Here are my notes from Utah Senator Mike Lee’s town hall. The misspellings and misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
This is a submission to my caucus corner occasional blog.
– Q: There are 5 of 7 areas get most of the government-funded during a shutdown. (I did not hear the complete question as I was included late in this question)
Solution: bring a spending bill before both groups of government months early. We should be able to debate different parts of the bill. Some members have priorities that conflict. Should have a stop gap (automatic spending provision) keeps government funded. And ratchet down spending. In increments. of 1%.
– Q: Why did you vote no to both spending bills last week.
One was presented by minority miller Schumer. It did nothing to address the crisis on the border. Nothing to fix immigration. Would not get any chance of 60% support.
McConnell version: reported to address the border crisis and extended DECA beneficiaries. Did not solve problems. asylum laws are creating a magnet of waves of migrations. The wall will not fix our asylum laws. The Flores ruling was created to make it possible to create incentives to bring children with them. In 20 days they have to be released by 20 days. The bill would have maintained bad incentives. We don’t want women and children targeted.
– Q: why does the national debt not matter anymore? Spend 300 billion a year of interest on our national debt. Could be a trillion a yr. once the interest goes back to a normal rate.
– Why is Cornel Bar over the department of justice? confirmation delayed? Democrat had the power to delay by a week. Talked to him about first amendment rights and due process. Also discussed antitrust issues. He has a proven track record.
– When will you stand up against Trump? Mike says he has disagreed with him in different ways. For example, voted against a measure on a spending bill he was supporting. Said he would not support it as it would still make women and children misuse and being used as human shields. Has objected to trump in trade wars and increased tariffs. The smooth holly act about a hundred years ago caused a world depression. Also voted for rolling back the president’s authority. today had a media conference with other senators request to have the US get out of a war in Yemen?
I’ve agreed with the presidents with cutting out federal regulations. Also agreed with a lot of elections of federal judges. Respect the presidents wants to defend our borders.
– The price of insulin was 3K now 5K: I believe in a free market. As chairman in antitrust plan to look into it and look into other areas of pharmacy issues. The absence of completion the quality goes up and the price goes down. The create acts would promote completion and decrease prices.
– Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and others being seen as doing treason. Treasons is a defined crime when given aid to enemies of the United States.
– Q: what of Muller’s report: Mike feels the report will happen soon.
– One caller has his travel restricted with no passport or driver’s license. Mike: you have a right to the freedom of travel: contact our office. Section Under the 14th amendment and the first amendment and subject of the
– Is Justice Ginsburg doing ok? She has setbacks with health, l have not heard anything.
– What can we do to strengthen the southern border? There are a lot of people who are harmed through immigration through a long and dangerous journey. Our asylum laws encourage them to do that. Anyone knowns to be a family have to be released in 20 days. It encourages adults to bring children their own or someone else’s.
Border agents are seeing the same children multiple times.
Encouraged that we stay in Mexico policy: those seeking asylum working with Mexico to have them wait in Mexico to wait for an answer. Mexico has agreed. The problem with stay in Mexico is still kicking in. It is only in effect only one section of the border. He Referenced Utah 15 years ago of an officer taking lab equipment from the evidence and reselling drug equipment to labs. We also need to change asylum laws by requiring applications to apply for asylum outside of the United States. If they cross unlawful the order they can’t apply.
– Why not impeach trump: house of rep has the power to impeach it must be based on a high crime or a misamer. Just because we may disagree with a president on a policy does not mean he is subject. Was surprised by how one party treated the President by not having him give a National address. That was not done to President Obama.
– Why not have trump pay for the wall as he is a billionaire. Trump is a wealthy man but may not necessarily be a billionaire. A private citizen should not be expected to pay.
– Building a revenue stream to pay off the national debt through oil and natural gas. Not nearly enough to offset the national debt. The challenges o debt is we don’t have a reasonable means to agree on a budget and to not spend more then what we take in. We should develop more of our natural resources for our energy dependence. Focus on that on that committee.
– What do you hope to hear from the national address: how to avoid future shutdowns, how to address natural security. How to address the increased debt. How to detour more illegal crossing. Hope he will discuss trade. Hope we can have more free trade.
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