donate 1 dollar to state and 1 county. Money needs to come from the party support candidates. Give a reason for people to be a Republican. Had slogans that illustrated our principals. Discuss issues in precinct meetings.
Lance: need better communication.
Chair and vice chair should have a strategy meeting with SCC. No one wants to be with a party who fights and is disorganized. Let donors choose how their donations will be used.
Basketball: VP chair: need to stand on principles. We had our first Hispanic town hall. Need to continue outreach programs.
Have something to add, please do so in the comment section of the blog or contact me directly before the state convention this Saturday.