A moment of truth


These are notes from a Toastmaster’s meeting. How can we excel to grow as a club? Six things behind a successful club

1. First Impression
New Member Orientation
Fellowship and Variety
Program Planning and Meeting Organization
Charter Strength

2. First Impression
Greet guest at the door introduce to members
Give nametag, guestbook
Set up a Professional room
Good Location & Directions
Have guests participate Comment at the end
Invite to join the club on the first visit.

3. New Member Orientation
Induct members formally provide manuals
Assign a mentor
Discuss Pathways education program helps communication and leadership
Survey learning needs.
Assign speak roll soon
Encourage new member participation

3. Fellowship and Variety
Members make visitors welcome
VP education plans dynamic meetings
Have the club enjoys regular social events
Be involved area, district, and national events
Encourage inter-club events.
Have a Club newsletter and webpage

4. Program Planning and Meeting Organization
Publicize program and agenda in advance.
Let members know their responsibilities each meeting
All speaking or leadership from manuals or pathways
Begin and close meeting on time
Feature exciting table topics & exciting theme meetings
Base positive evaluations on Members goals

5. Membership Charter Strength
Maintain 20 or more members
Work to retain members
Actively promote your club in the community or sponsoring program
Continually plan varied and exciting club meetings
Recognize Toastmasters who sponsor new members
Participate in membership building programs

6. Achievement Recognition
Send award applications ASAP.
Maintain and post member progress reports at every meeting
Formally recognize member achievements, recognize club, district and international leaders
Publicize member and club achievements
Use the distinguished club program for planning and recognition

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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